1 Radiohead OK Computer
2 Radiohead Kid A
3 Arcade Fire Funeral
4 Neutral Milk Hotel In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
5 The Strokes Is This It
6 Radiohead In Rainbows
7 Wilco Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
8 Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion
9 Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
10 Sufjan Stevens Illinois
11 LCD Soundsystem Sound of Silver
12 Interpol Turn On the Bright Lights
13 Bon Iver For Emma, Forever Ago
14 The Flaming Lips The Soft Bulletin
15 The xx The xx
16 Arcade Fire The Suburbs
17 Modest Mouse The Moon & Antarctica
18 Fleet Foxes Fleet Foxes
19 The Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
20 Radiohead Amnesiac
21 The White Stripes Elephant
22 The White Stripes White Blood Cells
23 Grizzly Bear Veckatimest
24 The National Boxer
25 Broken Social Scene You Forgot It in People
26 Daft Punk Discovery
27 Vampire Weekend Vampire Weekend
28 Bon Iver Bon Iver
29 DJ Shadow ...Endtroducing
30 Beck Odelay
31 Belle And Sebastian If You're Feeling Sinister
32 Beach House Teen Dream
33 Modest Mouse The Lonesome Crowded West
34 LCD Soundsystem This Is Happening
35 OutKast Stankonia
36 Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
37 Elliott Smith Either/Or
38 Arcade Fire Neon Bible
39 Kanye West The College Dropout
40 Radiohead Hail to the Thief
41 Panda Bear Person Pitch
42 Madvillain Madvillainy
43 The Postal Service Give Up
44 Animal Collective Strawberry Jam
45 Sigur Rós Ágætis Byrjun
46 The Avalanches Since I Left You
47 The Shins Chutes Too Narrow
48 Dirty Projectors Bitte Orca
49 Spiritualized Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space
50 Beck Sea Change
51 Björk Homogenic
52 The Magnetic Fields 69 Love Songs
53 Modest Mouse Good News for People Who Love Bad News
54 The National High Violet
55 The Shins Oh, Inverted World
56 Arctic Monkeys Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
57 Yo La Tengo I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One
58 Kanye West Late Registration
59 Massive Attack Mezzanine
60 Burial Untrue
61 Yeah Yeah Yeahs Fever to Tell
62 Boards of Canada Music Has the Right to Children
63 Deerhunter Halcyon Digest
64 Bloc Party Silent Alarm
65 M83 Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
66 Jay-Z The Blueprint
67 Animal Collective Feels
68 Queens of the Stone Age Songs for the Deaf
69 Sigur Rós ( )
70 Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand
71 James Blake James Blake
72 Daft Punk Homework
73 Portishead Third
74 The National Alligator
75 Animal Collective Sung Tongs
76 The Strokes Room on Fire
77 Wilco Summerteeth
78 Elliott Smith XO
79 Justice †
80 Deerhunter Microcastle/Weird Era Cont.
81 TV on the Radio Dear Science
82 Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues
83 The Knife Silent Shout
84 Outkast Aquemini
85 TV on the Radio Return to Cookie Mountain
86 Built to Spill Keep it Like a Secret