01 新老款看上去一样嘛。哪些地方不一样 答:外观很接近 头管重新设计了 新款更轻了 2新老款把横把立通用吗? 答:不通用 连垫圈都不通用 3 五通应该用什么规格 答:基础规格是bbright 用什么口径24 30要看你用什么曲柄 所以要统筹安排 4 总感觉异响最后发现是中轴 答:中轴异响是结构导致的 插入式 插插住的 能不响吗? 解决办法就是1**(胶水型号看另外的置顶帖)2换中轴锁紧结构 要么换对琐结构 要么换膨胀锁紧结构 补充我会定期汇总上来
3地表最速🛫️ HUMAN OR MACHINE, YOU CAN’T FAKE FAST. Triathletes are the kings and queens of ritual. Of hyper-focus and discipline. Who revel in the complexity and details—not in one sport, but three. It’s the same attention to detail that fueled the development of our PX-Series. Born from advanced aero testing, this machine features an innovative silhouette, improved aerodynamics, stiffness, and cockpit construction, while providing rider-efficient fueling and travel solutions. It’s not UCI-legal—as you probably guessed by the shape—and it was never meant to be. It’s a tri
248荧光黄。有没有 各位老哥
130142032机缘巧合看到山寨的实物架子,当然这个寨得确实不够精细,但是真的还是很少见到实物。 说实话,真的你装个6870,配个碳刀,我这种器材狗老司机乍一看都看不出来,但是细节还是经不起对比,发出来,希望对准备买车的朋友,特别是准备收二手的朋友,能帮上一点忙12• Water bottle cage bolts – 2 to 3 Nm • Stem (to handlebar/basebar) – 8 to 12 Nm for aluminum handlebars; 5Nm for carbon handlebars • Stem (to fork steerer tube) – 4 to 5 Nm • Bottom bracket cable guide – 1 Nm • Brake/shift levers – 5 to 8 Nm • Brake calipers – 8 to 10 Nm • Brake plate (P2,P3, S5) – 4 Nm • Rear derailleur hanger bolts – 1 Nm • Stem top cap – Apply only enough torque to remove all headset play while ensuring it rotates freely. 1 to 2 Nm is recommended. • Aerobar extensions (to basebar) - refer to manufacterer’s specifications • Aerobar80217BBright中轴在很多车友的车上都出现异响,但是其实异响问题不可解决的概率及其低,大多数都是可以解决的,而异响的来源很可能就是不正确的安装方式。因此在这里说一下BBright该如何安装以及一些小小的建议。BBright的安装其实非常简单,自己准备工具自己来都可以。 首先还是建议,BBright最好选择 rotor 3d+,3d+是目前轴心最长的牙盘之一,而且上面的预压环可以让中轴尽可能少的暴露在水和灰尘下,同时这个牙盘本身性能就很出色,还可以兼容非常