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What happened to John and Aona?
04-02-2011, 05:20 PM
Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 30
What happened to John and Aona?John Sinkiewicz was known as a planetary grid pioneer, and Aona channeled the group of universal beings called Datre. They had a site where they would upload transcripts of Aona channeling Datre. But then in 2009, after lack of updates, the site went down, and I have no idea what happened to them.Does anyone here know what happened? I'm curious since there was no indication that they were going to go silent online, although they were busy with a project I would have thought that they would update their site eventually. But their site went down and mails were returned.I uploaded what I had downloaded form their original site to a blog, just to have it available, since I think it was rather outstanding information:Unfortunately I can't post links here but you can find it by searching for Datre free transcripts on google. There is also a post in the channeled message group on this forum where the link is.So if you have any idea what might have happened, I'd be interested in hearing about it here or on the blog.Thanks in advance.
04-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Spiritlite MasterJoin
Date: Oct 2010
Location: Northern California
Posts: 6,283
Hmm never heard of them but they sound interesting.Spiritlite.
04-02-2011, 06:01 PM
janitor SeekerJoin
Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 30
Yes I thought they were unique, I've never come across anything similar in the alternative venue.They rejected being called spiritual though. I tried to setup a Datre forum once, where I said that the Datre information was some of the best stuff that I had read. Ironically I don't think they liked that, being called the best, because they would say that there is no above and there is no below, like Seth through Jane Roberts.They wouldn't allways give you answers that you liked and I'm still not sure if they understood one of my questions, or if I just resented their answer...And John was a nice guy, he sent me the two first books for free, though I did offer to translate them. Once there was a problem with payments for some of the buyers, and he just sent a link to download the books for free to all the subscribers.And ofc you didn't have to pay for the free stuff, over 200 pages of transcripts. John also said they were planning to sell CD's with the audio tapes, it would have been interesting to hear them on audio.
额,sell CD's with the audio tapes?最后还是没见到音频资料。。。。。

IP属地:福建1楼2014-04-18 20:33回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-04-19 05:35

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            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端7楼2023-09-01 11:56
              约翰和奥娜发生了什么事?这是1楼吧:2011 年 4 月 2 日 下午 5:20看门人搜索者加入日期:2010 年 10 月帖子:30约翰和奥娜发生了什么事?约翰·辛凯维奇被称为行星栅格先驱,奥娜引导了名为道瑞的宇宙存在群体。他们有一个网站,可以上传奥娜通灵道瑞的文字记录。但到了 2009 年,由于缺乏更新,网站瘫痪了,我不知道他们发生了什么事。这里有人知道发生了什么事吗?我很好奇,因为没有迹象表明他们会在网上保持沉默,尽管他们正忙于一个项目,但我本以为他们最终会更新他们的网站。但他们的网站瘫痪了,邮件被退回。我将从他们原始网站下载的内容上传到博客,只是为了让它可用,因为我认为这是相当出色的信息:不幸的是,我不能在这里发布链接,但你可以通过在谷歌上搜索 Datre 免费抄本即可找到它。该论坛的频道消息组中还有一个帖子,其中有链接。因此,如果您知道可能发生了什么,我有兴趣在这里或在博客上了解它。提前致谢。这是二楼: 04-02-2011, 05:30 下午Spiritlite Master加入日期:2010 年 10 月地点:北加州帖子:6,283嗯,从来没有听说过它们,但它们听起来很有趣。Spiritlite。 三楼:04-02-2011, 06:01 下午看门人 SeekerJoin日期:2010 年 10 月帖子:30是的,我认为他们是独一无二的,我从未在其他场所遇到过类似的东西。尽管如此,他们拒绝被称为精神上的。我曾经尝试建立一个 Datre 论坛,在那里我说 Datre 信息是我读过的一些最好的东西。讽刺的是,我认为他们不喜欢被称为最好的,因为他们会说没有上面,也没有下面,就像塞斯到简·罗伯茨一样。他们不会总是给你你喜欢的答案,而我;我仍然不确定他们是否理解我的一个问题,或者我只是对他们的回答感到不满……约翰是一个好人,他免费给我寄了前两本书,尽管我确实提出翻译它们。有一次,一些买家的付款出现问题,他只是向所有订阅者发送了一个免费下载书籍的链接。你不需要为免费的东西付费,超过 200 页的文字记录。约翰还说他们计划出售带有录音带的 CD,如果能听到它们的音频会很有趣。…………额,带着录音带卖CD?最后还是没有看到音频资料。。。。。

              IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端9楼2023-10-13 15:35