100想请问一下有没有大佬整理tom ellis的资源合集呜呜呜 想看 糖果镇165这个星期看了不下五遍米兰达,我枯了,gary真是太帅太可爱了,我馋死这个男人了0经核实吧主夏shelly 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 tomellis吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组3Tricia Helfer Joins 'Lucifer' as Devil's Mother in Season 2 2016.06.21 The Battlestar Galactica actress is joining Season 2 of Lucifer as the mother of Tom Ellis’ titular devil and D.B. Woodside’s Amenadiel, TVLine has learned. The Fox drama teed up the character’s introduction in April’s Season 1 finale. At the time, showrunner Joe Henderson told TVLine that whereas the show’s first season “was the story of a wayward son dealing with his father issues, Season 2 is Mom.” 路西法的妈妈由翠西亚·海尔弗(Tricia Helfer)来饰演!!翠西亚·海尔弗(Trici1147刚刚发帖说违规...一脸蒙圈...发图来恢复一下心情 一楼度娘13有谁知道埃文斯在血族饰演的谁?有剧照呢?214252Lucifer has been officially renewed for season 3 on FOX. The new installment will run for a total of 22 episodes. Here's a statement from network boss David Madden: Lucifer is one of those rare shows that starts strong out of the gate, and just keeps getting better and better. Tom, Lauren and the entire cast have really made these characters three-dimensional, and the production team - Jerry, Len, Jonathan, Joe and Ildy - is one of the best in the business. We'd also like to thank our partners Warner Bros. for their commitment to this show and we look forward to seeing where this wild222222500500Lucifer Episode 12 "#TeamLucifer" 精彩剧照,2016.04.18播出 When a woman is found dead on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - with her body twisted into the shape of a pentagram - the investigation leads Lucifer and team into the world of Satanists, where they soon realize, evil doesn't always live where we expect it to. 当一个女人被发现死在好莱坞星光大道 - 调查导致路西法和团队成为撒旦崇拜者,他们很快意识到的 世界里,恶魔不会像我们期望永远活着。 Lucifer终于明白了一个我们早已明白的事实:他的致命要害0000Lucifer bails on Chloe when he becomes bored with her investigation into a ruthless biker gang murder. However, when he discovers something was stolen during the crime that was very personal to him, he demands that Chloe let him rejoin the case. 在2月29日的《撒旦在人间》(Lucifer)中,在摩托车手帮派谋杀案中,Lucifer对于Chloe的调查感到厌倦,但有人却忘了「不可盗窃」的戒律……居然偷了Lucifer的东西!而且是对Lucifer非常私人的东西! 与此同时,Lucifer居然开口唱歌?Chloe是该晕倒还是该鼓掌?1演员简介 性别: 男 出生日期: 1979-11-17 出生地: 英国,威尔士 卡迪夫(Cardiff ,Wales) 职业: 演员 因成功出演BBC喜剧《Miranda》Series 1 & 2222一楼度度哦1tomellis0第三季回归啦0首先,我感觉这个贴吧是个很好的平台,可以供大家在这里发表自己的心情,供大家讲我们自己的故事,供大家畅所欲言………… 我很喜欢这个平台,所以,