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CIT规则 中英双语版


1. Do not deathmatch. - Don't attack somebody or even aim a gun at somebody for no reason, do not revenge kill. Deathmatching is only allowed in the City of LV, and at the weed farm, when it's close to harvest time.
2. Listen to server staff. - Server staff can be indentified by a [CIT] tag and are here to players.
3. Do not annoy staff members, do not stand near them and do not honk at them. Do not send blatantly invalid reports like "DM" in LV or at a criminal event. If you do this by accident you can delete the report, else face punishment.
4. Do not cheat, exploit bugs or scam players - Cheating is defined as an unfair advantage. Do not turf from high roofs. Hosting car shows where entrants must pay is forbidden.
5. Do not purposefully evade ingame situations or admins by disconnecting.
6. Do not spam or advertise outside of F10 {Car shows and events do not count}. - Press J if you need to contact an admin. All admins start with [CIT]
7. Do not request an unfair advantage from a member of staff or ask for admin.
8. Play nice. Don't flame, don't troll, don't grief, don't impersonate, only use a group tag if the group permits you to, don't use a stupid or unacceptable name.
11. Selling accounts, arrests, or anything else that isn't a guaranteed transfer is not permitted and if a player scams you that is your fault for breaking this rule. Selling ingame money/VIP/etc for real life money via PayPal is prohibited.
13. Speak English only in main and team chat.
14. Do not misuse the CIT support chat. "Misuse" can mean the following: spamming, flooding, non-english, advertising, flaming, trolling, repeating a question more than once although it was already answered, repeating an answer that has already been stated at least around 6 seconds ago, asking a not CIT server related question and anything else that is not "asking a CIT server related question" or "answering a question".
17. Conduct yourself. - DRIVE ON THE RIGHT, Do not do stupid things which affect other players like standing in a road, parking in the road, landing aircraft in the road or drive into people and anything else which can negatively impact other players. Also try to act like your job so if you're a cop you shouldn't be randomly shooting. Do not block other players.
1. 不要乱杀人 - 请不要漫无目的的乱杀人,我不犯人,他不犯我。
2. 听听伺服器工作人员说甚麼 - 伺服器管理员的名字前的标签为 [CIT]
3. 不要惹恼工作人员,别在他们旁边烦他们或别对他们乱按喇叭。
4. 不要使用外挂,或Bug或骗玩家 - 作弊是很不公平的事情。
5. 不要以断线的方式刻意避开游戏中的事情或管理员。
6. 不要洗频 - 请按 J 如果你需要联络管理玵的话。所有管理员名称开头都有[CIT]注明。
7. 不要因为不爽某位会员或事情向管理员求助。
8. 好好玩,别乱放火或拖吊他人车辆等等,少了这些事情能让大家愉快些。
11. 贩售帐户,逮捕,武器等是不安全与不允许的,
13. 聊天室主要以英文为主。
14. 不要在支援{support}频道问跟CIT伺服器无关的问题。
17. 行车过程中请靠右行驶,不要做愚蠢的事,就像把车停在路中间或站在路中间,开飞机降落在道路上有可能对其他玩家产生负面影响,也可以尝试像你的工作,所以如果你是警察你不应该随便射击,不要挡住其他玩家

1楼2013-07-02 10:18回复
    你还玩么 我也在CIT

    IP属地:广东2楼2013-07-14 16:51

      3楼2013-10-26 00:19