0啊啊啊 谁有这个完整版啊😭😭
00等待了三年,《FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE ULTIMANIA Plus》英文版终于发布了,有提前收到U本的海外粉丝摘出了FF7R1克劳德蒂法决心事件的场景描述,验证了三年前吧友分析克劳德作为16岁心智少年与心怡女生蒂法亲密接触所产生的青春悸动(性紧张)。 2024年英文版:CLOUD goes to wrap his arms around TIFA. After hesitating slightly, he embraces her fully. Putting aside any feelings for TIFA, he is pleased at being the "cool guy who can save TIFA." The person lying deep inside who he always wanted to be. Maybe th0000034015106013332208437She hesitated, then blurted out, "Promise you'll come and save me.” For a brief moment, time stood still on the water tower. She hadn't come intending to say something like that. It just popped into mind. But once the promise was sealed, it seemed to her a thing of singular importance. She'd discovered that Cloud——the quiet neighbor who had always seemed as unreachable as the stars——was just a normal boy like any other. She'd come to understand that she did like him. And it was that special kind of "like”——the one that ties up your heart, making you yearn to be with3215000032060Square Enix在10月14日的纽约动漫展上为粉丝带来《最终幻想7:重生》专题访谈,蒂法英语配音演员Britt Baron在就主持人“录制过程中的趣闻”及“最喜欢蒂法哪些方面”的提问中,两次提到蒂法与克劳德的亲密时刻: 1、在许多亲密时刻中,蒂法总是以轻柔的语气说话。 "Tifa talks so quietly in a lot of those intimate moments." 2、Britt享受演绎游戏中蒂法与克劳德之间极为亲密的情感时刻。 "It’s really the role of a lifetime, because I get to play these really intimate em