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1楼2013-06-01 23:00回复

    3楼2013-06-01 23:03
      Skyfall lyrics
      This is the end
      Hold your breath and count to ten
      Feel the earth move and then
      Hear my heart burst again
      For this is the end
      I've drowned and dreamt this moment
      So overdue, I owe them
      Swept away, I'm stolen
      Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
      We will stand tall
      And face it all together
      Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
      We will stand tall
      And face it all together
      At sky fall
      At sky fall
      Skyfall is where we start
      A thousand miles and poles apart
      Where worlds collide and days are dark
      You may have my number, You can take my name
      But you'll never have my heart
      Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
      We will stand tall
      And face it all together
      Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
      We will stand tall
      And face it all together
      At sky fall
      (Let the sky fall, When it crumbles, We will stand tall x2)
      Where you go I go
      What you see I see
      I know I'd never be me without the security
      Are your loving arms keeping me from harm
      Put your hand in my hand and we'll stand
      Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
      We will stand tall
      And face it all together
      Let the sky fall, when it crumbles
      We will stand tall
      And face it all together
      At sky fall
      Let the sky fall
      We will stand tall
      At sky falls

      18楼2013-06-02 13:27
        Skyfall 视频

        19楼2013-06-02 13:44
          Talking about spoilers, just thought maybe it's better to start a new post for Grey's Anatomy. This way I don't have to worry that the spoilers will ruin the fun for those who haven't watched the show.

          121楼2013-07-13 14:37
            Grey's Anatomy的下一集要等到2月底了。

            122楼2014-01-18 12:11
              The beatiful speech Sherlock made at John's wedding
              MC: Pray silence for the Best Man.
              Sherlock: Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, and, um, others. Er, …. Also....
              John: Telegrams.
              Sherlock: Right, um…. first thing first, telegrams. Well they’re not actually telegrams, we
              just call them telegrams, I don’t know why. Wedding tradition. Because we don’t have
              enough of that already, apparently.
              “To Mr. and Mrs. Watson, so sorry I am unable to be with you on your special day. Good
              luck and best wishes. Mike Stanford. “
              “To John and Mary, all good wishes for your special day. With love and many big, big
              squishy cuddles, from Stella and Ted.”
              “Mary, lots of love, Poppet. Oodles of love and heaps of good wishes. From CAM. Wish
              your family could have seen this.”
              “Special day”, “very special day”, “Love…” “Love…”, “Love…”, “Love…”
              Bit of a theme, you get the general gist. People are basically fond.
              John Watson. My friend, John Watson. John. When John first broached the subject to
              being Best Man, I was confused. I confess at first I didn’t realize he was asking me.
              When finally I understood, I expressed to him that I was both flattered and surprised.
              I explained to him that I’d never expected this request and I was a little daunted in the
              face of it. I nonetheless promised that I would do my very best to accomplish a task
              which was, for me, as demanding and difficult as any I had ever contemplated.
              Additionally, I thanked him for the trust he placed in me and indicated that I was, in
              some ways, very close to being moved by it. It later transpired that I’d said none of this
              out loud.
              Done that. Done that. Done that bit, done that bit. Done that bit. Hmm.
              I’m afraid, John, I can’t congratulate you. All emotions, particularly love, stand opposed
              to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things. A wedding is, in my considered opinion,
              nothing short of a celebration of all that is false and specious and irrational and
              sentimental in this ailing and morally compromised world. Today we honor the
              deathwatch beetle that is the doom of our society, and in time one feels certain our
              entire species. But anyway, let’s talk about John.
              John: Please.
              Sherlock: If I burden myself with a little helpmate during my adventures, it is not of
              sentiment or caprice, it is that he has many fine qualities of his own that he has
              overlooked in his obsession with me. Indeed, any reputation I have for mental acuity
              and sharpness comes in truth, from the extraordinary contrast John so selflessly provides.
              It is a fact, I believe,that brides tend to favour exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their
              big day.There is a certain analogy there, I feel. And contrast is, after all, God’s own plan
              to enhance the beauty of his creation. Or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy
              designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot.
              The point I’m trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant, and all
              around obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet.
              I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the beautiful,and uncomprehending in the
              face of the happy.
              So if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be Best Man, it is because I never
              expected to be anybody’s best friend. And certainly not the best friend of the bravest
              and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.
              John, I am a ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your
              friendship. But as I am apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your
              choice of companion.
              Actually, now I can.
              Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am
              capable. John, you have endured war and injury and tragic loss, so sorry again about
              that last one. So know this – today you sit between the woman you have made your
              wife and the man you have saved. In short, the two people who love you most in all this
              world. And I know I speak for Mary as well when I say, we will never let you down and
              we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.

