Now, I want to highlight to you, that I believe, that
though I question why Kai was given so many teasers, I definitely feel like Kai
did his teasers justice. They were DANCE teasers. Dance is what he does best.
Let's put it this way: his dancing was so good that it was impossible to
contain in just a few teasers. Also, if you didn't know, he choreographed
pretty much half his teasers by himself, in the form of bits and pieces. He
contributes a lot to the group choreography. Although I've said that he hasn't
yet demonstrated great freestyling, he certainly knows his stuff. So freestyle
=/= choreographing.
现在我要向大家强调的就是,我相信,虽然不知道为什么KAI有那么多teasers,但我认为他完全担当得起也圆满完成了teaser所赋予的使命。(do justice还能怎么翻译呢..)这些是“舞蹈”预告,而舞蹈是他能做的最好的事情。我们这么说吧——他的舞蹈如此精妙广博,以至于根本无法用一两个teaser囊括所有。还有,如果你不知道的话,teasers中几乎一半的编舞都是他自编的——一些零散的舞步动作(这里的意思是teaser的风格、寓意等大体方向是公司定的)。他也为全队的编舞做出了很大贡献。虽然我刚才说他还没有展现出强大的自由式舞技,但他是绝对知道自己的强项的。所以自由舞蹈(临场舞蹈)不等于编舞。(楼主跳舞方面研究不多,不过根据一些网上定义,freesytling是指现场跟着音乐进行为经任何提前准备规划的舞蹈)

So technically, he isn't the best dancer, but he puts a
lot of emotion into his dancing. The best way to describe it, is that whereas
other main dancers are controlling the dance , he is controlled
by the dance. Let me give you examples dancers in SM of who controls
the dance: Taemin, Eunhyuk, etc. Taemin and Eunhyuk definitely have better
technique than Kai, but Kai, is just raw, okay. Like there are
those tiny, yet special nuances, that can totally change the feel
of his dance. You see the extra hairflip? How he leans a little more further?
The slight tilt of his head? Maybe you can't see it the first time, but
watch him more, and you'll understand. I know it's subjective, but once you see