关注: 32 贴子: 4,657

  • 目录:
  • 中小学
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    add (-er: ) 1.work worker 工人 2. announce announcer 广播员 3. manage manager 经理 4. run runner 跑步者 5.win winner 赢家 6. design designer 设计者 7. passage passenger 乘客 8.massage messenger 信使 9.paint painter 画家 10.organize organizer 组织者 11.own owner 拥有者 12. pioneer 先锋 13.publish publisher 出版者 14. report reporter 记者 15. soldier 士兵 16. speak speaker 演讲者 17. write writer 作者 18 receive receiver 接待者, 接收器 19. office officer 官员 20. wait waiter waitress ( 女) 侍者 21 teach teacher 教
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    2月22日班级日志查询: 备忘录:29 英语抄写本:齐 英语家默本:27 《品读》:32,41 物理课同学们精神不是非常好,有同学趴在桌子上。 历史课有同学迟到,希望各位能够准时,还有人上课换座位。 眼保健操27不认真。 数学作业有些同学没有完成完整,29讲话,被点名。 语文课有很多同学讲话,上课纪律很不好,尤其是39和42,43左右转脑袋,回头,27上课讲话严重被葛老师点名罚站。 中午劳动比较积极,但还饭的同学有两个偏晚。 中午物
    Aiskrim 7-18
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    Learning English is very important.We can learn English by reading books.It is very useful that learning by reading.There are many English boiks that we can read to learn English.We can read oxford English and many English books.Also we need to speak English.So reading for learning is very important
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    我的同学很奇怪,为什么这么大了,还喜欢奥特曼? 家人更是对此嗤之以鼻--认为那是小孩子的玩意儿。 照这个逻辑,美影厂、迪斯尼、梦工厂里工作的都应该是小孩子,而不是成人。因为他们做的也都是些小孩子的玩意儿。 我喜欢奥特曼也不是一年两年了,从92年初代开始在东视播出时,我就是他忠实的观众。整个初中时代就是在奥特曼的陪伴下度过的。打开我的163相册,奥特曼的图片占了半壁江山。 问我为什么喜欢,原因一时也道不尽
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    关于奥特曼,想说得太多太多了,每一次去面对奥特曼,我总是要怀着一种特殊复杂的心情,但是又有着发自内心的快乐。看奥特曼时,思考的,不仅仅是片中所要表达的东西和人物之间发生的事情,还在反复地思考着人们为什么要刻薄地贬低奥特曼,还要苦苦思索着旁人的看法,这究竟是为什么? 我喜欢奥特曼,自从我第一次从一个正面的角度去接触奥特曼时,我就被深深地吸引住了,后来的一次次了解使我渐渐甩开了原来认为奥特曼幼稚无聊的
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    亲爱的同学们: 好久不来没和大家联系了. 大家是否还好? 我知道你们有的已经大学毕业,正在忙于找工作. 有的正在准备高考, 还有一些正在高一努力奋斗着. 无论你现在在哪里, 在干什么, 王老师都期待着你们的好消息, 都祝你们学业有成. 虎年就要到了. 希望大家虎虎生威, 生龙活虎! 同时代我向你们的父母问候新年好:) 同学们以后想找我的话可以去     百度贴吧 王韶老师   找我:)
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    章鱼姐 8-29
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    In my opinion ,friends are important to us.I have many friends and they are all very warm-hearted. Sometimes, we discuss problems together,sometimes we play together after school. Of course sometimes me don't agree with each other, and then we talk about the questions patiently instead of arguing . I will try my best to keep friendship with my friend as long as possible,for friends are the people who can share your happiness and sadness, who listen to you carefully and give you some useful advice. This is my view on friends.
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    MAX女队员瑞希(长谷部瞳)个人资料 ◇◆长谷部 瞳のプロフィール◆◇ ≪所属≫スターダストプロモーション ≪生年月日≫1985年4月27日生まれ ≪ 血液型 ≫A型 ≪ 星 座 ≫おうし座 ≪ 出身地 ≫神奈川県 ≪ 身 长 ≫169cm ≪ 趣 味 ≫写真を撮ること・お芝居や映画を见ること・ペットショップ巡り・リラックマ、ドナルドダックグッズ集め・帽子
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    请跟贴~~ As we known the 2010 world Expo will be held in shanghai,the advertise of the 2010 world expo"Better city,Better life"is known by a lot of people in shanghai.It means everyone needs a better city to live in.And how to get a better city?You will fing the answer in the 2010 world Expo in Shanghai.I hope to see you in the 2010 world Expo in shanghai
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    I like reading newspaper.I read newspaper after supper everyday.I think it is very importent to us because there are many different kinds of knowledge in the newspapers. You can also learn something new in newspapers. If you can read newspapers everyday, you will learn a lot of knowledge. But there are some advertisements in newspapers. They are bad for us. But I still like reading newspapers.
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    My view on pet-keeping Now a days,many people raise pets. Keeping a pet can make us happy. Some pets are so clever that they can do many things like children. They are lovely. But if you keep a pet, you will have to take good care of your pet.You must wash if every day. That's a troublesome matter. In my opinion, pets are only animals. There are many people today who need love. Why don't we give our love to them?
