williamwilson吧 关注:3贴子:66
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1楼2014-04-18 20:11回复
    William Wilson is not my name.But I shall use it in this story because my real name is too well known, too hated in every corner of the world. My evil crimes have made sure of that.And as the day of my death comes nearer,I feel the need to write, to explain to you how my life of crime began.
    Most men become evil slowly.They start with little crimes and then move on to bigger ones.But I am different.I moved into real crime with just one big step.Has any man lived a life as evil as mine? But now, the shadow of death fills me with fear;day and night I have the most terrible dreams.Perhaps someone, somewhere, will feel sorry for me.Listen to my story…

    3楼2014-04-18 20:13
      I was a wild and excitable child.My parents worried about me and often tried to punish me, but they never succeeded in changing me.I refused to obey them and I never followed any orders that they gave me.I wanted to be free so I listened only to myself.
      The first school that I can remember was a large and very old house in a small, quiet English village.As I write,I can sill feel the coolness of the shadowy gardens near the house. I can smell the sweetness of the flowers and hear the deep sound of the church bells as they rang every hour.
      These feelings give me some moments of happiness as I sit here in black misery, waiting for death.In fact,it is here,in this school,that my story really begins…

      4楼2014-04-18 20:14
        I was the kind of boy who liked to give orders,not to take them.I always wanted to win every game,every fight,and to be first in everything.All the other boys,even those a bit older than myself,were happy to follow and obey me.All,that is,except one.His name was the same as mine,so I shall call him William William,too.We were not from the same family,but we both had the same name.This was not surprising because my name was not an unusual one.
        This William Wilson refused to obey me.He argued with me, both in class and in the playground,and tried to stop the other boys from following me.Actually,I think I was the only boy who realized what he was doing.He did everything very cleverly and silently, and in this way nobody really noticed it.But I-I noticed what he did,and I was frightened by it.
        I was afraid that Wilson was stronger than I was.I became worried and angry when I saw the other boys follow him instead of me.But Wilson was always cool and calm.Nothing ever troubled him.He seemed to want one thing only-to see me fright-ened and unhappy.But at the same time I sometimes noticed that he showed a friendliness towards me-which was most unwelcome to me.
        It is difficult for me to describe my feelings towards Wilson.I didn't hate him,but neither did I like him.I think that,more than anything,I felt afraid of him.At the same time I wanted to know more about him.I wanted to find something that frightened or worried him.But I could find nothing.There was nothing strange in the way he looked or walked.Nothing,that is,except for one thing-his voice.His voice was strange.When he spoke,he could never speak loudly.In fact, he never spoke above a whisper.

        6楼2014-04-18 20:17
          Wilson was quick to find the one thing that I really did not like.It was my name.Although I come from an old and famous family,my name is a very everyday one.It could belong to any unimportant workman.I had always hated my name, but now I hated it even more because both of us had the same name.I heard it twice as often.And there was something that worried me even more deeply.We seemed to look alike as well.We were as tall as one another,we were both thin,and even our faces were alike.Because our names were the same,I knew that the older boys thought that we were brothers, but nobody seemed to notice that we looked alike.But Wilson noticed it and he also saw that I was angry about it.Nothing ever escaped him.He always knew my deepest feelings.
          After a while he started to dress like me,and even to walk like me.Luckily,he could not speak like me when I spoke loudly,but when I spoke in a whisper,his whisper was just like mine.
          All these things troubled me deeply.I could see that Wilson enjoyed making me angry,and he used to laugh at me secretly.Strangely, the other boys never noticed how he made fun of me,and copied me in every way.I was the only one who noticed it.
          Very often he used to give me advice,telling me quietly what I should do or what I should say.I hated him even more when he did this.Today,of course, I realize that his advice was always very good and sensible.What a pity that I never followed it!
          As time went by,I became more and more angry with him.Why should he,or anyone, give me advice?My feelings towards him changed and I actually began to hate him.He noticed this and tried not to come near me so much.
          One day,towards the end of my fifth year at school we had a violent argument.While we were arguing, he showed his feelings more openly than usual,and a very strange idea came into my mind.I thought-how can I describe it?-I thought just for a second or two that I had known him before,a long,long time ago,when we were very young children.It was,as I say,a strange and very stupid idea,and I forgot it as quickly as I could.

