1paypal是真的4️⃣🐎 —— 提一次现要35💲,强盗。 —— 本可心痛
1CoCo的遗作 “下弦月”; rap也有心了, 常思念。
1I acknowledge that my English is not as native, but the kind of confusion素什么? Why everything gotta be against me?
5像这样写就是win吗? ——— The magnificent and beneficent transformations, which have been enacted over the past decade or two and, as well, continue unfolding, are as always prosecuting the metamorphosis of China into a land of promise—with prosperousness, hopefulness and vigorousness burgeoning—wherein her people engage of their own accord, should I comment straightforwardly and without prejudice, in exerting concerted efforts to the crescent development and, be it ridden with toil or as unexacting as any, the devotion to establishing a progressively harmonious and amicable so
0Come what may, what must be must be. —— Life, at best, is but a fleeting session of reasoning over the enigmatic, if only as a medium and process of bidding farewell to the obscurity before, at the very last, reaching one possible clarity. —— Life, at worst, is but… praxis… —— 不知道的还以为是什么格言,实则是乱拼凑的。笑素。
3最后一波回阳怎么会被逼击抓到僵直啊,看你当时说网络波动。还以为你要回阳胜利出来猛猛杀呢,延续统治! —— 看你远程没打中我当时心就悬了,果真如此。你是最能滚雪球的,但开始炸了的话,你就有50%继续炸,50%改命。可惜终局之战你不是改命。 —— 劫杯5局传说,预订了。
7Brian(Brian Mcfadden) ,前Westlife成员 ——— 竟然在与Mariah Carey的合作中,一直盯着别人的地雷看👀! 哈哈哈哈 才知道,笑死我了😝🤣。 引得这个合作出现了些许不愉快(据说) 哈哈哈 She was beautiful, but that didn’t mean you could look blatantly askance at her boobs, Brian! lmao.
2才知道Shania是妮儿Don’t let me be the last to know的词曲作者之一🧡 家人们,谁懂啊?Brit婉婉道来的嗓音,就像在询问我是否爱她一样厚: “My friends say you’re so into me.” 歌曲一响,仿佛是在我耳畔呢喃,我确实很爱你的嗓音啊,能御能甜的妹妹才素本可认定的老婆捏,要是你对我说that you need me desperately,👴马上表白。 当然,对你也可以,可不仅是妮妮厚,她只是有我喜欢的,抽象出来的特质🥰❤️。 包括In the Zone里的shadow也仿佛是在对我一个人独唱
3先摆观点: 3🌟+0.5🌟(创作人)=3.5🌟 Kremlin Dusk Exodus 04 Hotel Lobby 这三首立意和质量都是上乘。 其他的要么词不太好,要么编曲不太好。 整张专辑曲子还是很好的,Utada还是很有创作能力。 接下来就是闲谈,自然地,我会把CoCo和Utada的第一张英文专辑相比较,因为两位都是亚洲面孔,多元文化的歌手,发行专辑时年龄相差不大。 第一张英文专辑:CoCo的舞曲,hip hop,RnB,teenpop都是质量上乘的,她表现的音乐品味,素养是顶级的。 Utada这里,毫无疑
5你是否有过 夏日赤足信步鹅卵石路的经历 路随走过 但余温尚存 久久 不散
0It’s so hard to hear that an old man would say I did not live happily in the final days of his senile life, who is my grandfather I acknowledge that he had something to do with his own death, but meanwhile, the way he was feeling tortured him, not least when he suffered from comminuted fracture in his upper thigh, the bone being replaced by a whole piece of metal thing. They claim he could walk again right after he was given operation, but he said it hurt him to do so, but his oldest son would talk so loud, I would say near scold him to do it. He, being 94, such a marvelous age, and with a l
