21611@死神达斯特斯 麻烦传上去26首先,百度惊声尖叫吧欢迎大家的到来,希望大家能在此先看下吧规,了解下吧里的氛围再发贴子,谢谢支持,以下为吧规详细内容: 【本吧发贴建议以及违禁话题】 本吧是以经典惊悚戏虐片《惊声尖叫》系列电影作品以及其作品中的人物为主题的贴吧,因为《惊声尖叫》涉及和讽刺的其他电影内容内容很多,所以现在吧里的话题完全可以涉及魔幻动作、诙谐搞笑、影视新闻、明星动态、角色进展等话题。因为每个人都有自己喜欢的作品和人物,所15Emma Roberts talking about Jill and Kirby's Appearances in "Scream 5" 艾玛·罗伯茨指出吉尔和科比有望回归《惊声尖叫5》 I can’t say I really follow all the Scream 4 conspiracy theories out there. You know, “We didn’t see Kirby die!” “Jill is alive, she was only shot in the chest once!”Even the media still ask****a Roberts and Hayden Panettiere if their characters are coming back. But perhaps some of those theorists could be vindicated in one case. Jill and Kirby looks most likely alive in the final shot.On the other hand, they would be the resurrection least li