common1.cns常用状态 如果你看了玩家的DEF文件,会看见如下内容: stcommon = common1.cns ;Common states 每个玩家分享了一些常用状态,这是游戏引擎的基础部分.这些常用状态可以在data/common1.cns中找到. 一些例子是跑步和受击的状态.在特殊状态号中完整的列表是有效的. 如果你想为某些玩家覆盖常用状态,只要在玩家CNS中创建一个相同状态号(和需要覆盖的状态号相同)的状态. 则当玩家改变到那个指定的状态号时,他将进入新的状态,而不是common1.cns中的那个. (因为stcommon
贴吧:由克希作者:iksvo 2025-01-30 20:23
【外网同人翻译】Somewhere in Time 时光深处
by Friction 作者:Fricton
贴吧:战士公主西娜作者:四月十三丶? 2016-09-28 22:38
A supersolid is a counter-intuitive phase of matter in which its constituent particles are arranged into a crystalline structure, yet they are free to flow without friction. This requires the particles to share a global macroscopic phase while being able to reduce their total energy by spontaneous, spatial self-organization. The existence of the supersolid phase of matter was speculated more than 50years ago1,2,3,4. However, only recently has there been convincing experimental evidence, mainly using ultracold atomic Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) coupled to electromagnetic fields. There, various guises of the supersolid were created using atoms coupled to high-finesse cavities5,6, with large magnetic dipole moments7,8,9,10,11,12,13, and spin–orbit-coupled, two-component systems showing stripe phases14,15,16. Here we provide experimental evidence of a new implementation of the supersolid phase in a driven-dissipative, non-equilibrium context based on exciton–polaritons condensed in a topologically non-trivial, bound state in the continuum (BiC) with exceptionally low losses, realized in a photonic-crystal waveguide. We measure the density modulation of the polaritonic state indicating the breaking of translational symmetry with a precision of several parts in a thousand. Direct access to the phase of the wavefunction allows us to also measure the local coherence of the supersolid. We demonstrate the potential of our synthetic photonic material to host phonon dynamics and a multimode excitation spectrum.
### 摘要
贴吧:stellaris作者:Tritium79 2025-03-19 00:49
范宣梅教授团队在冰岩碎屑流动力学机制研究中取得重要进展,成果以The Friction Behavior of Rock-Ice Avalanches in Relation to Rock-Ice Segregation: Insights From Flume Physical Experiments为题,于2024年12月12日发表在地学领域权威期刊《Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface》
贴吧:十里店大学作者:cdutedu 2025-01-14 17:20
NEW RCT damper offers Rebound adjustment, Compression adjustment (affecting both High and Low Speed Compression), and an easy-adjust threshold lever for added pedaling efficiency.
Reduced High-Speed Compression eliminates the hang-up and allows the wheel to easily get out of the way on hard impacts.
DebonAir+ air spring maximizes fine-tuning potential, allowing you to tune both the negative and positive air volume to perfectly match your bike, desired ride feel, and the trail ahead.
The optional Hydraulic Bottom Out kicks in to restrict the flow of oil within the last 20% of travel, offering a soft hydraulic cushion that reduces harsh bottom out.
14-15 clicks of Rebound adjustment offer a wider range of tunability and accommodate more rider types.
Castled bottom out bumper reduces harsh bottom-out, leaving extra room for the bold to go big.
Separate and independent Open and Threshold pistons tuned exactly for your ride.
Top-of-the-line Maxima Plush Dynamic Suspension Lube reduces friction to help maintain traction.
Compatible with DebonAir Linear XL air can. With an increase in positive volume, Linear XL is a dead ringer for a coil with super supple action at the top of the travel.
贴吧:山地车作者:zzylaferrari 2025-02-14 15:57
经gta测试完美消除卡顿!!! 首先,需要root权限(可用gingerbreak取得). 其次,安装RootExplorer.进入system目录,点RW使之可写,打开build.prop文件进行编
贴吧:原道n50作者:q1a0 2012-12-21 21:55
依旧是被毁了的Friction镇楼 【上次图楼的镇楼也是它233
贴吧:deemo作者:碧绿萱纸 2018-07-15 20:06
其实没升级固件之前我就弄好了,升级固件后又稳定了不少,自己也不是什么大神,全靠真正的高手指导,在这里跟童鞋们分享下吧. 先用你们的浏览器打开腾讯网首页,使劲的折腾,熟悉下你们现在的速度,好了后下面开始 1.超频:其实972没必要超频,我有超过,不过又调回来了.总结了下,流畅度没区别,掉电变稍快了,想也是吧,如果超频就能全面提升流畅度,出厂前厂家怎么不超呢.在这里建议别超频的好.强超的童鞋们,希望你们别弄出事 2.别装什么安全软件杀毒软件
贴吧:v972作者:X丶Pere 2014-03-19 14:00
【尼玛!!】 DEORE都要逆天了!!让我11款SLX情何以堪?! .
Shimano Deore 2013-2014 MTB groupset - details revealed Shimano have released two new versions of their Deore groupset for 2013-2014, provid
贴吧:山地车作者:Le_vent_cette 2013-08-07 11:47
xiom欧米茄系列应该是xiom里面最令人熟悉的一个系列了,以暴力和均衡而闻名,因性能出众和极高的性价比而广受好评。 如今,这个系列第5代的欧米茄5已经上市两年了,目前已有PRO和Tour两个版本。时隔两年以后,又推出了这款新款的Asia版。 塑料球的改革已经慢慢由专业圈影响到了业余圈,现在国内很多地区已经渐渐改用塑料球作为业余比赛用球,为了应对塑料球带来的的弹跳低、力量减弱、旋转减弱等问题,器材方面当然要做出调整改进以适应新
贴吧:乒乓球作者:kai2344 2016-02-16 14:47


  • kinetic friction
  • viscous friction
  • modern friction
  • fluid friction
  • friction book
  • infliction
  • frictionate
  • audible friction
  • friction plate
  • friction loss
  • frictionally
  • fi11
  • it'd
  • 5i
  • i9
  • i'm
  • 丨i
  • iam
  • I.T