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【原创】Teen Titans Season 6



来自iPad1楼2013-06-26 08:45回复
    ———————Beast Boy's Gift———————
    "Aserath Metrion Zindoes..." Glacien was trying to learn some new magic spells from Raven, and Raven was trying to learn some from Glacien. "Right, my powers are controlled by emotions. Now, how do you control yours?" Glacien landed to the ground, and said,"Okay. So first, my powers are controlled by how much you release your strength, and you have to imagine. My powers are mostly ice and snow. Now, here's what you have to say." Raven said,"Ok, I'm ready." "Glacies Tenoria Crindose." Raven was just about to repeat until Star Fire knocked on her door."Um...Raven? Glacien? Anyone there?" Raven rolled her eyes and said,"Oh no...she is here again..." Star Fire entered and asked,"Oh, uh...what are you guys doing?" Glacien stood up,with her white cape around. "Nothing. Just something that we don't want to tell you." Raven nodded, and said,"Could you leave my room now?" Star Fire replied,"Not until the mission completed. There's a crime alert!" Glacien said,"You should be kidding...fine, Raven, I'll teach you later." Raven nodded, and put her hood on and flew out with the other Titans.
    Robin ran to the front, and saw a woman flying in the air. "Now, how could any of you Titans can defeat me, Madam Rook? You're going down!" Cyborg replied,"I don't think so!" Cyborg shot his gun at Madam Rook, Rook used one hand and the attack was gone. Cyborg said,"Uh..." Glacien flew up to the front and said,"I might want to try Raven's power. Aserath Metrion Zindoes!" Nothing happened. Raven was shocked. "Glacien! What is happening!?" Glacien replied,"I...don't...know! Maybe I didn't put enough emotion? I'll try again." Glacien took a deep breath and said,"Aserath Metrion Zindoes!" Still, nothing happened. Suddenly, Glacien felt really dizzy and tired. "What's...happening..." Beast Boy yelled,"Glacien!" Raven said,"How come? Did she do something wrong?" Glacien can't hold it anymore, she fell to the snow. Rook laughed and said,"Hahahaha! You call that powers? I can't believe it! Hahahahaha!" Beast Boy ran to Glacien and picked her up. "Glacien? Are you all——you're starting to become freezing! " Raven said,"What!?" Robin said,"Doesn't matter, but first we need to take her back to the tower!" Star Fire yelled to Rook,"We're not going to finish you today, but we will next time!" Beast Boy quickly ran back to the tower. Star Fire said,"Wait up, BB!" Inside the tower... Beast Boy said,"Glacien? Are you all right?" Glacien opened her eyes. She was shivering, but she has sweat. "I'm...cold..." Beast Boy said,"Hang on, Glacien! I'm going to get you some blankets!" Beast Boy was almost going to run, but Glacien dragged his hand."No, don't go... I, I don't want any blankets...I want...you." Beast Boy was shocked. "Oh, I , uh, I..." Glacien said,"Really..."

    来自iPad3楼2013-06-27 11:19
      Beast Boy blushed. "Uh...I, uh..." Glacien suddenly felt her head hurting. "Ah! Ah!" Beast Boy said,"What's wrong!? Glacien!" Glacien has her both hands holding her head, having cold sweat rolling down her forehead. Beast Boy don't know what to do, so he said," Oh no... What can I do?" Robin and the other Titans ran inside. Raven said,"Glacien!? What happened!?" Beast Boy said,"Oh, I,uh..." Cyborg walked over and asked,"BB, what is happening to Glacien?" Beast Boy said,"I don't know! She said something like she wants me to warm her up and something——wait a second...She used Raven's spell!" Raven said,"I don't know what went wrong, unless..." Robin said,"You mean...she's the daughter of Slythers!?" Raven answered,"Correct. A long time ago, my father and Slythers are friends. But one day, they started to plan for learning each others powers, but that's when they got the fight. Both of them thinks each other's powers are too weak, so they made a horrible deal. Never ever learn each other's powers again. If they do, then they will feel pain..." Beast Boy said,"What shall we do!?" Star Fire said,"Well let's break up." Cyborg said,"What kind of idea is that..." Beast Boy lowered his head, looking really sad, and walked away. Raven said,"Beast Boy? What's the matter?"

