U of T (St. George):
The REAL U of T (and it IS U of T, not
UFT). These guys are the definition of annoying smart asses. St. George's
reputation for snobbishness rivals that of Queen’s. Their class sizes have
ballooned to the 1000's. At St. George, you're not a number, you're a decimal!
This may be THE hardest campus of them all and the most respected. Where UTSC
bells marks up, St. George consistently bells down. Why? Everyone here emerged
from the womb with a straight A report card in hand, a testament to the fact
that they were/are/will always be in the '90th percentile' of the general
populus. Now, these suckers are pitted against each other in a bloody fight to
the finish. Welcome to the real world, smart asses, you ain't all perfect and
somebody has to get that 60! These guys are miserable (if they're passing),
especially if they're the severely isolated and chronically lonely, verging on
depression commuters. Commerce is full of Chinese kids who primarily only talk
in Mandarin/Cantonese and almost every other field is dominated by white kids.
And EVERYONE is seriously over caffeinated. Oh yeah, it's also COMPETITIVE.
Friendliness is interpreted as a sly method to get someone's notes/syphon off
their intelligence. And that irritating downtown chique is alive and well, so
don't be surprised to see some non-Asian chick in a kimono chatting about the
plus side of communism with her friend in a puffy pink formal organza dress
(with heels, of course). At heart, downtowners are embracers of all things and
all people, but in order to see that you'll have to get them to slow down and
talk to you for two seconds and let’s face it, if they want to graduate from St.
George, they don't have the time to do anything else but study!
The REAL U of T (and it IS U of T, not
UFT). These guys are the definition of annoying smart asses. St. George's
reputation for snobbishness rivals that of Queen’s. Their class sizes have
ballooned to the 1000's. At St. George, you're not a number, you're a decimal!
This may be THE hardest campus of them all and the most respected. Where UTSC
bells marks up, St. George consistently bells down. Why? Everyone here emerged
from the womb with a straight A report card in hand, a testament to the fact
that they were/are/will always be in the '90th percentile' of the general
populus. Now, these suckers are pitted against each other in a bloody fight to
the finish. Welcome to the real world, smart asses, you ain't all perfect and
somebody has to get that 60! These guys are miserable (if they're passing),
especially if they're the severely isolated and chronically lonely, verging on
depression commuters. Commerce is full of Chinese kids who primarily only talk
in Mandarin/Cantonese and almost every other field is dominated by white kids.
And EVERYONE is seriously over caffeinated. Oh yeah, it's also COMPETITIVE.
Friendliness is interpreted as a sly method to get someone's notes/syphon off
their intelligence. And that irritating downtown chique is alive and well, so
don't be surprised to see some non-Asian chick in a kimono chatting about the
plus side of communism with her friend in a puffy pink formal organza dress
(with heels, of course). At heart, downtowners are embracers of all things and
all people, but in order to see that you'll have to get them to slow down and
talk to you for two seconds and let’s face it, if they want to graduate from St.
George, they don't have the time to do anything else but study!