38前情提要:基本属实,王尔德与波西黑历史,如果觉得三观接受不了请不要往下拉!如果看完成了罗比粉不要怪我! 但是,我最终仍然得出两人是一生挚爱的结论,他们两个是双重人格!(类似精神分裂,但属于正常人的范畴) 最近,我经常研究王尔德的书信集,然后越看越觉得不太对,看到王尔德1900年几月写给罗比的信其中有一句“你有没有发现我又重新爱上了你?”当时我觉得他是一个渣男,根本不爱波西。 于是我查了很多资料试图证明什么,结果
104前几天看了电影《王尔德的情人》被裘花迷住然后去查查他们的生平发现好喜欢王尔德啊 ,看到说罗比在1950合葬在王尔德墓中觉得这是违背王尔德意愿的 ,到底是谁决定的啊?有权利不经过王尔德本人同意就这样?昨天在网上找到了王尔德写给他们俩的信,对比就知道王尔德是对波西是真爱了,而罗比更像他的合伙人或管家之类的普通朋友
60如题,集训期间来一发... 搬的是汪剑钊老师的修订版译文,修定方面的延伸和衍生以后会放在原来的奥斯卡相关集合帖子里,全部手码,每天或两天一首,顺便背单词。
109I reread the book, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Reading the original edition is complete an enjoyment. And this is my book review. First, Dorian Gray, the central figure of the novel, is certainly a visible personification of wonderful and incomparable beauty. Wilde gave most of his genius and love to this charming young man. When Lord Henry first saw the portrait of Dorian Gray, he described Dorian as “He is some brainless beautiful creature who should always be here in winter when we have no flowers to look at, and always here in summer when we want something to chill our intelligence.”Fr
121881年平安夜的这一天,王尔德乘船赴美开启了自己长达一年的演讲之旅,其主题围绕“美丽建筑”和“装饰艺术”展开。他可能,也可能没有对乘客说,“喧闹的海洋没有咆哮”,或者对报关经纪人说,“除了我的天才,没什么要申报。”但船长明确表示后悔没有把王尔德绑到迎风面的船首斜桅杆上。 成千上万的美国人蜂拥而至只为一睹王尔德的风采。许多人谨记王尔德的宣言使命,“让这场艺术运动成为新文明的基石”,直接导致后来美国工艺协
11CLASSIC LITERATURE TURNED INTO COMIC BOOKS[古典文学变成漫画书] If we'd had these at school, we'd have studied a lot harder. These superb Classical Comics take legendary novels and plays and convert them into comic books; either using original or simplified texts. While Shakespearean language can often take a little decoding, these books help the reader visualise exactly what's going on. In addition, they're fantastic to look at. 即使学校里一直都有这些书,我们学习的时候都还是有很多困难。 现在,这些卓越的的经典漫画以极其著名的小说和剧
22有网站贴出了王尔德最著名的20句语录,原文照录如下: 20 PIECES OF WISDOM FROM OSCAR WILDE In 100 years time, how many people will still be quoting you? Okay so, we didn*t mean to make you feel inadequate but chances are, the number will be smaller than one. A hearty round of applause then for Oscar Wilde whose death in 1900 hasn*t prevented his wonderful words from living along and fruitful life. We*ve gathered together his 20 greatest pieces of wisdom right here. Let us know if we*ve missed off your favourite. “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the
100先把原文贴上,有空再翻译,也欢迎有兴趣的同学帮忙。 Top 10 Reasons to Love Oscar Wilde http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-reasons-love-oscar-wilde.php
0二十年前我起过翻译英国诗人奥斯加·王尔德(1854—1900)的童话(或译仙话)的念头。可是我始终不敢动笔。他那美丽完整的文体,尤其是他那富于音乐性的调子,我无法忠实地传达出来。他有着丰丽的辞藻,而我自己用的字汇却是多么贫弱。 可是到了一九四二年不知为了什么缘故,我却开始做起这种我不能胜任的工作来。时间是三月中旬,地点是广西省的河池。我想大约是我在旅途中只带了一本王尔德的童话集,在等候客车的长日里,觉
93咱是新人啦,虽然是才来吧里,但是看王尔德的书还是比较早的w 这个剧本是自己改的,学校的音乐剧要表演,然后我就…改了 个人水平有限,求喷子不喷 演员水平有限,括号会比较多 然后因为要求演员多一点,所以私自加了角色,加了场景 夜莺与玫瑰,在我看来还是偏悲情的东西,所以稍微改了点主题吧……… 总之就是这样了,各位,求指教了w
434因为twitter上的一个关注,打算从今天开始,每天转发一句出自王尔德原著的句子,并以自己的理解翻译出来。 今天的第一句是: To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. 爱恋自己是浪漫一生的起点。
17我不得不把你的生活写出来给你,而你非得领悟它不可 [英国]奥斯卡·王尔德/著 朱纯深/译
36Roses and Rue by Oscar Wilde Could we dig up this long-buried treasure, Were it worth the pleasure, We never could learn love's song, We are parted too long Could the passionate past that is fled Call back its dead, Could we live it all over again, Were it worth the pain! I remember we used to meet By an ivied seat, And you warbled each pretty word With the air of a bird; And your voice had a quaver in it, Just like a linnet, And shook, as the blackbird's throat With its last big note; And your eyes, they were green and grey Like an April day, But lit into amethyst When I stooped and kissed; A
50The Ballad of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde He did not wear his scarlet coat, For blood and wine are red, And blood and wine were on his hands When they found him with the dead, The poor dead woman whom he loved, And murdered in her bed. He walked amongst the Trial Men In a suit of shabby grey; A cricket cap was on his head, And his step seemed light and gay; But I never saw a man who looked So wistfully at the day. I never saw a man who looked With such a wistful eye Upon that little tent of blue Which prisoners call the sky, And at every drifting cloud that went With sails of silver by. I walk