phineasandferb吧 关注:27贴子:349




IP属地:山东1楼2013-07-25 21:46回复
    第二季Phineas & Ferb-ulous: The Ultimate Album
    1. Spa Day- Danny Jacob
    2. Watchin' and Waitin'- Phineas
    3. Not So Bad A Dad- Vanessa
    4. Gimme a Grade- Baljeet
    5. Candace Party- Candace
    6. Fish Out of Water- Beverly Stounton
    7. Gitchee Gitchee Goo- Phineas and the Ferb-Tones
    8. Backyard Beach- Ferb
    9. Busted- Candace & Vanessa
    10. Perry the Platypus (song)- Randy Crenshaw
    11. S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)- 2 Guys N the Parque
    12. I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun!- Linda
    13. My Nemesis- Danny Jacob
    14. My Goody Two-Shoes Brother- Dr. Doofenshmirtz
    15. Disco Miniature Golfing Queen- Laura Dickinson
    16. My Undead Mummy- Danny Jacob
    17. I Love You Mom- Candace
    18. Ready for the Bettys- The Bettys
    19. When We Didn't Get Along- Danny Jacob
    20. He's a Bully- Robbie Wyckoff
    21. Truck Drivin' Girl- Danny Jacob
    22. Do Nothing Day- Candace & Jeremy
    23. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.- Candace
    24. Fabulous- Bobbi Fabulous & Phineas
    25. Little Brothers- Stacy
    26. Let's Take a Rocket Ship to Space- Danny & the Jaytones
    27. Queen of Mars- Candace
    28. Chains On Me- Dan Povenmire & The Smile Away Reformatory Glee Club
    29. Phinedroids and Ferbots- Phinedroids and Ferbots
    30. Ain't Got Rhythm- Sherman & Phineas
    31. You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart- Love Händel
    32. J-Pop (Welcome to Tokyo)- Stacy's Cousins
    33. Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls- Uncle Sabu
    34. Bouncin' Around the World- Love Händel
    35. City of Love- Isabella
    36. Summer Belongs to You- Candace, Isabella & Phineas
    37. Follow the Sun- Danny Jacob & Laura Dickinson
    38. The Ballad of Klimpaloon- Love Händel

    IP属地:山东9楼2013-07-25 22:11
      夏天属于你Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You! Soundtrack
      1. I Believe We Can- Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan
      2. JPOP (Welcome to Tokyo)- Stacy's Cousins
      3. Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls- Uncle Sabu& Co.
      4.Around The World- Love Händel
      5. City of Love- Isabella
      6. Summer Belongs to You (song)- Phineas, Isabellaand Candace
      7. Follow The Sun- Danny Jacob
      8. The Ballad of Klimpaloon- Love Händel
      9. Summer Belongs To You! (Original Guide Demo)- Danny Jacob & Olivia Olson

      IP属地:山东11楼2013-07-25 22:18
        圣诞版Phineas and Ferb Holiday Favorites
        1. Winter Vacation- Bowling for Soup
        (Povenmire/Culross/Marsh/Olson/Walker/Williams/Moncrief- Wonderland (BMI))
        2. What Does He Want?- Candace
        (Olson/Povenmire/Moncrief - Wonderland (BMI))
        3. That Christmas Feeling- Olivia Olson
        (Jon Colton Barry- Wonderland (BMI))
        4. I Really Don't Hate Christmas- Dr. Doofenshmirtz
        (Povenmire/Marsh/Olson - Wonderland (BMI))
        5. Where Did We Go Wrong?- Cast ofPhineas and Ferb
        (Povenmire/Hughes/Olson - Wonderland (BMI))
        6. Danville for Niceness- Cast ofPhineas and Ferb
        (Jon Colton Barry - Wonderland (BMI))
        7. Christmas is Starting Now- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
        (Povenmire/Olson/Jacob - Wonderland (BMI))
        8. Thank You Santa- Mitchel Musso
        (Barry/Marsh/Povenmire - Wonderland (BMI))
        9. The Twelve Days of Christmas- Cast ofPhineas and Ferb
        (Traditional - new lyrics by Povenmire/Marsh/Olson/Bernstein/Peterson - Wonderland (BMI))
        10. Good King Wenceslas- Baljeetand Buford
        (Traditional - new lyrics by Povenmire/Marsh/Bernstein/Olson - Wonderland (BMI)) 11. Frosty the Snowman (Recorded as "Perry Saves Christmas")- Major Monogramand and Carl the Intern
        (Nelson/Rollins - Chappell (ASCAP) - new lyrics for "Perry Saves Christmas" by Povenmire/Marsh/Olson/Peterson/Bernstein)
        12. Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow- Isabella
        (Cahn/Styne - Chappell/WB Music (ASCAP))
        13. Run Rudolph Run- Phineas
        (Brodie/Marks - St. Nicholas (ASCAP))
        14. The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)- Vanessa
        (Tormé/Wells - Edwin H. Morris/Sony/ATV (ASCAP))
        15. Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town- Love Händel
        (Coots/Gillespie - EMI Feist/Haven Gillespie (ASCAP))
        16. We Wish You A Merry Christmas- Cast ofPhineas and Ferb
        (Traditional - new lyrics by Povenmire/Marsh/Olson/Bernstein/Peterson - Wonderland (BMI))