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    2008年11月初三“开心写作坊” 题目: 假如你叫李明,最近你和你父母就“周末学生该不该与同学外出活动”进行了讨论。现在请你以Should teenagers go out with their friends on weekends?为题,参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。 Your parents’ ideas Your ideas 1. go over lessons 1. … 2. have a good sleep 2. … 3. help parents do housework 3. … Recently I’ve had a discussion with my parents about whether teenagers should go out with their friends on weekends. ___________________ 注意:1、开头部分已写好
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    四班的们, 星期五、谢谢你们给了我最快乐的一天。 我爱你们每个四班的人。 我们永远的四班。 记忆永存。
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    还有谁在看百度大叔类?报个名~ 偶系陈晟頔~
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    Soon it will be the Spring Festival, we will celebrate it in many different ways. The most wonderful thing is that we can get red packets which come from our relatives. I think children must like this the most.But when we grow up, we will give the money to the children as well. So we can enjoy the moment as we are children,can't we? We also have chances to use the money,we can buy tings which we want and go to the places where we like! That sounds good! I think I will buy a lot of things such as clothes,books,ect.I can't wait the Spring Festival any longer! 四班17号之文献~
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    The Spring Festival is coming. It is a tradional thing for children to get red packets from their parents and relatives. I will get them as well. And I have a plan in order to use the money in a meaningful way. First, I will spent some of the money buying books because I like reading. Then I will give some money to those people who is down on his or her uppers. Finally, I'm going to save the rest of the money in the bank. I think that the money is not only a gift, but also an expression of love. So it will be really a nice memory if you remember the new year. 4班顾元春
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    请注意跟贴 It is common knowledge that everyone needs helps.I geta lot of help from others as well.Once I was riding bicycle in the street,an elderly people stopped me and told me about hies story.He came from Suzhouto look for his son who had been in Shanghai.He asked me to give him some money.I believed him,so I gave him all my money--5RMB.So everyone needs help.
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    My Pocket Money I can get some pocket money every year when spring festival is coming. I believe this year I’ll get much pocket money from my parents and my relatives. How to use this money? It’s an important question. We can use this money to buy something that you need. And we can use this money to eat or play. If I get my pocket money, First, I’ll use it to buy some books that I need. Then, I’ll give charity some money to help someone who needs helps. Next, I’ll leave some money. Finally, I’ll give the rest to my mother.
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    I like chinese new year better than any other festival.This is a time especially for rest and joy.The most important reason is that I'll receieve the lucky money from my parents.How to use these money? As we all know,knownledge is power.so,I'll use some of the money to buy some nice books.Then,I can use these money to buy three film tickets.I will go to the cinema with my parents.They like movie.If I have enough money,I'll listen to a concert with my piano teacher.We will have a good time.If I still have some money,I'll help some homeless children to buy some books.Those will useful to them.We
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    Everybody gets money from their parients on new years.And I also get some money this year,what can I do with the money?Maybe I can use it to buy something to eat,or I canuse it for a wonderful trip.But I think I can use it to buy some good book to read ,it's the best idea.Everyone needs to rad books,they can make a person hopeful and happy.They are also a kind of food for us,our mind can be filled with them.It's a common knowledge that books are important to us,we must remember that books are always our good friends.Though I will spent much money in buying books,I will get more.
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    12月28日班级日志查询: 早上纪律良好。 历史课没有人在讲话,全班比较安静,希望能够继续保持。 物理课表现好,全班都在很认真地做笔记,没有人在开小差。 数学课做试卷,总体来说还算比较安静,但中间有一段时间很多人在左顾右盼,窃窃私语,但在后来有所改正。 语文课做文言文练习,气氛活跃,同学们都在积极开动脑筋,完成黑板上的练习。 中午还饭及时,只是劳动还不够自觉,望下次改正。 中午12:40分,有很多同学没有及时地
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    早上,因昨天数学作业不清,大部分同学没有做1号本,望以后改正,也希望课代表能写清每天的作业。 语文课,后排同学十分吵闹,29、25、36、30、42说话。其余同学都能认真上课、做笔记,值得表扬。 眼保健操:很多人没做,36、25说话,被点名后屡教不改。 数学课:29、36、42、39被老师点名 政治课:11、29、25换座位,39被老师点名、没带书,还强词夺理。29上课玩篮球。28、39、30、29没带书。33、25、30说话。 中午,因王老师不在,音乐和电
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    新一届永远的4班的成员们大家好: 我是07届位育中学初三4班的毕业生陈杰浤,也许在你们班有些人知道我也认识我,作为一个排球运动员,我也曾为位育获得了不少荣誉,而这些成绩并不是一天两天就能够得到的,是靠长期刻苦地训练和坚韧的意志才能抵达成功的彼岸,这和学习是一样的。记得预初那年我还是个很调皮捣蛋的一个小孩子,是你们现在的班主任王老师不断的教导我,教会我何为真正的勇敢,并不是用你强硬的拳头欺负弱小,而是应该去
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    双休日去买: 物理: 1.初二年级第一学期《一课一练》 华东师大出版社出版(9月3日之前买好) 数学: 1.《一课一练》(八年级,试用本,第一学期,2007年秋的版本) 2.《数学单元测验》(八年级上册,光明日报出版社,二期课改配套)送:数学双基过关堂堂练 语文: 1.《现代文品读 文言文点击》八年级上,绿色封面,2007年版,16元,光明日报出版社(特别加一句:不要买成《感知 体验》哦!) 2.《文言文全译与训练》八年级第一学期
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    呵呵~~~拖得太久了,Sorry 去我空间看吧~~~   最近人有点懒~~~~~~~         ^-^ http://hi.baidu.com/zihuan0506/album/%D6%D5%BC%AB4%B0%E0/index/2
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    初步定下来是去常州对吧~到底几号去,去几天?大家发表点意见~~             &nb
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    Health is Wealth Health is the most important thing in our daily life, but how to keep fit? There are many different ways, We must have a h
    IM囧 6-20
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    Cars in our daily life Cars are important in our daily life. If we want to go to someplace far away, we will drive a car, and it saves a
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    How to be a lovely shanghainese The World Expo will be held in Shanghai in 2010.So,how can we be a lovely shanghainese?First,we should be

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目录: 中小学