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421992年8月19日凌晨,柯妮感到了一阵临产的阵痛。让医生们目瞪口呆的是,她像疯子一样冲出门去,穿过整栋医院大楼,上楼到了柯特在同一医院的病房,冲着他大声喊叫:“你给我马上起床到楼下来!你可别让我一个人干使劲!”在她返回自己病房的路上,她看到医院的保安全都瞪着她发呆。 柯特头天晚上服用的安眠药还没过劲,而且胃痛难耐,但他还是踉踉跄跄地跑到了产房,坚守在了柯妮的身边。 早上7点48分,柯妮平安产下了一个女婴,重
1one baby to another said im lucky have met you
1虽然部分文章在郝舫的灿烂涅盘看过 但是别的视频和歌词真是牛逼哄哄!怒赞! 我是寻歌词寻过来的,留名~
5by Michael Pitt
20000000000000015January 1 - Medford, OR, Jackson County Expo Hall. 2 - Kurt and Courtney buy a Lexus car from the 'American Dream' used car lot in Seattle. 3 - Vancouver, BC, Pacific National Exhibition Forum. 4 - Vancouver, BC, Pacific National Exhibition Forum. After the show Kurt, Krist and Courtney Love do an interview with Nardwuar the Human Serviette. Click here to listen to it. 5 - Kurt takes the car back as he thinks it is too flash to have a car like a Lexus. 6 - Spokane, WA, Spokane Coliseum. 7 - Seattle, WA, Seattle Centre Arena (now renamed the Mercer Arena). Goldston in Gaar's0hey,girl? where did you sleep last night? load up your gun! (again) come as you are, I am so happy, cause today……I found my friend with th5这个吧是干嘛的啊,怎么那么多英文1this is amazing。 真的是什么都有了。 感谢吧主所做的一切。19Rape Me (boombox) Rape Me (studio) Scentless Apprentice Heart-Shaped Box I Hate Myself And I Want To Die Milk It Moist Vagina Gallons Of Running Alcohol Flow Through The Strip The Other Improv Serve The Servants Very Ape Pennyroyal Tea Marigold Sappy Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam Do Re Mi You Know You're Right All Apologies22Opinion Lithium Been A Son Sliver Where Did You Sleep Last Night Pay To Play Here She Comes Now Drain You Aneurysm Smells Like Teen Spirit Breed Verse Chorus Verse Old Age Endless, Nameless Dumb D-7 Oh, The Guilt Curmudgeon Return of the Rat Smells Like Teen Spirit3为毛我是从文学话题找到这里来的。。。91哥们儿,涅盘在您这重生了,谢了~~看得真它吗的叫人感动~赞!!!3今天第一次来,感谢nirvanawei敲入的大量文字。 使得难以得到别人理解的柯本能够还原。2卧了个槽1???7? - Kurt records some demos on a 4-track recorder. He records 'Cracker' (an early version of 'Polly') / 'Sad' (an early version of 'Sappy') / 'Spectre' (AKA 'Misery Loves Company' / 'Seed') / 'Clean Up Before She Comes' / 'Beans' / 'Bambi Slaughter' (and others?).291994年1月8日,柯特同“涅盘”在他们熟悉的老地方——西雅图中心剧场作了一场精彩的演出,在场的所有人都不会想到,这将是他们在美国的最后一场演出。而柯特像在MTV台的演出一样,为观众唱起了《昨夜你在何处安眠》。而他几天前在同一地点演唱的《榨确,将会在两年多后被收入《来自威西卡河的泥泞岸边》,你可以听到,那是一个既极尽狂燥、也极尽悲凉的版本,它也是柯特心境的最真实写照。 这场演出之后,柯特和乐队呆在西雅图整整4呵呵 如果你找到了这个吧 请抓住你身边人的衣领 然后大喊 "我真牛B!" 发广告的,你大喊"我是sB" 虽然我知道15Smells Like Teen Spirit In Bloom Come as you are Breed Lithium Polly Territorial Pissings Drain You Lounge Act Stay Away On A Plain Something In The Way Endless, Nameless8January 2-3 - Reciprocal Recording Studios, Seattle, WA, with Jack Endino. The band record a session that only produces a version of 'Sappy', that was really disastrous and they gave up in the end. 'Sub Pop' still have this song hidden away. ? - Olympia, WA, Roadhouse (located on highway 8). 6 - Seattle, WA, Hub East Ballroom, University of Washington. Charles Petersen takes photos. 12 - Portland, OR, Satyricon. 19 - Olympia, WA, Rignall Hall (Steamboat Island Road). 20 - Tacoma, WA, Legends.24January ? - 'Hormoaning' EP is released in Japan and Australia to support upcoming Pacific Rim tour. 2 - Salem, OR, Salem Armory. 3 - Seattle, WA, Seattle Centre Arena (cancelled). 4 - Vancouver, BC, Canada, Pacific Nationale Exhibition Forum (cancelled). 7 - 'Nirvana' turn down an invitation from 'Guns 'N' Roses' to tour with them. Kurt later also refuses to play at Axl's 30th birthday party. In an article run by the 'Advocate' in February 1993 he later explained: "I can't even waste my time on that band, because they're so obviously pathetic and untalented ... They're really tal