        IP属地:山东12楼2013-07-25 22:24
          卡拉OK版Phineas and Ferb (Disney Karaoke Series)
          1.Gitchee Gitchee Goo[Extended Version] (Karaoke Version)
          2.Backyard Beach(Karaoke Version)
          3.S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)(Karaoke Version)
          4.Little Brothers(Karaoke Version)
          5.E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.(Karaoke Version)
          6.Ain't Got Rhythm(Karaoke Version)
          7.He's a Bully(Karaoke Version)
          8.You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart(Karaoke Version)
          9.Gitchee Gitchee Goo[Extended Version]
          10.Backyard Beach 11.S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)
          12.Little Brothers
          13.E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S.
          14.Ain't Got Rhythm
          15.He's a Bully
          16.You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart
          (注:前八首歌为配乐,在INSTRUMENTAL VERSIONS文件夹中;后八首歌为完整版,在VOCAL VERSIONS文件夹中。由于这些歌在前两个专辑中均已出现,我没有制作LRC文件)

          IP属地:山东13楼2013-07-25 22:31

            IP属地:山东14楼2013-07-25 22:32
              02.When Will He Call Me(后院水族馆)
              03.Come On, Kids!(果冻大复活)
              05.Happy Evil Love Song(鸭嘴兽之家)
              06.Technology vs. Nature(泰瑞下蛋)
              07.Let's Go Digital(游戏空间)
              08.Couldn't Kick My Way Into Her Heart(城堡竞技)(又一首恶搞歌曲,哈哈)
              09.Big Ginormous Airplane(造飞机造飞机)
              10.Big Ginormous Airplane(Demo version)(跟上面那一首不太一样)
              11.Lets Take A Quiz(来个测验吧)
              12.Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash(超炫洗车场)
              13.Carl, the Intern(海上漂流记)
              14.When You're Small(捉迷藏)
              15.Boat of Romance(情窦初开)
              16.I'm Me(凡妮莎风暴)
              17.X-Ray Eyes(别闹了兔子)
              18.Dr. Coconut(身体舒压日结尾,没弄懂什么意思)
              19.Charmed Life(时光之旅2)
              20.My Name Is Doof(十大金曲1)(为了防止洗脑,没有采用CelestiaForum朋友的五分钟版,而是带对白的)
              21.Yodel Odle Obey Me(泡泡男孩)(杜博士前后声音判若两人)
              22.The Fireside Girls(伊莎贝拉与树汁庙)
              23.Mix and Mingle Machine(开心吧凯蒂丝)
              24.Go Candace(美女家族童子军大会)(其实是Go Phineas的改编)
              25.He'll Do Anything But Go Away(恶霸密码)
              26.Mexican-Jewish Cultural Festival(照片运输)
              27.There is No Candy in Me(照片运输,就是那首融合了Rap和B-BOX等的歌曲)
              28.Let's All Dance Until We're Sick(舞林大会)
              29.What Do It Do?(神秘机器)
              31.Just Passing Through(穿墙人)
              32.Wedding Adventure(凯蒂丝的大日子)(这歌的节奏超快,我做了好几遍才把LRC做好。刚刚突然想到,这可能会导致歌词来不及看清)
              33.Alabama Bound(苏西的纠缠)
              34.Carl, Incognito(卧底凯尔)
              35.Tri-State Area Unification Day(游行万岁)
              36.Ain't No Kiddie Ride(这不是摇摇车)
              37.Bust Your Brothers(飞哥小佛倒霉记)
              38.Robot Rodeo
              39.Izzy's Got the Frizzies(机器人马术表演)
              40.Yippy Ki Yi Yay!
              41.The Beak(大老鹰)
              42.You're My Better Best Friend(柠檬汁小站)
              43.A-Prime Calypso
              44.Bad Luck(夏威夷假期)
              45.Ducky Momo is My Friend
              46.Our Movie's Better Than Yours(物以怪聚)
              47.The Yellow Sidewalk
              48.I Wish I Was Cool
              49.Tree Related Wish
              50.The Guards' Wishes
              51.My Red Rubber Boots
              53.Alien Heart(各位女士先生,大型调制解调器!)
              54.All Terrain Vehicle(成功的秘密)
              55.Floor After Floor(月球的邪恶面貌)(这歌我做LRC时费死劲了,一开始主唱伴唱都分不清,最后只好忽略了一部分伴唱歌词)
              56.Me, Myself and I(人格分裂)
              57.Mom Look
              58.Aren't You a Little Young?(过山车:音乐剧!)

