hufflepuffhouse吧 关注:291贴子:10,616



@Div_boulerard 请进,因为你在我的记录帖的回帖,所以决定开这样一个帖给大家练习英文。
How has everyone's Chinese New Year holiday been?

IP属地:新加坡来自贴吧神器1楼2013-02-14 14:19回复
    Great idea! Especially there's one who can help us correct mistakes. Love you, hammer
    I'v eaten a lot since new year's eve, though I was determined to keep fit( I'm serious).....and as if I started to enjoy the feeling of being drunk...I must be...mad...
    Family reunion is not always a fantastic thing when your father always forced you to talk in English with a child who actually speaks French. (= =)

    2楼2013-02-14 17:11
      Been duelling VueloSauce28687 lately. I just learnt that Sauce means Willow in Spanish.

      IP属地:新加坡来自贴吧神器3楼2013-02-14 19:33
        Hamster,it's so kind of you to care for me.I still have a little shy.
        I'm just a ordinary Mid-school student.My English is not good.But I believe if we stick to doing this,I will step foreward.
        Once in a while,I will sign in Pottermore to collect things,brew and duel.But I have no time to commuciate with Puffs.What a shame

        4楼2013-02-15 10:39
          ying yu fei wang le ni men .= =
          ma i,a na ta ta chi wa hon to ni tsu go i ne .

          IP属地:四川5楼2013-02-15 22:36
            Haha.But the green and blue are not different.As long as you sit in front of the computer, there is radiation.It's good for eyes to be a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw?I don't think so.
            Why we are here?Because we are Puffs.Why we are lead?Because we live in ture world and everyone is valuable.If we show ourselves and work hard,we will win.At lease we aren't a mouth-filling person.

            6楼2013-02-16 13:55
              The next term begins.I think I should work harder like Puffs.Have the courage to solve proble***ike Gryffs.Read more like Ravens.And have a goal to achieve like Slyths

              7楼2013-02-22 13:45
                Chinese New Year is officially over.

                IP属地:新加坡8楼2013-02-25 13:14
                  Someone's been dueling a lot since my absence. ;) Hope you guys enjoyed the holidays. Biochem will be the death of me.

                  来自iPhone客户端9楼2013-02-26 13:43
                    I can't speak English at all.

                    IP属地:福建来自手机贴吧10楼2013-03-06 12:52
                      Are you interested in becoming one of the administrators? @诚心成义月明子

                      来自iPhone客户端12楼2013-04-03 09:10
                        Every English is better than mine!I am afraid of myself.

                        13楼2013-09-21 14:09
                          guys,keep earning points to our house !Every point can be very important for our house !!!

                          IP属地:江苏来自手机贴吧14楼2013-10-11 17:58
                            I wonder if i can use computer before I take half-term exams.....

                            IP属地:上海来自Android客户端15楼2013-10-13 11:37
                              I won't stay up late again...I fell asleep this morning during the Chinese clss.....
                              Oh but I have started to do homework after lunch so my nights won't be too busy:)

                              IP属地:上海来自Android客户端16楼2013-10-15 13:11