          7楼2014-04-18 20:17
            I had heard that Glendinning was very rich indeed-rich enough to lose a lot of money and not to worry about it.Now,I understood from the whispers around the table,that this was not true.I had,in fact,won everything he owned,and so destroyed him.
            Nobody spoke.Glendinning had covered his face with his hands and everyone clearly felt very sorry for him.Even I began to feel a little worried,and wondered what I should do.
            As we stood in silence,the doors suddenly opened and a strong wind filled the room.It blew out all the candles in the room and we were left in darkness.But in the few seconds before the candles went out,we noticed that a man had entered the room.He was about as tall as I was,and his face and body were hidden by a long cloak.As we stood in the darkness,we could feel him standing in the room.
            Then he began to speak.He spoke in a whisper,and his voice filled me with fear.‘Gentlemen,’he said.‘I am here because I have something important to tell you.I am afraid that you do not really know the man who has just won so much money from Glendinning.Let me tell you how to learn more about him.Please look very carefully inside his left sleeve and at the several little packets inside the large pockets of his jacket.’Immediately after these words he left the room,as silently as he had entered it.
            That moment was one of the worst moments of my life.I had no time to do anything.My friends fell on me angrily,lit the candles again,and searched my clothes.They found the single cards hidden carefully inside my left sleeve,and in my pockets they discovered the packets of special cards which helped me to win every game I played.
            My friends stood around me in a circle and looked at me in silence.Mr.Preston then picked up a cloak from the floor.‘Mr.Wilson,’he said.‘Here is your cloak. You will,I hope,leave my room,and then leave Oxford immediately.’
            I wanted to hit him,but something stopped me.It was the cloak that Preston was holding in his hands.Although it looked like my cloak,I knew that it wasn't,because my own cloak was already over my left arm.It was a very unusual and expensive cloak,which a shop had made specially for me.How was it possible that there was now another cloak just like it?
            I thought back to the moment when the stranger had come into the room.Yes,he had been wearing a cloak too… Full of fear,I quickly took the cloak from Mr.Preston and left the room.The next morning I left Oxford and escaped to Europe.I was now known to be a cheat at cards and every door in England would be closed against me.

            11楼2014-04-18 20:21
              But bad luck travelled with me.In fact I soon realized that my troubles at Oxford had been only the beginning… Soon after I arrived in Paris,I met William Wilson again.There,too,he destroyed my evil hopes.Everywhere I went, year after year,he appeared like a ghost and came between me and my plans.In Rome he stopped me from getting what I wanted.In Vienna,too-in Berlin,and even in Moscow!Wasn't there anywhere where I could be left alone?I went from city to city,trying to escape from him.But I couldn't feel free.I couldn't be alone.He followed me everywhere.
              Again and again I used to ask myself these questions.‘Who is he?Where does he come from?What does he want from me?’But I could find no answer.I thought deeply about all the times when I had seen him.In every city,I realized,Wilson had done the same thing.He had not stopped my plans all the time,but only when they were evil and dangerous,either to others or to myself.I understood all this,but still I was very angry.Why couldn't Wilson leave me alone? Why couldn't he let me live in the way I wanted to?
              I realized another thing too.Every time Wilson appeared,he had never let me see his face.I had always noticed his clothes.It was difficult not to notice them because they were always the same as mine.But he kept his face hidden from me.Why did he do this?Did he really think that I was so stupid?Did he think I hadn't realized who he was?The man who followed me everywhere and destroyed my plans again and again was the same William Wilson of my schooldays!But let me continue with my story.

              12楼2014-04-18 20:21
                来自 http://www.tingvoa.com/html/20120129/63640_3.html

                14楼2014-04-18 20:22