              IP属地:山东16楼2013-07-25 22:35
                1.Platypus Walk(Just Desserts)(严格地说,这一集只出现了这首歌的旋律。这首歌真正意义上的首播是在2012年的“鸭嘴兽之日”活动中,我也没弄清楚这个“鸭嘴兽之日”是什么)
                2.Extra-Ordinary(Great Balls Of Water)
                3.Phineas and Ferb Theme(Second Winter Themed Song)
                4.Hockey Z—9(For Your Ice Only)
                5.Happy New Year(同名剧集)
                6.Fly On the Wall(同名剧集)(这个是我截的,结尾少截了点)
                7.Waggle Dance(Bee Story)
                8.Alone(Happy Birthday, Isabella)(这个我是比较满意的)

                IP属地:山东18楼2013-07-25 22:41
                  Dodgers' Code of Conduct:这首歌应该是迪士尼为洛杉矶棒球队写的,为了让介绍比赛规则更有趣。据说粉丝们每次比赛前都要放一次这首歌。
                  Gotta Get Gone:游戏《飞哥与小佛:超时空之谜》主题曲。
                  The Dad-Inator:这首歌来自迪士尼官方网站的一个活动The Dad-Inator(我还是别翻译了)。你可以在迪士尼官网上为你的父亲制作父亲节贺卡。贺卡可以分为飞哥与小佛、凡妮莎、杜芬舒斯与密探阿泰、伊莎贝拉四个主题,每个主题有一首对应的歌曲,而我所提供的资源便是这四首歌的串烧。
                  We Wish You A Perry Christmas:这首歌来自DisneyXD的圣诞……广告?
                  We're Gonna Put On A Show!:飞哥与小佛真人秀的开场曲

                  IP属地:山东20楼2013-07-25 22:49
                    03.If Summer Only Lasted One Day(后院海滩)
                    04.Go, Go, Phineas(飞哥甩尾)
                    05.On The Trail(江湖小子)
                    06.On The Trail+In The Mall(两首歌接起来的,因为实在找不到in the mall单独的了)
                    08.Shimmy Jimmy(玩具满人间)
                    09.Quirky Worky Song(这个应该最经典了)
                    10.He's Bigfoot(大脚现形记)
                    11.Hemoglobin Highway(凯蒂丝体内之旅)
                    12.History of Rock(乐团回来了,又译第一幕)
                    14.Music Makes Us Better(乐团回来了结尾)
                    15.The Ballad Of Badbeard(糟胡子传说)
                    16.My Chariot(希腊战车)

                    IP属地:山东24楼2013-07-26 09:26
                      17.Leave the Busting to Us!(教训他们)
                      18.Ring Of Fun(霹雳神鞭)
                      19.Ballad of the Black Knight(武士悍将)
                      20.And the Animals Go(监控摄像头闹剧)
                      23.Candace (Who's That Girl)(老丹尼的一段贯口被我卑鄙地斩为数截……)

                      IP属地:山东28楼2013-07-26 09:40
                        24.Disco Miniature Golfing Queen(荷兰版)
                        25.Perry The Teenage Girl(鸭嘴让我看起来很肥吗)(这歌差点让我笑死,恶搞啊)
                        26.The Flying Fishmonger(飞天鱼贩,不沉闷的那个版本)
                        27.One Good Scare(打电话的原因)(这歌播了两遍,第一遍时没有对白,第二遍就有了)
                        28.He's Eviler(飞哥小佛的科学怪物)
                        29.Impress My Professor(没画过的油画)
                        30.Shooting Star Milkshake Bar(发射升空,外星奶昔店那里)
                        31.The Good Life(《最后》中飞佛被送走后的插曲)

