关注: 7 贴子: 29


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    Close your eyes,give me your hand,darling 闭上眼睛,把手给我,亲爱的 Do you feel my heart beating? Do you understand ?Do you feel the same? 你是否感觉到我的心泺?你了解吗?你也感受到了吗? Am I only dreaming? Is this burning an eternal flame 是否我只是在作梦?现在燃烧的可是永恒的火焰? I believe,it's meant to be,darling 我相信这是真的,亲爱的 I watch you when you are sleeping,you belong with me 当你沉睡时,我看着你,你属于我 Do you feel the same,am I only dreaming,or is this burning,an eternal flame 你也感
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    I’m lying wide awake 我躺着,翻覆难眠 My head spinning over you 脑海中不断萦绕这你的身影 Dark of night, no stars inside 漆黑的夜晚,没有星光 You are dreaming next to me 你在我的旁边做着梦 Afraid to close my eyes, 我不敢闭上双眼 ‘cause I don’t wanna miss a moment of you 因为不想错过你的任何一刻。 Don’t want to dream,no 不想做梦,不 No dream could be as beatiful as you are 没有任何梦能跟你一样美 Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beatiful 告诉我,我究竟做了什么,才修来了这样的
    q22qq_g 12-5
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    《Try》是电影《Fame》的插曲 这部电影中文名叫《名扬四海》 if i walk would you run? 我的靠近会让你却步吗 if i stop would you come? 我的止步会让你走进我吗 if i say you're the one 若我说你就是我的她 would you believe me 你又会相信吗 if i ask you to stay 若我请你留下 would you show me the way 你愿意指引我吗 tell me what to say 该说什么话 so you don't leave me 才能把你留下 the world is catching up to you 世界牵绊你的脚步 while you're running away 而你努力狂奔 to chase your dreams 追逐你的梦想 it's
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             么么, 么么 , 么么么
    の秩序 10-4

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会员: 久居OP

目录: 美图分享
