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    xm5eq2 8-30
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    小王在10楼人事部门工作,一个月前,评论有惊喜,被调到9楼行政部门去了。 这天,小王的同学打电话到人事部门找他:“小王在么?” 接电话同事说:“小王已不在人事了。” 小王同学:“啊啊?!什么时候的事啊,我怎么不知道啊,还没来得及送他呢?” “没关系,你可以去下面找他啊……”
    zpwzwp 8-11
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    卜姒home 5-30
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    podcast 播客 email inbox 邮件收件箱 medieval 中世纪的 town crier 街头公告员 wide audience 广大的听众 mass-printed 大量印刷的 printing press 印刷机 orally 口头上地 the printed word 书面语言 instant information 即时信息
    HikerHitch 9-18
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    hilarious 令人捧腹大笑的 funny joke 有趣的笑话 clever pun 巧妙的双关 laugh-out-loud performance 令人捧腹大笑的演出 genres 风格 slapstick 闹剧 routines 成套动作 physical mishap 身体缺陷 calamity 灾害 knee-slappers 笑话
    HikerHitch 9-15
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    face to face talking about regret
    HikerHitch 9-15
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    大学学习 当你大学学习时需要熟知很多专业词汇。 You will likely attend lectures given by a professor. 你很有可能会去听教授的讲座。 Seminars you attend will usually have fewer students than lectures. 你参加的研讨会可能学生人数比讲座少。 Your academic advisor can help you choose a major. 你的学习顾问可以帮你选专业。 Tutorials are available to help you prepare for examinations. 有帮你备考的辅导课。 One of the best things about university is the extracurricularactivities. 大学最大的好处之一是课外活动。
    HikerHitch 9-13
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    Sign posting 设路标 在演讲时,你要把观点组织起来,使其通俗易懂。要做到言辞清晰,你可以在每个部分signposting (设路标)或者明确告诉听众下一段要说什么。 用这类表达示意听众你即将开始演讲并陈述第一点。 To start with, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. 首先,我要感谢各位的光临。 I'd like to begin by talking about our new books. 我想先讲一讲我们的新书。 The first point I'd like to make is that the library is a safe place tomeet. 用这类表达示意听众你已经讲完一
    HikerHitch 9-13
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    回收利用的词汇 前缀 re- 意为 again,是回收利用相关词汇的重要组成部分。在美国,一句常见的回收口号是 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.'。使用前缀为 re- 的类似单词谈论回收利用。 I'm trying to reduce the amount of trash I create. 我正在努力减少自己生产的垃圾量。 Don't throw away those toys. Children's Charity will reuse them. 不要把这些玩具扔了。儿童慈善机构会重新使用它们。 Let's recycle this cardboard. Will the recycling center accept it? 把这块纸板回收利用。回收中心
    HikerHitch 7-27
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    politically correct 或 PC 是指不会触犯或侮辱他人的语言、概念和行为。一个人胖,通常不说 fat,而说 overweight。注意,PC 也指 personal computer。 Calling someone fat is not politically correct. Using the termoverweight is PC. 说人胖是政治不正确的,正确的说法是体重超重。 Using the term senior citizen is more politically correct than sayingold. 相比直接说人老,用年长的公民指代政治正确性更高。 Rather than say someone is jobless, you can say they areunemployed. 失业不说失业,应该说待业。
    HikerHitch 7-18
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    welding torch焊枪/ˈweldɪŋ tɔːrtʃ/a piece of equipment, with hot burning flames at one end, used to join two pieces of metal together He joined the two pieces of metal together using a welding torch. kevlar凯芙拉合成纤维/ˈkevlɑːr/a strong protective material that isn't damaged by high temperatures The Kevlar vest protected the firefighter from the blast. chainsaw电锯/ˈtʃeɪnsɔː/a large saw with a motor used for felling trees and cutting wood The lumberjack cut down the tree with a chainsaw. scuba tank潜水氧气瓶/ˈskuːbəˌ tæŋk/a container full of oxygen used
    HikerHitch 7-11
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    barter 物物交换 shells 贝壳 currency 货币 financial transactions 金融交易 coins 硬币 gold 黄金 silver 白银 bank notes 货币,银行券 bank accounts 银行账户
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    Giving and responding to news 讲述和回应新闻 这类表达告诉别人你要说好消息。 The most amazing thing happened yesterday! 昨天发生了一件最不可思议的事! I've got some good news. 我有好消息。 Guess what? 猜猜看? 这类表达告诉别人你要说坏消息。 Do you have a minute? I've got some upsetting news. 你有时间吗?我有一些不幸的消息要告诉你。 You'd better sit down. 你最好坐下来。 There's no easy way to say this. 真不不知道怎么开口。 如果你同时有好消息和坏消息,可以用下面的
    HikerHitch 6-19
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    Talking about endangered species endangered species 濒危物种 insects 昆虫 protein 蛋白质 pollination 授粉 reproduce 繁殖 top of the food chain
    HikerHitch 6-16
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    1.What's the difference between cultural assimilation and cultural pluralism? 2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of a city being very cosmopolitan?