                        IP属地:山东29楼2013-07-26 09:41
                          01.Set The Record Straight(The Great Indoors)
                          02.Just The Two Of Us(Canderemy)
                          03.Run, Candace, Run(同名剧集)
                          04.Give Up(Last Train to Bustville)
                          05.The Shark of Danville Harbor(The Belly of the Beast)
                          06.Moon Farm(同名剧集)(这一首似乎不太完整)
                          07.Buildin' a Supercomputer(Ask a Foolish Question)
                          08.Livin' in a Funhouse(Misperceived Monotreme)
                          09.Dance, Baby!(Candace Disconnected)
                          10.Aerial Area Rug(Magic Carpet Ride)
                          11.With A Dart(Bad Hair Day)
                          12.Meatloaf(Meatloaf Surprise)
                          14.Snacks(Phineas and Ferb Interrupted)
                          15.Sunshine and Bubble Gum
                          16.A Real Boy(同名剧集)
                          17.Little Bit of Home on the Road(Road Trip)
                          18.Everything's Better with Perry(配乐)(没词,可以用来练歌)
                          19.I Walk Away(配乐)(实在抱歉,我真的找不到带词的了)
                          20.Taking Care Of Things(配乐)(以上来自超时空之谜)
                          21.Bust is in the Bag
                          22.Tour de Ferb(同名剧集)

                          IP属地:山东30楼2013-07-26 09:44
                            23.Skiddley Whiffers(同名剧集)
                            24.Lady Song
                            25.Football X-7
                            26.Nostrils on the Bus(My Fair Goalie)
                            27.Evil Tonight(Bullseye!)
                            28.Were-Cow(That's the Spirit)
                            29.Vampire Song(The Curse of Candace)
                            30.Breaking Out(Escape from Phineas Tower)
                            31.Frenemies(Lotsa Latkes)
                            32.Ferb Latin(同名剧集)(好吧我投降了!这首歌不但有二重唱,竟然还有三重唱!成心跟我这个做LRC的过不去啊!由于三重唱组合在一行太长,我只好把飞哥与伊莎贝拉的歌词合为一行,把巴捷与布佛的歌词列到下一行,不过时间貌似没算准,大家只好将就了。其实这首歌挺好听的)
                            33.Zubada(Tri-Stone Area石器时代特辑)(古代版Gitchee Gitchee Goo)
                            34.Way of the Platypus(Doof Dynasty中国特辑)
                            35.Questing Song
                            36.Epic Monster Battle(Excaliferb)
                            37.Don't Look Down(Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon)
                            38.Deep Into Your Mind(Monster from the Id)
                            41.Perry's Hat(The Remains of the Platypus)
                            42.Perrytronic(Mom's in the House)
                            43.Spend Half a Day(Perry The Actorpus)
                            44.Lies(Let's Bounce)

                            IP属地:山东31楼2013-07-26 09:45
                              45.Big Honkin' Hole in My Heart(Bully Bromance Breakup)
                              46.I'm Handsome(Quietest Day Ever)
                              47.Drusselstein Driving Test Waltz(The Doonkelberry Imperative)
                              48.To War(Meapless in Seattle)
                              49.The Ballads of Paul(Delivery of Destiny)(这根本不是一首完整的歌,歌词被对白切得七零八落的)
                              50.Runnin' from Love(Buford Confidential)
                              51.We Are The Moms(The Mom Attractor)
                              52.Big Brain(Cranius Maximus)
                              53.S'Fall(Minor Monogram)(为了保证音乐质量,下载了这么个版本。带有大量的对白,歌还唱了两遍)
                              54.Subterranean Crocodile Apprehension Expedition(What A Croc!)
                              55.Jetpack Volleyball(Sleepwalk Surprise)
                              56.Monogram Box Song
                              57.Non Reaction Song(Sci-Fi Pie Fly)
                              58.Won't Keep Us Apart(Sipping with the Enemy)
                              59.Swap Meet(Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets)
                              60.A Platypus Fight(Doofapus)
                              61.Weaponry(Norm Unleashed)
                              62.On the Savannah
                              63.Highly Unconventional Vehicle
                              64.Evil for Extra Credit(Where's Perry?)
                              65.Livin' with Monkeys(Where's Perry? (Part Two))

                              IP属地:山东32楼2013-07-26 09:46