光照派吧 关注:1,288贴子:3,328
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来自Android客户端1楼2013-04-10 16:46回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2013-04-10 16:47

      来自Android客户端4楼2013-04-13 15:04
        Take the bishop to me, I will ask him a cup of tea. Bishop, police officers tell you to come with us.
        And how?
        He would like to ask you a cup of tea.
        Aren't I handed over a thought report just last week ?
        A serious matter. Your Eminence.
        All right.
        He held out his hands. Bishop walked in, he maintained a consistent grace, although in handcuffs.
        "You put me how?"
        Do you remember you at that time what we say "I want revenge," and the like, remember?
        This should not be the reason you unlawful arrest me.
        Bishop screams from far to near:
        How you would like to treat me! You idiot!
        This time, Bishop calm and collected a lot.
        My son, I do not want to hold you, but I do not want to let it spread out and damage my reputation, understand? Do not affect me promoted to the rank of archbishop, understand? Erinnern Sie sich an Sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt, was wir sagen "Ich will Rache", und dergleichen, erinnerst du dich?
        Dies sollte nicht der Grund, warum Sie mich verhaften rechtswidrig sein.
        Bischof Schreie von weitem in der Nähe:
        Wie Sie möchten, mich zu behandeln! Du Idiot!
        Diesmal Bischof ruhig und gesammelt viel.
        Mein Sohn, ich will dich nicht halten, aber ich will nicht zu lassen, sich auszubreiten und mein Ruf beschädigt, verstehst du? Sie betrifft mich nicht in den Rang eines Erzbischofs gefördert, verstehst du?

        5楼2013-04-13 21:20

          IP属地:北京7楼2013-10-25 19:25