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test modding 01 translation


My other tutorials:
Tutorial 2: How to create your own Crafting Table:
Tutorial 3: How to make your own Gun
Tutorial 4: How to make your own Armor
Tutorial 5: How to use "Ghouls Modmaker"
Tutorial 1: How to create a new Tool (UPDATED):
Setup your own mod folder in "Starbound\mods" with whatever mod name you like (it don't have to be like the tool you create):

you should create subfolders like
"recipes", "sfx" and "items" to keep your folder clean and have a good overview even with many new mod items.
into the items folder we create a redpickaxe folder for the item itself...
now we create the "MyNewToolMod.modinfo" file in our new "MyNewToolMod" folder (if you want to create such a file just use the text editor and save it as "MyNewToolMod.modinfo"...)
write the following in it:

"name" : "MyNewToolMod", (this is the name of our mod and modfolder)
"version" : "Beta v. Angry Koala", (this has to be the current starbound version)
"path" : ".", (this is for subpaths you could make)
"dependencies" : [] (here you can declare what mod is needed for the mod)
The fastest way is to copy the files that you need into your "MyNewToolMod\items\redpickaxe" folder and edit them there:
Recipe(...\Starbound\assets\recipes\starter\crafting table\stonepickaxe.recipe) copy it to your ("MyNewToolMod\items\recipes") and rename it to something like "MyNewTool" or whatever the name of the new tool should be
now edit the recipe to whatever it should contain:

"input": you can look up the ingredients in other recipes and see the specific id for the item..
"output": is of course your new item which should be named "redpickaxe" this name is important because its the id for the item
"count": is of course the amount of items you should have or get
"groups": here you can say where you are able to craft your item "cratingtable" says you can only craft this at the crafting table (look up different recipes for the other crafting stations) "tools" and "all" are the categories
you could set it to "plain" which would mean you can always craft it
Now copy the item relevant files from("...\Starbound\assets\items\tools") into your mod folder:
you'll need stonepickaxe.miningtool , stonepickaxe.png , stonepickaxebig.png and stonepickaxeicon.png
rename them to redpickaxe.miningtool , redpickaxe.png , redpickaxebig.png and redpickaxeicon.png
the "redpickaxe.png" is the item which is shown in your hand
the "redpickaxebig.png" is shown in the crafting window i guess? not 100% shure
the "redpickaxeicon.png" is the icon displayed in your inventory
you can edit them and draw your own new weapon you'll see the proportions of the old image as a hint how big it should be
now copy the sound for your tool from("...\Starbound\assets\sfx\tools\pickaxe_hit.wav") or create a new one
i copy it in my subfolder "MyNewToolMod\sfx\" and rename it to "redpickaxe_hit.wav"
now edit the "redpickaxe.miningtool":

here a description for every row and dont forget the , after the properties like in the stonepickaxe.miningtool example:
"itemName" : (is the id and very important for this tutorial it should be) "redpickaxe"
"inventoryIcon" : (is of course the new inventory incon which you copied already)) "redpickaxeicon.png"
"dropCollision" : ( i'm pretty shure it's the collision box of the item if you drop it cou can leave it if you want) [-4.0, -3.0, 4.0, 3.0],
"maxStack" : ( this is how you can stack this item in your inventory) 1,
"rarity" : (this is the rarity of your item and changes even the "rarity-color" i think)"common",
"inspectionKind" : (the category of the item) "tool",
"description" : (this is of course the description) "Redpickaxe is nice!",
"shortdescription" : (a shorter description)"Red Pickaxe",
"largeImage" : (the image in the crafting menu which you copied already)) "redpickaxebig.png",
"image" : (the image of your item which you copied already) "redpickaxe.png",
"handPosition" : (whre the hand of the player grabs the tool) [-3, -4],
"fireTime" : (how fast it swings)0.3,
"swingStart" : (i think this is the angle from where it swings)-40,
"swingFinish" : (and here the angle to where it swings) 60,
"blockRadius" : (how wide the radius of mining is)3,
"altBlockRadius" : (self-explanatory)1,
"twoHanded" : (if this is a two handed tool or not) true,
"strikeSound" : (the sound of your tool and the path because it's not in the same folder)"/sfx/redpickaxe_hit.wav",
"durability" : (how long you can mine with it)7500,
"durabilityPerUse" : (how much durability it looses per use)1,
"durabilityRegenChart" : (how much durability it get from specifiy ore)[
[ [ "copperore" ], 750], [ [ "silverore" ], 1125], [ [ "goldore" ], 1500], [ [ "platinumore" ], 1875], [ [ "diamond" ], 2250]
"tileDamage" : (how fast it mines)0.8,
"tileDamageBlunted" : (how fast it mines with 0 durability)0.3
No we create a merge file for our player.config so that we don't have to edit the original:
Create a new "player.config" file in your MyNewTool folder...
So edit the new player.config and write the following in it:

now our recipe is already learned with tier1... if you add more items don't foreget the , like this:
{ "item" : "redpickaxe" },
{ "item" : "bluepickaxe" }
Lets test our own new mod! (i changed the color only to make it quick )

this is how the modfolder looks like:

sorry for the typos and if you have problems or if i made a mistake post it
i used notepad++ to view and edit the text files but you can of course edit them with any other text editorAttached Files:

1楼2014-02-11 17:55回复