林书豪吧 关注:255,400贴子:7,550,625

( Jean 翻译 ) 2014.04.21 季后赛G1 火箭 120-122 负开拓者


人生难免高低起伏 ,
谢谢林 ,
敢於做梦的勇气 ,

1楼2014-04-21 15:54回复

    IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端2楼2014-04-21 15:54

      · I couldn't be prouder of Jeremy than tonight. From this bittersweet season, more bitter than sweet, he survived and showed that he can ball. Although he's been mistreated and does not have the opportunity to play to his potential, he has improved his weaknesses and is a better player.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
      我从未像今晚这样 , 为林感到如此的骄傲 ! 在这苦甜参半 , 喔不对 , 是苦涩远多於甜美的赛季里 , 他挺过一切 , 也证明了他的篮球实力 ! 虽然他饱受折腾 , 没有机会发挥潜能 , 他却仍然不断改善自己 , 精进球技 , 成为一个更好的球员 !

      本楼含有高级字体3楼2014-04-21 15:57

        Tonight was an amazing game for Jeremy. Jeremy proved AGAIN tonight that he's clutch, fearless (from what Shaq said), and is an offensive AND defensive threat on this team. I'm happy for him! I just want him to stay healthy.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
        今晚他的表现令人惊艳 . 再一次证明了自己的关键能力 , 毫无畏惧 ( Shaq 侠客欧尼尔所说 ) , 而且在火箭队里 , 同时 具有进攻以及防守两端的威胁性 . 我真为他感到高兴 ! 我只愿他继续保持健康 !

        本楼含有高级字体4楼2014-04-21 15:59

          IP属地:上海5楼2014-04-21 16:01

            Last year was awful from how it all ended with his injury, and I'm so glad he can redeem himself tonight. He played extremely well and is getting recognition. Also, Rox is getting exposed such as Harden's and Beverley's defense, and Beverley as a point guard. Pretty soon will be McHale's coaching. This game shouldn't have gotten this close as it did. Jeremy should start, but we know McHale won't change his mind until Rox will for sure lose this series.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>
            在去年的季后赛 , 他因为受伤而惨痛收场 , 我好高兴他能够在今晚得到救赎 . 他表现出色并获得肯定 . 此外 , 火箭队哈登和黑贝的防守 , 以及黑贝担任控球后卫等等诸多问题都曝露了出来 . 下一个会自曝其短的就是大冰箱的执教能力 ….这场比赛根本就不该打得如此接近 , 难分难解 . 林应该要担任首发 , 可是众所周知 , 冰箱是不见棺材不掉泪 , 等到火箭队要把系列赛拱手让人的时候 , 再来看他会不会后悔莫及吧 !

            本楼含有高级字体6楼2014-04-21 16:01

              IP属地:福建来自iPhone客户端7楼2014-04-21 16:05

                FYI, I saw Jeremy's mom in the stands on TV, so I'm glad his family is there supporting him. As long as Jeremy can keep up his solid play, he's fine. People are recognizing the weaknesses of the Rox and it isn't because of Jeremy Lin.<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>

                还想和大家分享 , 我有从电视看到林妈妈在看台上 , 令我十分高兴他的家人在身边支持著他. 只要他仍然能够维持如此稳定的表现 , 他就一帆风顺 . 人们正在识破火箭队的诸多问题 , 而这些有待改进的问题都与林无关 .

                本楼含有高级字体8楼2014-04-21 16:06

                  9楼2014-04-21 16:11

                    真抱歉 ! 疏忽了 …. 目前为止 , 连同这则评论 , 都来自 jeremylin.net 赛后 Lilly Chen 的精彩评论 , 并感谢 @热情的lychee 帮贴
                    · <?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"> </?xml:namespace>
                    · I don't know about you all, but I'm unbelievably happy about Jeremy's performance tonight. One of the criticisms on Jeremy is how he plays awfully in the playoffs and always get hurt. Last year's playoffs were horrible and I'm sure it was tough for him to handle. Like always, he's proving the haters and doubters wrong. Jeremy played amazingly tonight and he's healthy! All I cared tonight was for him to score a couple of points and make some good plays.Tonight definitely exceeded my expectations given his limited role and minutes this past season. I'm just so proud of Jeremy!!

                    · 不知道大家感受如何 , 但我对林今晚的表现感到无比欣喜 ! 让林一直含冤受辱 , 饱受批评的理由之一 , 就是他在季后赛表现不佳 , 而且总是受伤 . 去年那糟糕的季后赛想必对他来说非常难以承受 , 但他永远都能王者归来 , 证明那些黑子和怀疑者们是何等大错特错 . 林今晚风风光光 , 健健康康 ! 我本来只期待他今晚能够得一些分数 , 有一些好表现就能心满意足 . 但他却在被给予的有限角色以及有限的时间里 , 打出这样超凡出彩的比赛 ! 林令我深感骄傲 !

                    本楼含有高级字体10楼2014-04-21 16:16

                      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端11楼2014-04-21 16:27

                        (by Lilly Chen ) I was SOOO nervous today for him. Last year's playoffs ended horribly and I can't believe a year has passed already. I'm not surprised that Jeremy showed his A-game tonight. I just hope he can stay healthy. He was CLUTCH tonight. It's awesome to see all his hard work pay off--hope it continues!<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"></?xml:namespace>

                        我本来对他今晚的比赛超级无敌万分极度….紧张 ! 去年的季后赛就像是噩梦一场 , 不敢相信眨眼之间 , 又过了一年 …. 我并不惊讶林今天展现出A级表现 ! 我只希望他继续保持健康. 他是今晚的关键球员 , 能见到他的努力得到成果 , 真是太棒了 ---- 希望这美好的篇章能持续下去 …..

                        本楼含有高级字体12楼2014-04-21 16:35

                          来自手机贴吧13楼2014-04-21 16:59

                            ( by Marty Gomez )
                            Ido Amir tweet:
                            @ca_rockets Lillard was PBev's guy: 31pts & game winning shots. Mo Williams was @JLin7's guy. 3pts in 26min on 1 of 6, with no "arm waving".
                            一则有趣的推特 :
                            防守专家天空贝的对位球员 : 里拉德 得到 31 分和致胜进球总是被批评不擅於防守的林 , 没有 " 挥舞著双手 " ( 暗指....), 却让对位的威廉斯, 上场 26 分钟 , 6 投 1 中总共只得到 3 分 ......

                            14楼2014-04-21 17:01

                              15楼2014-04-21 18:18