(画面一) 1909年的剑桥,学监家里.
Maurice此时第一次见到了高谈阔论,口若悬河的学长Risley爵士.关于针对瓦格纳音乐的讨论从而引申出的话题,以及Risley那机智傲娇,不容置疑又富有魅力的论调,小学弟们最后只有面面相觑,不吱一言的份儿.倒是Maurice,怯怯的,迟疑的面对学长说出那句"…What you do is more important than what you say…Your deeds are more important than your words…" 以及当学监被Risley嘲笑时,他说:"I think if a man has ideas like that, he should have the courtesy to keep them to himself."

(注意他说的,talk, talk, talk…)
Maurice此时第一次见到了高谈阔论,口若悬河的学长Risley爵士.关于针对瓦格纳音乐的讨论从而引申出的话题,以及Risley那机智傲娇,不容置疑又富有魅力的论调,小学弟们最后只有面面相觑,不吱一言的份儿.倒是Maurice,怯怯的,迟疑的面对学长说出那句"…What you do is more important than what you say…Your deeds are more important than your words…" 以及当学监被Risley嘲笑时,他说:"I think if a man has ideas like that, he should have the courtesy to keep them to himself."

(注意他说的,talk, talk, talk…)