“I didn’t really talk to Josh. I didn’t email. He emailed me to say, ‘I know that was a tough day.’ You have to go this place as an actor where you just really believe and you’re invested," Baranski says of filming that scene. "It really wasn’t until his last day on the set, pretty much almost after [Episode] 5-16 was all finished, that I embraced him and cried in his arms. … We had a very easygoing relationship and after five seasons, he was the actor with whom I worked the most. We had a great sense of humor and ease with each other. Will and Diane, the ups and downs are just incredible, so a lot of history is gone with his departure. … She was just a woman who got along with a guy really well in the workplace without it being romantic. In a way it was the enviable relationship because they could be who they were and be a man and a woman, but it was nowhere near Will and Alicia, which was so fraught, so painful, so unfulfilled. Will and Diane were never going to go that route but they had a deep respect and a deep bond.” ----Christine Baranski on The Good Wife's Big Exit
It started when we I shot the pilot and were sort of doing some rehearsals. We were just making eachother laugh very, very quickly. And Christine, I will tell you I didn’t know at all I admired her work but from just the get-go, we just became thick as thieves and it became one of the relationships in the show both on and off set that I will miss quite a lot because she’s a very special person.--JC
5x18 Canning和Diane的对话好悲伤 LC: Your partner Will cut some corners. And I I’m-I’m not criticizing because he was only doing the dirty work that you didn’t want to do. He was the one- DL: ( Diane cuts him off with almost a sad tone to her voice) Mr.Canning your in hisoffice, your taking his cases. What more do you want?
第一季的评论音轨,大概DVD里有,转自汤。 From the audio commentary on 1x16 Fleas Christine Baranski [on Will and Diane fighting]: You play a scene like that and you feel— it’s like having a fight and then having great sex, you know? You feel closer to the person because you’ve had the fight. Not that we had sex— we didn’t, but it took our relationship as characters to just that next level. Josh Charles: There are so many jokes here. Christine Baranski: I know, I know! I’m just here to set you up. Josh Charles: I want to be given an award for restraint right now.