      来自iPad4楼2013-06-28 20:56
        Beast Boy answered,"Nothing. Just...thinking..." Raven looked at him. Beast Boy asked,"Mind if I go to the kitchen?" Raven said,"Go ahead." Beast Boy walked into the kitchen. "So let's see some nice tofu here." Beast Boy looked for some nice fresh tofu in the refrigerator. Glacien calmed down and opened her eyes. "I'm feeling better now..." Robin said,"We're really glad that you are. Where's Beast Boy?" Raven pointed to the kitchen with her thumb. Glacien stood up, kind of tumbling and not really stiff. Raven and Robin holder her in the arms. Raven asked,"You okay?" Glacien looked at her and said,"Yes. Way okay." Robin smiled. Meanwhile, Beast Boy is making tofu. "Now some nice fresh tofu is finished. I really hope at least someone other than me in the Teen Titans likes tofu, too..." Beast Boy served the tofu on a plate. Beast Boy took the plate of tofu into the living room. "Um...guys?" Cyborg asked,"Yo, Beastdude! Where have you been for this whole time!?" Star Fire said,"I agree. Glacien is in a dangerous health, and you aren't even helping! What's the big deal?" Beast Boy looked at them. "I...I was just..." Robin said,"Beast Boy, I think I'll have to agree with them." Raven looked at everyone. Glacien walked out of Robin and Raven's hands and said,"No, I really don't think that Beast Boy was just resting." Then she turned back to Beast Boy. "I believe you, Beast Boy." Beast Boy looked at her. "I...I'm sorry..." Beast Boy left the plate of tofu on the table and ran to his room. Glacien called after him,"Beast Boy! Where are you——" Raven said,"Glacien, don't." Star Fire said,"Did I say something too rude?" Robin looked down on the table. "What's this?" Beast Boy sat on his bed in his messy room. "What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?" "Nothing. You did nothing wrong." It was Glacien. She was holding the plate of hot tofu and coming into Beast Boy's room. Beast Boy said,"What? " Glacien came in Beast Boy's room and sat by him on his bed."I'm sure that you are trying to help me. Really, I'm really fine. It's just that there's a story about the spells that's between Raven and me." Beast Boy said,"Huh? So...you're not...hating me?" "Why would I?" Glacien said with a smile. Beast Boy smiled, too. Glacien looked at the tofus. "And...thanks for these tofu. It's still hot and fresh, mind if we eat it together?" Beast Boy answered,"Sure. Let's eat." Glacien ate one piece, and said,"Mmm...better than I thought!" Beast Boy said,"Really!?" Glacien answered,"Ehm, really." Beast Boy jumped up and said,"All right! Thanks!" Glacien ate another tofu and said,"That's what I'm supposed to say. You know? I think you're actually really nice." Beast Boy's eyes flashed.

        来自iPad5楼2013-06-29 10:12
          ———————Chemical Danger———————
          "What are these?" Beast Boy asked. The Teen Titans are in a science lab. The scientist , Dr. Lobos is letting everyone seeing his chemicals that he made. Lobos said,"These are the animal chemicals, these are the crystal-making chemicals, and this..." Glacien asked,"This is what?" Lobos's eyes flashed and said,"This is...the Bloodthirsty chemical!" Robin shouted,"Look out!" Dr. Lobos picked up the Bloodthirsty chemical and threw it at the Teen Titans. Raven said,"Azerath Metrion Zindoes!" A shield formed and blocked the chemical. Cyborg yelled,"Yo! Not cool!" Robin asked,"Who are you? Why did you do that?" Dr. Lobos said,"I'm Lobos! Kolos Lobos!" Cyborg said,"Kolos Lobos!? That's the dangerous killer scientist! You're Kolos Lobos!?" Lobos answered,"Indeed, I am! And I want you to prove that my new Bloodthirsty chemical works!" Beast Boy said,"Then you'll have to try!" Robin yelled,"Titans, go!" Glacien flew straight to Lobos, with an ice sword formed in front of her. Lobos took out a beaker with the Bloodthirsty chemical and grinned. Glacien gasped and flew up. Robin held a staff and ran to Lobos. "You're not getting away with this!" Robin jumped up high and was going to hit Lobos, but Lobos took out a green bomb and hit Robin before he did. "Ahh!" Robin fell to the ground, with the disgusting-smell-green smoke all around him. Beast Boy turned into a cheetah and pushed Lobos to the ground. Lobos was under Beast Boy, and he took out a tiny, sharp needle covered with a little bit of the red Bloodthirsy chemical on the tip. Lobos said with a grin,"You're going down, green one!" Lobos stick the needle deeply into Beast Boy's leg. Beast Boy felt sharp pain and fell backwards, turning back to himself. "Ouch! What the..." Beast Boy pulled the needle out, feeling pretty painful. "What's with all this needle? Whatever." Beast Boy threw the needle away. Lobos smiled. "That's all for today! Come back when you're ready, losers!" Then he looked at Beast Boy and said,"When you're not thirsty..." Lobos threw the green bomb to the ground and disappeared. Glacien flew down and cleaned the icky green goo off of her light blue hair. "Why did he just go like that?" Robin stood up and said,"I don't know." Raven said,"I think that's not really normal." Star Fire wiped the messy goo off of her face and said,"Perhaps we should get a nice bath at home, don't you guys think?" Glacien answered,"I...don't really think so..." Beast Boy rubbed his ankle, where the needle was stuck. "Aww...my ankle...it hurts!" Raven said,"Maybe you would need some bandage." Glacien helped Beast Boy get up. Cyborg said,"Looks like I need to be recharged now." Robin said,"Although Kolos Lobos surrendered this time, we still have to keep an eye out." Star Fire said,"Can we go home now?"
          On the next day... Beast Boy woke up pretty early in the morning. "It's a new day! How nice!" Glacien was holding her book and walking to the living room. "Good morning, Beast Boy. What. Do you want to eat for breakfast?" Beast Boy answered,"Hi Glacien! Hmm...maybe some nice——" Beast Boy suddenly stopped and felt pain in his head. "Ah! What's happening!?" Beast Boy fell down and rolled over with his hands holding his head.

          来自iPad8楼2013-06-30 04:32
            Glacien gasped. "Beast Boy! What is happening——" Then Glacien stopped. She said,"The chemicals. It's the chemicals! Beast Boy has the Bloodthirsty chemical in him!" Glacien ran over and put Beast Boy on her back and carried him to his room. Just as Glacien went to Beast Boy's room, Robin came out. He yawned and said,"What's with all this noise..." Then he opened his eyes, and saw no one. "Huh? I thought I just heard some noise... Well, maybe it's just me. Time for breakfast!" Glacien ran to Beast Boy's room and lied him on his messy bed. Glacien said,"Beast Boy, are you feeling...fine?" Beast Boy has tons of sweat rolling down his head.

            来自iPad9楼2013-07-01 01:50

              IP属地:天津来自iPhone客户端11楼2019-03-14 14:34