0======== 点击链接观看荃集:https://note.youdao.com/s/8hX2ldnK ======== 牧尘眼神冰冷地盯着那道身影,体内灵力疯狂涌动。他手掌一握,一道光芒闪烁的灵印在其掌心浮现,周围的空气都仿佛在此刻变得凝重起来。他脚掌猛踏地面,身形如鬼魅般射出,手中灵印蕴含着强大的力量,向着对方狠狠轰去。那道身影见状,脸色微变,仓促之间连忙施展出防御手段。然而,牧尘的攻击凌厉至极,灵印瞬间突破对方的防御,强大的力量爆发开来,将那道身影震得连连后
0======== 点击链接观看荃集:https://note.youdao.com/s/8hX2ldnK ======== 在那辽阔的大陆上,牧尘身形如电,向着远方疾驰而去。他的眼神坚定,心中充满了对力量的渴望。风在他耳边呼啸,衣衫猎猎作响。沿途的景色飞速后退,他的身影在这片广袤的天地间显得如此渺小,但他的意志却如钢铁般坚韧。他知道,前方的道路充满了挑战与未知,但他毫不畏惧。他坚信,只要自己不断努力,就一定能够在这大主宰的世界中闯出一片属于自己的天地。
1经核实吧主HeyAdia 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 garbage吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
5怎么这个吧好冷清呀,我偶然听到only happy when it rains,感觉还不错来查的,怎么这么冷清,明明挺好一乐队啊。。。
46我是在一家常去的地下摇滚音像店找到BLEED LIKE ME这张专辑的。第一眼看到就被电到了。我这人买专辑通常只凭感觉的,不过都蛮准的。
0We are not your kind of people You seem kind of phoney Everything's a lie We are not your kind of people Something in your makeup Don't see eye to eye 我和你,不是一路人 你总是给人一种虚伪的感觉 一切都是个谎言 我和你,不是一路人 在你那花哨的伪装之下 隐藏着我绝不认同的东西 We are not your kind of people Don't want to be like you Ever in our lives We are not your kind of people We fight when you start talking There's nothing but white noise 我和你,不是一路人 不想成为与你相同的人 在今生今世的任何
8"I've got one more story to tell and I hope that's not somebody spitting on me. Cos if I find out that somebody is spitting on me, you have no idea what I'm gonna get happen to you. Cos first of all I'm gonna ask the crowd to tell me who's spittin' on me, what would normally happen is they'd clear off and you'd be by yourself, and then I've got all these men, including my own fucking crew, to come find you, take you outside, fuck you up like you ain't never been fucked up before! Ok, so here's my crew! Please step aside from the person next to you spitting on me, cos I'm gonna get you motherfuckin fucked up! Get the fuck- everybody- if you've seen somebody fucking spitting on me, I want you to man away from the motherfucker who did it because boy you're gonna fuckin start speakin out right about now... did you fuckin spit on me motherfucker? You? I bet you don't feel so fucking big right now boy! I bet you're fucking pissin' in your pants right now! Ok "wearing the scarf" in front of me! Ok, see that man in the red sweat shirt? I want him fuckin out of here right the fuck now. Right the fuck now! Good luck brother may god be with you! Don't ever fuckin spit at me in my own FUCKING STAGE! It's been a long time since that kind of drama has occurred, right? Alright, business as usual, of course. I can tolerate just about anything, but I can't tolerate somebody fuckin spitting gob on me. We don't do that in Scotland, it's not considered good manners. I'm sorry for losing my shit."35最近听Blood For Poppies太震撼,入坑曲I Hate Love。 隔壁很热闹的垃圾们在哪里←_← - 愈想证明就愈不肯定 可能完美和完整不是一回事情。 - 来自郑景薇客户端6这吧里咋没人?比glau吧还冷清好多,话说我是看了TSCC之后才开始粉garbage的,按说garbage乐队现在不应该没粉丝啊?或者说粉丝不应该这么没热情啊?0请问谁有<Garbage (20th Anniversary)>那张的AAC资源? 感激不尽1太帅了!!!7求助攻!! 虽然这吧挺少人的。。。。29发一些Garbage的官ins0因为这首歌喜欢 上乐队,然后,想问一下各位大神,这首歌的创作背景,和后来的运用,据说是美剧 吸血鬼日记?求介绍一下1018我木有在水吧?(๑´ㅂ`๑)ŧ‹"ŧ‹"42俺的豆瓣音乐人审核终于过了 http://site.douban.com/illuminati/ 欢迎大家来玩耍 现在主要是做点后摇嗯。。。所以这是个广告贴!11觉得garbage歌特别有感染力5我们吧已经快成太平间了2Garbage翻译成中文名因该是什么?6大家都来冒个泡啊4女神是Shirley哦9你猜49一楼防吞011。。。。1突然发现only happy when it rains大概 7 8年前就听过.... 当时真不知道是garbage唱的。。。 一种奇怪的感觉7个人感觉还是很有水平的...虽说有的地方乍听有点别扭...但是一般情况下几遍后就爱死了...有好多地方让人想到The Jesus And Mary Chain...而且感觉前四张的影子都有...童声唱Not Your Kind Of People非常感慨...延续前四张最后一首奔泪点去...Beloved Freak很有些U2的感觉...35听garbage有段时间了。但刚上贴吧7Reunited band wasting no time following up 2012's 'Not Your Kind of People' Shirley Manson declared in 1995 that she was only happy when it rains. The Garbage frontwoman must be ecstatic, then, because a deluge of new Garbage music will continue to pour into 2013. It took the legacy alt-rockers seven years to release Not Your Kind of People, but the band has plans to meet back up in the studio in late January to lay down some new material before embarking on a long tour. "The good thing now is we don't even need to think in terms of an album, so we're just thinking in terms of new music, which34传送门: http://tieba.baidu.com/club/64609277新人求罩6有一部美剧叫秘社不知道大家知不知道 要不是为了我们家THOMAS DEKKER我也不会看的 其实大部分时间我都是随便听听 然后上网的 结果突然就传来了 BLOOD20给垃圾加油!0