After it was finished Mike and Brad came out to answer questions. It was a great time!
Overall I would consider this a great album. I actually went in expecting this to be a heavy min to midnight, and boy was I wrong. There are mini interludes between many of the songs. From start to finish I was impressed. I wish they didn't have it quite so loud so I could get more, but I really tried to hear it as best I could. I like things loud but this was a little overpowering for aggressive music like this.
I had a great time, and I look forward to my next listen cause I feel like I will hear more intricate details!
I hope you guys take something from this review, and have a general sense of what to expect.
As an LP fan this album is quite incredible.
Watch out cause all the casual "fans" are going to be jumping on our boat again.

总体来说,这是个很棒的专辑。我其实最初期待这会是个重节奏版的min to midnight和boy was I wrong。在曲子中间有很多迷你插曲。从头到尾我都被折服。我真心希望音响声音没那么大,这样我就可以听到更多,我已经尽力的听到了每一个我能听到的节拍。我喜欢大音量但是这次的声音有点太大了,哪怕对于这一类的歌曲。