Aww <3 RT
@DWAINEMonsterV1: @PorcelainBlack why do so many monsters hate you? I think you're flawless. ♥ & im a monster!
See!! We ALL can love eachother <3 xo NOH8 RT
@MonsterKillsB:@PorcelainBlack HEY I love U too and I'm a Monster !
与芒市特秀恩爱 拿回大众好感度,接着将这份人气用到。。。。
NEW ITEMS up!!!拿来宣传网店啦
PS 瓷婊透露也许还有1首歌mix好,专辑就做好了,估计6、7月要集体高潮咯
@DWAINEMonsterV1: @PorcelainBlack why do so many monsters hate you? I think you're flawless. ♥ & im a monster!
See!! We ALL can love eachother <3 xo NOH8 RT
@MonsterKillsB:@PorcelainBlack HEY I love U too and I'm a Monster !
与芒市特秀恩爱 拿回大众好感度,接着将这份人气用到。。。。
NEW ITEMS up!!!拿来宣传网店啦
PS 瓷婊透露也许还有1首歌mix好,专辑就做好了,估计6、7月要集体高潮咯