一直以为米堡除了Teesside University,就是个没啥好去处的地方了。最近了解到,英国著名的桥上蹦极就在米堡,而且英国独一无二。“Go for a bungee jump”这样描述到: Middlesbrough's famous transporter bridge is the only point in the UK where you can bungee-jump off a bridge. It's 210 steps to the top, and a 49m(160ft) drop towards the river Tees below - at close to 60mph - where a waiting boat will help you out of your harness. 这对于喜爱冒险运动的朋友们算是福音了,近水楼台啊!刺激感就不用我过多描述了吧,喜欢?那就赶紧订票前往吧