94.24 最亲爱的生日快乐
18In a book- in a box- in the closet 一起看过的书 一起搬过的盒子 一起用过的衣柜 In a line- in a song I once heard 想起你在电话里为我唱的歌 In a moment on a front porch late one june 想起夏日与你在门廊共度的时刻 In a breath inside a whisper beneath the mooon 想起月光下你在我耳边的鼻息 There it was at the tip of my fingers 往昔仿佛触手可及 There it was on the tip of my tounge 唇边还残留着你的温存 There you were and I had never been that far 有你的陪伴
620难过吗伤心吗愧疚吗自责吗 怪谁呢 怪自己呗 谁让你不听谁让你说话谁让你玩手机 活该了吧犯贱了吧