    HikerHitch 6-15
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    red tape hidden cost customer base - demographic gap in the market logistical challeges price point
    HikerHitch 6-15
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    社会问题 以下是一些可能对社区造成影响的问题。思考在你居住的地方是否有这些问题。 Unfortunately, gangs have been involved in some violent attacks in our neighborhood. 遗憾的是,犯罪团伙和我们住宅区的许多暴力袭击事件有关。 In our town, keeping the streets clean is a big problem. 在我们的城镇,保持街道干净是一个大问题。 A young woman was arrested for prostitution in our community. 在我们的社区,一名年轻女子因卖淫被捕。 Finding ways to fight drug dealing is a big challenge for the police. 找到
    HikerHitch 6-13
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    a web presence a brick-and-mortar store a growth opportunity a new business model overheads walk-in customers One of the definite advantafes of selling clother online is that... Howerver,one downside would be that you woild nedd to learn how to advertise effectively online. One big plus would be that... But,I'd say that one of the biggest drawbacks would be that...
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    similar meaning but different connotation Frivolous - light-hearted Mob mentality - common bond chest-beating and flag-waving - expressions of pride blind faith - unwacering devotion
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    I'm fed up with companies trying to use naked women to sell stuff to me there'd be noting to set it apart from any other brand endorsements. can you identify with this one" it looks identical to any number of hoip-hop album convers to me. it would appeal to kids more than us. dou you think this one is aimed at you I can't identify with this one. Its identical to those adverts for holiday villas in Italy I can relate to this It's certainly distinct from the rest preposition Are you on my network?
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    Critiquing a painting Expressionist 绘画寻求表达常常夸大或强烈的内心情感。Expressionism 与 impressionism 相对,后者旨在表达对外部世界的印象。许多expressionists 使用抽象的形状作画。 Audio Player Munch was one of the great expressionist painters. Munch 是最伟大的表现派画家之一。 Audio Player De Kooning used abstract shapes to represent human body parts. De Kooning 用抽象的形状描绘肢体。 要 critique(评论)一幅作品,你需要对它进行描述。使用类似表达进行 objective(客观的)说明。 Audio Play
    dollarsu 6-2
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    将来 coal electric car gasoline natural gas pollution
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    dollarsu 2-21
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    暂时不把香港台湾澳门包括在内                     1 我们有需要20万个零件的飞船及其后的产业链           2 我们有龙芯CPU 世界上仅次于日美                  3 我们有收购了IBM的LENOVO 已是世界级              4 我们有三峡这种巨无霸工程    &nbs
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    『影视评论』 [电影众论]《第十放映室》的影评太NB了! http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/filmtv/1/243056.shtml
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    014_77 1-20
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    014_77 1-14
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    Night – Dark But Peaceful          So many days so many nights, I can’t help thinking about that moment of life...          So many tears so many joys, here I am soaring above the sky...          How hard should I try, how can I put everything aside...          When the whole world is being denied...          How hard should I try, how can I make everything alright...          When the end of day comes, will u still be by my side...           - A.S. 12th June 2006
    014_77 1-14
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    014_77 1-13
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    苏醒 西安翻译学院校庆表演      http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=2187535&iid=11909      4分钟的地方讲英文 10分钟的地方讲了对语言的看法
    014_77 1-10
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    014_77 2009-01
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    第五男私人最爱曲目 (12.10)    1.Neyo closer    2.Clay aiken lonely no more    3.Bryan rice here i am    4.Craig david officially yours    5.Alicia keys no one    第五男私人最爱曲目 (7.29)    1.Ray-J It's Up To You    2.shelby lynne I Only Want To Be With You    3.Craig David Unbelievable    4.stacey kent I Wish I Could Go Travelling Again    5.Jordin Sparks God Loves Ugly &nbsp
    014_77 1-8

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