              本楼含有高级字体124楼2014-01-19 02:22
                The 609-day cliffhanger

                by Patricia Treble
                During Sherlock's hiatus, its stars have gone global - and taken the show with them
                For Sherlock fans, the seemingly endless wait is almost over. Nearly two years ago,
                Sherlock Holmes flung himself off the roof of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in front of his
                horrified friend Dr. John Watson, only to appear in the very last frame of the episode
                alive but in hiding. Called one of TV's best cliffhangers, it's kept viewers theorizing
                madly about how he survived what appeared to be a fatal plunge. Finally, the
                acclaimed series' new season begins on PBS's Masterpiece on Jan. 19, with a
                "logical solution," co-creator Seven Mffat promises.

                本楼含有高级字体125楼2014-01-19 02:37
                  For Ellis Cashmore, author of Celebrity Culture, the main reason is more prosaic. "Before
                  Sherlock, Cumberbatch was barely recognizable, and Freeman was known as the geeky
                  character in the original version of The Office," he notes. Since Sherlock's status as a cult
                  hit exploded around the world, their gigs have gotten dramatically bigger and better.
                  "I bet both actors would work on it for free - it generates more exposure," he says.
                  (Thanks to the series, sales of Arthur Conan Doyle's stories have shot up too, the
                  Telegraph reports.)
                  A big part of the attraction for actors and viewers alike are the crisp, humorous scripts -
                  Moffat and Gatiss write an episode each - with Cumberbatch delivering such lightning-
                  quick, stream-of-consciousness dialogue. "Holmes is smarter than all of us," Eaton
                  says. "We are Watson, falling a couple of steps behind him, trying to figure it out."

                  127楼2014-01-19 02:56

                    猴姆独家: Say Something之《神探夏洛克》版MV

                    129楼2014-01-20 07:42

                      130楼2014-01-20 07:43
                        6: The Music
                        Part The Third Man, part The Ipcress File, and all enticing. If you ever meet David
                        Arnold or Michael Price, you’ll be sure to shake their hands, won’t you?
                        7: Everyone Else
                        You’ll notice, if you take a quick dip in the bubbling magma pit of Tumblr, that all of
                        the opinions, pro and anti, tend to be about script and story, rather than actors, and
                        this is chiefly because Sherlock is just so beautifully cast. Una Stubbs plays Mrs
                        Hudson as an easily shocked and frail English landlady, but as an audience, we know
                        she’s made of sterner stuff and the more we find out about her life, the more it
                        becomes clear that there is very little that she can’t deal with. And if she’s mum, Rupert
                        Graves as Lestrade, is dad. He doesn’t always understand what his boys are up to,
                        and sees more of himself in Watson than he does in Holmes, but he’s very loyal, very
                        proud of them, and helps them clean up their messes with as good a grace as he
                        can muster, in the face of intolerable teasing.
                        Mycroft Holmes is a far colder fish, one of the things Mark Gatiss is particularly good
                        at putting across. His job is to make the inhuman Sherlock look almost cuddly and he
                        does it beautifully.
                        And that’s without even mentioning Louise Brealy as the ever-crushing Molly Hooper.
                        She may adore Sherlock from afar but it’s a very chaste kind of love, not a physical
                        attraction. She’s no Irene Adler (hats off to Lara Pulver), and she’s not about to try
                        to be, but oh how that love aches.
                        8: The Heartbreak
                        The tragedy is that it takes Sherlock’s ‘death’ for John to say these wonderful things of
                        his former partner. English reserve is never more powerful than when it is defeated
                        by raw emotion.
                        9: The Mind Is A Muscle
                        Other franchises may attempt to update Holmes by making him more of a fighter, a true
                        action hero, but the glory of Sherlock is that his principal weapon is his mind, with the
                        sharp tongue and beady eyes as secondary armaments. That’s it. There’s some
                        running, a bit of jostling and punching, some guns, even, but all Sherlock Holmes
                        really needs is the chance to observe and the space to think (two words: mind palace).
                        And then an arena in which to show off afterwards.
                        10: The Fans
                        Having John Watson as a celebrity blogger is a great way to involve reality in the work
                        in which Sherlock operates. Mr Holmes is famous enough to have a trademark hat.
                        Who else in the modern age can truly say that apart from Matt Smith’s Doctor in
                        Doctor Who, and he doesn’t even wear it all the time. So there are fans in their
                        universe and there are fans in ours and Steven Moffat’s job is to acknowledge both
                        communities while still creating a drama that feels true to itself. Of course, fans being
                        fans, there’s a certain amount (total) of debate as to how well he has succeeded.
                        Which is, in a way, its own proof of success.

