238Lisa Ray to act in a Kashmir-based love story Besides her comeback film, we hear Lisa Ray has also given the nod to a modern love story set in Kashmir, co-starring Sanjay Suri. Although the film*s ongoing recce has been delayed because of the recent floods in the Valley, it is scheduled to be shot there in the spring of 2015. When contacted, Sanjay confirmed the development, adding, "Lisa has liked the script and other details are being worked out."
28下载链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdh2P83 传说中多了几分钟的版本。但事实是,并没有多爱爱戏,也没有不同的情节。只是多一些镜头。 有对比爱好者麻烦整理一下…… 这算小长假的福利么……
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3181111有一句话叫:人生要有一场说走就走的旅行。 于是我说走就走了。 时值家中变故,事业瓶颈,不过我佩服自己的勇气……毕竟在语言基本不通的前提下,自己一人独行加拿大开了上千公里,也算是人生一个小壮举。虽然对很多人这不算什么。 言归正传。答应吧里的人,写一下观后感上一下图片。鉴于一直奔波,身体状况也不算好。只能想到哪写到哪。大家凑合看。图是一定一张不少的上来的。42211541Lisa Ray & Sheetal Sheth戏外戏中半YY半推测整理篇 在此声明,我认为任何的YY都是构筑在一个基础下而不是凭空的,在原先看到的电影画面,两人的互动、眼神,再扩大到现实推测、补完。 以下的部份将YDY讨论帖的言论稍做整理加上自己发现的小地方,无法接受者请速速离去。 并不是说刻意的要去把戏中关系给带到现实中,而是透过非常可疑且让人有想像空间的几点去做延伸。(当然喜爱她们还是最大的因素) 如果不是两人留下了这些小地方,也不会4753018在lisa官网上贴出来的news,时光上有人翻译了,拿来和大家分享,一起支持lisa! https://pmhf3.akaraisin.com/Common/Participant/Sponsor.aspx?seid When I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in the summer of 2009 I knew my life would change forever. Nobody told me but I knew: my worst days were ahead- and my best days. You can’t control life. You can’t control a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma. But you can control your reactions. Today, post a stem cell transplant and treatment at Princess Margaret Hospital I am back to work and travel, I'm getting married to my soulma1015我好想念Lisa姐啊 Lisa Ray替Weddingbells 拍摄照片的幕后花絮 Lisa Ray的癌症复原之路 加拿大最美的女性之一,Lisa Ray 遇见Lisa Ray-TORO Magazine拍摄花絮7202693316Lisa Ray, Host of Top Chef Canada Canadian Lisa Ray is a well known actress, model, host, activist and cancer graduate who was raised in Toronto by an Indian father and Polish mother. It is her love of food and exposure to cuisine all over the world that brought her to her exciting role as host of Top Chef Canada. Lisa has starred in Bollywood Hollywood and Oscar nominated Water, as well as more than 27 other film and television titles. Lisa Ray in her home kitchen, in Toronto. Custom island by Hardware, with custom marble top by Caledonia Marble, both in Toronto. Custom island by Hardware, wi221612贴吧里面很多我都重新更改了 如果大家对我们贴吧有一份爱心 对Lisa有一份爱的话 希望大家都尽绵薄之力 让贴吧强大起来.