战列舰吧 关注:412,812贴子:3,311,721
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架空1893年代清国购进7000T级铁甲舰3艘,尺寸:100M/19M/6.4M 火力:2联装254mm主炮前后分置,8门152mm速射副炮沿侧墙排列,10门47mm速射炮。两台小水管锅炉。最高航速22节,主装210mm厚哈维装甲,水平50mm,司令部和炮塔正面210mm,战前秘密集训一年,大东沟作为奇袭兵力出现能否实现翻盘,大家欢乐下帮忙弄弄

1楼2014-07-08 21:01回复

    3楼2014-07-08 21:34

      IP属地:中国香港来自iPhone客户端4楼2014-07-08 21:48
        1893年到,至少1892年中就要 舾装完毕1891年头上怎么也要下水了。 所以1889年底或者1890年头怎么也要开工了。 哈维和小水管,哦,也许可能性不排除,但真不高

        来自手机贴吧5楼2014-07-09 07:01
          T, t armor cruiser laid down 1890 (Engine 1891)
          Barbette ship
          7,029 t light; 7,310 t standard; 7,607 t normal; 7,844 t full load
          Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
          (336.64 ft / 328.08 ft) x 62.34 ft x (21.00 / 21.54 ft)
          (102.61 m / 100.00 m) x 19.00 m x (6.40 / 6.57 m)
          4 - 10.00" / 254 mm 35.0 cal guns - 440.92lbs / 200.00kg shells, 60 per gun
          Breech loading guns in open barbette mounts, 1890 Model
          2 x Twin mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
          8 - 5.98" / 152 mm 40.0 cal guns - 99.21lbs / 45.00kg shells, 150 per gun
          Breech loading guns in deck mounts, 1890 Model
          8 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
          10 - 1.85" / 47.0 mm 45.0 cal guns - 3.19lbs / 1.45kg shells, 250 per gun
          Quick firing guns in deck mounts, 1890 Model
          10 x Single mounts on sides, evenly spread
          Weight of broadside 2,589 lbs / 1,174 kg
          - Belts:Width (max)Length (avg)Height (avg)
          Main:8.27" / 210 mm164.04 ft / 50.00 m5.91 ft / 1.80 m
          Main Belt covers 77 % of normal length
          Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces
          - Gun armour:Face (max)Other gunhouse (avg)Barbette/hoist (max)
          Main: - -3.94" / 100 mm
          - Protected deck - single deck:
          For and Aft decks: 0.00" / 0 mm
          Forecastle: 1.97" / 50 mm Quarter deck: 1.97" / 50 mm
          Coal fired boilers, complex reciprocating steam engines,
          Direct drive, 2 shafts, 23,391 ihp / 17,450 Kw = 22.00 kts
          Range 2,000nm at 10.00 kts
          Bunker at max displacement = 534 tons (100% coal)
          406 - 529
          £0.973 million / $3.893 million
          Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
          Armament: 430 tons, 5.6 %
          - Guns: 430 tons, 5.6 %
          Armour: 643 tons, 8.5 %
          - Belts: 391 tons, 5.1 %
          - Armament: 169 tons, 2.2 %
          - Armour Deck: 84 tons, 1.1 %
          Machinery: 4,253 tons, 55.9 %
          Hull, fittings & equipment: 1,703 tons, 22.4 %
          Fuel, ammunition & stores: 578 tons, 7.6 %
          Miscellaneous weights: 0 tons, 0.0 %
          Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
          Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
          2,252 lbs / 1,022 Kg = 4.5 x 10.0 " / 254 mm shells or 0.6 torpedoes
          Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 2.12
          Metacentric height 8.0 ft / 2.4 m
          Roll period: 9.3 seconds
          Steadiness- As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 50 %
          - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.14
          Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 0.93
          Hull form characteristics:
          Hull has raised forecastle, low quarterdeck ,
          a normal bow and a cruiser stern
          Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0.620 / 0.623
          Length to Beam Ratio: 5.26 : 1
          'Natural speed' for length: 18.11 kts
          Power going to wave formation at top speed: 64 %
          Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 54
          Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 15.00 degrees
          Stern overhang: 3.28 ft / 1.00 m
          Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
          Fore end, Aft end
          - Forecastle:18.00 %, 19.69 ft / 6.00 m, 19.69 ft / 6.00 m
          - Forward deck:35.00 %, 13.12 ft / 4.00 m, 13.12 ft / 4.00 m
          - Aft deck:35.00 %, 13.12 ft / 4.00 m, 13.12 ft / 4.00 m
          - Quarter deck:12.00 %, 6.56 ft / 2.00 m, 6.56 ft / 2.00 m
          - Average freeboard:13.52 ft / 4.12 m
          Ship tends to be wet forward
          Ship space, strength and comments:
          Space- Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 196.4 %
          - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 93.8 %
          Waterplane Area: 15,239 Square feet or 1,416 Square metres
          Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 73 %
          Structure weight / hull surface area: 91 lbs/sq ft or 445 Kg/sq metre
          Hull strength (Relative):
          - Cross-sectional: 0.82
          - Longitudinal: 2.09
          - Overall: 0.90
          Caution: Hull subject to strain in open-sea
          Cramped machinery, storage, compartmentation space
          Adequate accommodation and workspace room
          Poor seaboat, wet and uncomfortable, reduced performance in heavy weather

          6楼2014-07-09 13:38
            试了下, 在维持基本防御装甲的情况下只有把航速降到19.65节才能完成设计。以该舰的火力和装甲,用这个航速对付日本人够了。

            IP属地:福建7楼2014-07-09 14:47

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2014-07-10 08:47