0I have a imagination. I want to create an English oral group on qq. I hope you guys can help me.
0is there such group, and will you invite me in?
3真的真的真的想找一个能和我用英语打字聊天的女孩子 我是纯属爱好 你可以提升你的英语能力 双方互利,何乐不为呢#英语聊天# #英语chat#
2I found some of you are looking a partner to chat in English.but we don't know about each others, it's a little hard to find a person who match you to communicate.so why couldn't we chat in here at first.finally, I have an interview on Saturday,wish I can pass it.
0I am a woker now , i want to improve my english , are there some english groups can let me in . my wachat number is c365402656 .
3if you just need a partner to practice English with, I am sure I am a good candidate, coz I have French, Indonesian, American friends,who I
1你好,这是我新建的英语知识分享和聊天的企鹅群,群号是953877160,目前还没什么人,但我希望随着时间的推移和你们的介绍转推,加入的人会越来越多,In this channel, you can post up questions that stay doubtful in your mind, waiting for heartful and mindful group members to put out their opinions. Or,simply,talk about anything you like,within acceptable threshold, in English, that's best🙂
16有长期英语聊天的么,或者英语聊天群 我建一个也行,但是谁先加我下
58Hello,I'm looking for someone who can chat with me in English.we can talk about daily life,study or anything else. I can be your friend who
1我来分享一下在阿卡索英语怎么样,这一段时间学英语自己的看法。 个人觉得阿卡索英语课程学习效果还不错,而且学费价格不贵,以我经历和到阿卡索英语真实评价来讲:他们家上课主要是外教老师真人在线一对一教学。如果你是刚刚接触英语的可以择中外教课程,先中教,后外教,让自己有一个适应的过度期;如果是有一点英语基础的,可以选择纯外教课,通过视频对话,老师先是测试了我的英语水平后给我定制了专属于我的课程,我主要是想提
2hey~I am here to find a guy who likes english so that we can practise english in daily life. hope you are lived in Guangzhou and passed the cet-4 or 6.i think the same english level can be better chat with. at last. hope you are a boy because I am a girl. hahaha looking forward to your reply.
0经核实吧主ErickParker 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 英语聊天吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
13找个一起英语聊天的好友,能接受偶尔语音,98年左右 大学生
1以前加过英语聊天的qq群 但平时只上微信不怎么上qq 有没有英语聊天的微信群
1Do you have any good men and women?
2In fact, at first I refused to shoot that legendary game ads, and later I tried to play oh, the explosion rate is really high, that violence is crazy.
0Piggy Paige is an idiot.
0I expect someone to chat with WeChat and improve my English.If you like My Wechat wuguanghao234
2I wanna sharing my story to here , those who are really love English , once a upon a time ,(lolllll) I still remember in times of 2014, i was also yearning to go to other countries .Then,I decided to go abroad for get bachelor degree, but I was a green hand (Rookie)of English ,iv worried about st, (Finance, Language, so on ...). I met lots people in KL, also in there I knew my (BFF), we still keeping in touch sometimes, iv also caught my first love in there , anyhow I learnt lots from there . What if u guys wanna be my friends , (QQ:1124027936)I’m Augi , 24 , live in SH , just back half ye
12I want improve my english skill. If you want chat with me you can add my wechat: weixin-taidy. I'm now working at guangzhou.