                        132楼2014-01-20 08:31
                          I've been very lucky at what's happened in my career to date, but playing something as
                          far from me as possible is an ambition of mine - anything from a mutated baddy in a
                          comic book action thriller, to a detective. If anything, I'd like Gary Oldman's career:
                          he's the perfect example of it. I've love to have a really broad sweep of characters -
                          to be able to do something edgy, surprising and unfashionable. (May 2005)
                          [on Martin Freeman playing Bilbo Baggins] It was great. I got to hang out with him, and
                          I kept a straight face for a bit and then I started giggling because I know Martin, I don't
                          know Bilbo. For Martin to be sitting there playing Bilbo is amazing. He's going to be
                          amazing, he's going to be fantastic in this film.
                          [on Sherlock (2010) fan-fiction] I suppose my bodily proportions are quite flattering. I'm
                          ripped, doing something I wouldn't normally do with my body, or having done to it,
                          involving Watson. So that's as far as I'll hit about that one, but it's all there on the Web
                          if you want to find it. I was amazed at the level of artistry; people have spent hours
                          doing it. And there's some really weird cross breeding stuff that goes on. The news got
                          out that I was playing Smaug in "Hobbit" and suddenly there were lots of dragons with
                          purple scarves flying around so it's crazy, it's crazy.
                          [on declining to reprise his much-acclaimed role in "After the Dance" on Broadway] I've
                          never really made a head-over-heart decision like that before but there's a bit of
                          momentum and I'd like to keep myself available for films. (September 2011)
                          I've seen and swam and climbed and lived and driven and filmed. Should it all end
                          tomorrow, I can definitely say there would be no regrets. I am very lucky, and I know it.
                          I really have lived 5,000 times over. (May 2013)

                          134楼2014-01-27 13:21
                            [on his role in Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)] I don't really believe in good and evil. I
                            don't really believe in heroes and villains. His reasons for what he does are quite
                            profoundly persuasive. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, and the
                            fact that he's a shadow self of Kirk - same coin, different sides - is what makes him
                            interesting to play.
                            [re advice from co-star Meryl Streep] I asked her how she approached the multiple
                            layers of her part. And she said, "I don't know. I don't have a process. It changes with
                            every job, doesn't it?" And I thought, "Oh, thank God, to hear her say it. This whole thing
                            about technique or method? It's bullshit." People say, "Oh, you're so precise." But within
                            that I work very hard to give every part a heartbeat. I learned a lot from just watching
                            Meryl in repose. It was a bit like a Sherlock deduction actually.
                            [re would-be response to Julian Assange about movie portrayal of him] Well, somebody
                            is going to do it, wouldn't you rather it's someone who has your ear, who could steer the
                            film to a place that's more accurate or balanced? The tabloid image of him, what he
                            fears is going to be promoted - that weird, white-haired guy wanted for rape - is so far from what we did.
                            [re his Hobbit character] It was publicized that I 'voice' Smaug, and I thought, "Fucking
                            hell. My voice, my motions - I worked my arse off to create that dragon!".
                            I can tell you I'm a huge fan of Downton Abbey (2010) and what I said was quite,
                            quite clearly - to most intelligent New York Times readers - a joke. [on the comments
                            he made about Downton Abbey (2010) on the New York Times]
                            Sometimes as an actor you're looking for the infinite. If you can hold that, if you can
                            remember that in the chaos, [it will] anchor you and give you grace and ease.

                            135楼2014-01-27 13:23
                              Worst thing about my profession? The press, obviously. Don't write that, eh?
                              [on Downton Abbey (2010), interviewed on "Reader's digest", 16 August 2012] We're
                              remembering that there was a world before the First World War. We're living in a culture
                              now that's revering, or having a nostalgia trip with, the beginning of the 1900s. Although
                              Downton traded a lot on the sentiment in the last series... but we won't talk about that
                              series because it was, in my opinion, f***ing atrocious.
                              [on being abducted in South Africa in 2005] It taught me that you come into this world
                              as you leave it, on your own. It's made me want to live a life slightly less ordinary.
                              I don't live beyond my means. I enjoy luxury and I enjoy the privilege of it, when I can
                              afford it, and I'm in the situation where it's been given to me, but I'm very conscious of
                              what is wasteful.
                              I've always had an eye on longevity; I've got loads more goals to achieve. It's not like I've
                              completely conquered the whole thing. That's a lifetime's objective, not an overnight
                              [on delivering a successful performance] It's rather like a sportsman, where you hit a
                              sweet spot and think, "Oh, that felt good." You don't necessarily know why it is. It's
                              pretty fleeting, and I guess that's how it should be, because the minute you try to hold
                              on to it, it's too precious, and you start to try to reinvigorate the ghost of what you've
                              done rather than keep evolving it.
                              Every time I'm seen at a bar with a girl, I get photographed. Anyone who has a computer
                              knows my entire dating history. I get it. Paparazzi is an inescapable, immovable obstacle.

                              136楼2014-01-27 13:25