13这是本吧唯一指定的水帖楼 严禁在其他地方水经验哦~
2主要更新: 1. 外置车库也可自动修车 2. 地图数据已更新为2024年8月的版本 3. 6亿新建筑物(主要在🇬🇧和🇺🇸) 4. 酒店也具备吸引力 会影响站点乘客数量 5. 情境模式中新增两个条件:“转运乘客去特定地点”以及“转运乘客去特定类型地点” 6. “轮班内可调整线路”的功能可单独设立一个时刻表 直译非意译 若翻译与实际有出入 则以游戏开发商原文为准 原文链接:网页链接
0之前购买属于尝鲜版 本次更新后属于正式版 官方在以下方面有了提升(漏洞修复情况不作陈述): (以下为个人直译,原文请登录steam查看官方blog或点击右侧链接网页链接 ) 1. 情景体验:乘客需求、价格、访问客服中心的乘客数量、机破率、随机事件的频率、值班职工数量等因素可以手动调控 2. 检票功能:可以聘请人员登车检票,抓到逃票乘客还有机会获得额外收入(应该是罚金的意思) 3. 运营数据:现在可以查看车辆的利用率及线路收入,为
4@everyone The new Content Update 6 is now available in the Steam Beta Branch! This update adds over 20 new events to the game, from rail replacement services, charter requests to staff illnesses, providing even more variety and challenges. You can also look forward to a dozen new small features suggested by the community, as well as many other improvements and bug fixes. Here is a selection of the highlights: ⁃ Random Events: Over 20 new exciting events that can occur at any time, adding even more variety to the game, from rail replacement services, charter requests to employee illnesses ⁃
3突然发现自己外面的附加车库一上午都不出车,点进去一看全是故障状态 我开的沙盒无限金钱,研究已经点满了。车辆不是会自动加油自动修理吗,为什么会一直故障导致一整个上午一条线都没有车。我现在一天都会被取消20-30个班次了 我现在有14个车库,每个车库少的2/30个多的7/80个,附加车库又不能直接看到哪些车需要换零件了,总不可能一个一个去看吧。 by the way,想问一下研究员是干什么用的,研究里面所有的东西都点满了过后还需要研究员
2@everyone Finally, the long-awaited new content update is available on the Steam Beta Branch! As always, here are the highlights from the changelog: - **External depots**: Build up to 15 external depots on your map, each able to hold up to 100 additional buses - **Automations**: With the new research, your staff can check the buses on their own and wash, refuel or clean them if necessary - **Staff scheduling**: Determine when which group of employees should come to work from home and how many employees should be present on the premises outside core working hours - **Parking space allocation**:
1061楼首先列一下各号段意义: 1-99:市区St. Helier以及市郊结合部地带几个小镇形成的大城区范围内线路; 100-199:一头在大城区范围内,另一头出城的中等长度线路,一般不超过20站; 200-299:高峰线,一般人多的地方站站停,人少的地方直接大站; 300-399:夜线,目前直接就是1-99的夜间翻版,以后有需要可以往市郊结合部以及郊区延伸,车辆则用2XX、4XX高峰线代; 400-499:大站线路,一般也同时都是高峰线; 500-599:一头在大城区范围内,另一头出城的
2Hi @everyone Give it up for the first City Bus Manager Modding Contest! 🥳 Since there are already countless great mods in the Steam Communityhub, we have decided to do an official modding contest for you guys! From now until 16 July at 20:00 CEST, you have time to upload your bus mods with the #CBMModdingContest1 in the Steam Workshop. Repaints do not count as mods. For the sake of fairness, only newly uploaded mods in the period of the modding contest and mods marked with the corresponding hashtag will count. Afterwards, from 17 July, you will have one week to vote for your favourite mods.
1Hey @everyone, We are back from our summer break and already working hard on the next update! But now we have some news for you 🙂 - We've released a small hotfix today that fixes the most common bug where passengers sometimes don't get off the bus. We've also fixed a critical bug that could cause all modding buses to stop working if a faulty modding bus is installed. - If you are interested in the CBM but have not yet purchased it, you now have the opportunity to do so. We are part of the "Best of Germany" Steam sale and you can currently get 27% off the CBM! - We are really overw