2其中有一些重量级的经典词句: 浓情变成清水,没有什么绝对。 前面这句话,写得非常有水平。 浓对应清,衬托鲜艳明显,抽象概念“情”转移到具体事物上“水”,通俗易懂。 浓情——清水。 这个搭配属于可遇不可求的搭配。 ———————————分割线。 天地之间,多少爱情忽然在昨夜成幻灭。 “幻灭”直接描述了两种情况,第一种是幻想的爱情破碎,第二种是本来有的爱情如同明镜直接碎裂。 ———————————分割线。 “好眠
9每逢遇见在文学上与我交流的人时,我都会推荐一首歌曲,当然,它先是一首诗,然后才是一首歌曲;最后统称为诗歌。 这是一首William Yeats写的抒情诗。 后面被赋予了曲调,于是转变成了一首非常舒缓 空灵 朦胧 幽静的诗歌。 Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet; She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet. She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree; But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree. In a field by the river my love and I did stand, And on my leaning shoul
4无意中了解到这首词是有真正的背后故事的, 虽然一直没了解到,但从听歌开始一直觉得这词确实很感人,很悲伤。 “Sorry, I never told you All I wanted to say” 这里浅浅道一句: “And if, if you got something that you need to say, You better say it right now Cause you don’t have another day Cause we are moving on and we can’t slow down These memories are playing like a film without sound”
3😍她的嗓音,👴就是声控。 翻唱的I’ll always be there. 那里面有个词“trace”翘舌得简直沁人心脾 舒缓得,温柔得,小女人得👴要高潮了惹。 喜翻极了捏🤏 把嗓音嫁给我,好吗? 还有她唱的柔情版本的One Moment in Time也很有自身的“性格”/“审美”特色。
4这里是我的忏悔室 本人今日 凌晨4.40被吵醒 于是发朋友圈 骂了人 各种能骂的都骂了 不过最后删除了 我不会明面骂,但我心里一直在骂,望周知。。
3胃也不好 脑袋也疼 屁股也坐痛 别考完了发现是个癌症吧😅 qnmd 烂胃 stupid stomach,给👴宁静下来! 底层建筑也敢造上层建筑的反,大胆 😭 但还是真别塔房了,你倒了的话 哥们儿的脑子也保不住了,要去见上帝了。 好多东西啊 好多东西啊 好多东西啊 还有很多毫无逻辑 有逻辑的真的好背,没逻辑的哪怕串成稍微有逻辑的也容易忘,只有练习再练习喽 好累 脑细胞绝对死了很多 我说儿哄! 写诗都没这累,做数学题也没这么累,不过这些累也是一个
5今夜听到CoCo与Julio合唱的when you tell me that you love me,里面CoCo的声音太迷人了,一下就抓住了我的心,这是年轻,是活力,是热情的告白🥰。 这一下子让我联想到了这首歌Westlife与Diana Ross合唱的版本,Westlife的声音是男孩的成熟,深情,洋溢着温暖的告白🥰。 两个版本都是年轻与慈祥在一起的碰撞,有新有旧,有稳重的前辈的声音,也有富有激情的后辈的声音。 CoCo唱的是女性的告白,Westlife唱的是男性的告白;我都喜欢❤️,CoCo版本是我幻想“她”
0伟大的声音,伟大的歌手,伟大的艺术家, 怎么说走就走了呢?哎。 依稀记得移动彩铃的那首歌 “叩叩 叩叩喔噢” 认识你不是通过宝莲灯 不是通过奥斯卡,不是通过这些大众熟悉的事件, 但这一点不改变你在我心里有着崇高的地位, 你的才华 声音 品格无人不倾佩,无人不赞扬。 Like all the other great voices throughout the history, like all the other great people throughout the history, I will always miss YOU, CoCo!!! Bright smiling star, may you have your incessant fun with Michael Jackson and W
1“Por qué no dejo de pensar en ti, estoy atado a tu piel” “Pasión, dolor, Es una mala combinación”
2Perfect match! 有些伙伴肯定经历过这种两三词就能勾勒出的荒凉景象吧。 没有遇到特定人之前,孤独乃人生底色。 孤独不光可以说心里,物理上仍可,所以孤独的情况因人,因境而异。 这个“人”同样,并没特指另一半。 活好,平安到老