1Bye Bye Blackbird set visit It’s been another grueling day of shooting for the cast and crew of Bye Bye Blackbird. The stars, teenagers Connor Jessup and Alexia Fast, are sitting around a table on set with producers David Miller and Chad Maker in an impromptu post-production meeting. Jessup is in his goth wardrobe. Fast says to Jessup, “You look cute,” to which Miller responds, “He looks weird.” But Maker sees The Method in Fast’s madness. “That’s how she’s supposed to feel!” he says. Bye Bye Blackbird is a modern take on loss of innocence and redemption, a coming-of-age st
34这是给大家向提出意见、建议的地方,只有知道不足才能在改变中进步~~ 同时你对我们最爱的connor jessup有什么【疑问】或者是【求源】,都可以到这儿来,我们会尽可能帮助你解决~2324我开个贴给吧友们 这个帖子里,大家写下自己的兴趣爱好等信息吧~ 这样子能在connorjessup吧里找到和自己兴趣相同的朋友。~6147153Falling Skies’ Connor Jessup talks Aliens, Trust issues and Geeking out Connor Jessup. Credit Benny Haddad. Connor Jessup is not your normal teenager. Having just turned 18 Connor has a healthy list of accomplishments under his belt in acting, directing and producing. Connor will be appearing in a new indie feature Blackbird, in which he plays an angry and troubled teenage boy who is wrongfully accused and arrested for a crime he did not commit. He ends up in juvenile detention where he quickly realizes the changes he will need to make if he wants to survive. Besides being taken by aliens an8来看男神滴吧,却发现没人更贴。。。。。。。。6此楼为connor jessup吧的connor资源整理楼 请广大吧友不要随意评论 找资源请到此楼来 若需要询问请到 疑问贴 求解:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/22484256380好心的告诉一下吧~1188366以后本人就到这个贴里签到咯~~有没有童鞋一起签啊??~~75339删帖参照吧规:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2252517487 如果参照版规,觉得仍然得不到被删贴原因的,欢迎百度消息吧主询问。 记录难免会有遗漏,如果找不到,欢迎百度消息吧主询问。 【2013.4.5开始实行!!】1813大家马上都要期中考试了对吧~~加油啊 我努力奋战sat去咯 @蓝蓝蓝调爱cody 要考中考了,还有她那一些好朋友。加油啊! 我们要一起奋斗~然后暑假好好痛痛快快看陨落星辰第三季!42