We were starting to lose all the hope wehad, the “Bat For A Heart” release in November 2012 made us think new music was coming soon, but after more than a year, nothing happened. But don’t worry guys, it’s official ASHLEE SIMPSON IS WORKING ONNEW MUSIC! We don’t know if something is going to be released soon butat least we know our favorite artist is working on new tunes.
俺们已经快绝望了,《Bat For a Heart》释出于2012年11月,让俺们以为新歌马上就要来了,但是一年多过去了依旧音信全无。不过大家表着急,这次是官方的“女神开始弄新歌”啦!虽然俺们不确定是否会有消息在不久的将来释出,但至少能知道俺们最爱的女神在弄新歌了……
