神谷浩史吧 关注:78,919贴子:816,339




1楼2014-07-31 10:12回复

    2楼2014-07-31 10:13

      来自手机贴吧3楼2014-07-31 10:13

        4楼2014-07-31 10:14
          No word can describe the beauty and tenderness of his voice; no word can describe his amazing voice-acting skills. And what attracted me even more are his charisma, his amiable personality, his perseverance, and his professional dedication. He works long hours everyday and often has only 5 hours of sleep, but his hard-work pays off. He is able to bring out the best of best voice-acting skills in every unique character he voices, and master the emotion and personality of each character, for example, Natsume Takeshi from Natsume Yuujinchou, Orihara Izaya from DuRaRaRa, and Levi from Attack on Titan. Although he describes himself as quiet and passive, he is always bright, energetic, talkative, and the center of attention in front of the audience during seiyuu events, and at every seiyuu award ceremony he went to, he has said that he is and will be a life-long voice actor. I am becoming more and more addicted to his voice that I can't go to sleep without listening to his songs. He is truly my biggest inspiration. Every time I think of him, I remember that just like him, I have to work hard, to never give up. Every time when I'm down, I look at his bright smile that ignites a light inside my heart, and magically I overcome my sadness. Every day I think about him, and every time, a smile unconsciously comes out of me. (Every true fan would understand this phenomenon. ) He is a person who has led a rich life, he has overcome a lot of obstacles. In the very beginning of his voice-acting life, he could not even afford transportation fees. He moved to Tokyo by himself because he didn't want his parents to still take care of him, and he relied on buying half-priced bread for food while working hard to make ends meet. About 8 years ago, he got into an unfortunate accident (was hit by a truck) and was severely injured. He was unconscious for a month and when he finally woke up in the hospital, he was very worried that he missed a lot of recording work and left the hospital to catch up with his voice-acting work although the doctor opposed. In the radio program after he left the hospital, with his voice still weak and fragile, he apologized over and over again for making his fans worry and for missing the recordings for anime. We were all so relieved to tears that God did not take him away from this world. Years later he has said in a life concert,"To be able to stand on this big stage alone... It is indeed so good to be alive." He has attended a lot of seiyuu events and has performed in many live concerts. His singing gets better and better year by year, concert by concert; this just shows how hard working he is around singing besides voice-acting. During seiyuu events, he always shows his brightest side in front of the audience; he can be humorous, can speak very eloquently, and has a ready tongue. All in all I strongly believe Kamiya-san has the capability to stand on this stage, representing Japan, and make an effective opening. Thank you, Kamiya-san, for choosing to be a life-long seiyuu and helping me live through my stressful life, and we as fans will give you the greatest possible support! Thank you also to everyone who has read until the end
          His voice is the tender wind, his smile is the shining sunshine, his characteristic which encourages us going forward without bewilderment and his attitude towards work and life give us much energy to our daily life. From the animation, I have known kamiya san, but, from kamiya san, I have known the beautiful word. when I feel leisure, sad, happy or even exhausted, I am inclined to listen the songs sung by kamiya san, such as always kissing you, everlasting and so on. From all of his songs, my favorite song is tomorrow's baton, which inspires a lot when I have met the difficulties and barrier. so I hope kamiya san can attend the wonderful event. TO kamiya san, you have have already lived in our heart, in our life. Thank you.
          His smile which can heal people's hearts just likes the sunshine, warm and dazzling, and I believe it has power to make friends from all over the world feel happy.

          5楼2014-07-31 10:15
            我越来越沉迷于他的声音,不能不听他的歌入睡。他是我真正最大的灵感。每当我想起他,我就有动力努力工作,就像他一样,永远不要放弃。每次当我沮丧时,他灿烂的笑容就会点燃我心中的灯盏,并神奇地克服我的悲伤。我每天都在想他,每一次,不知不觉就开始微笑。 (每一个真正的球迷都会理解这种现象。)他克服了许许多多的困难,是一个拥有着丰富生活的人。
            他的声音是温柔的风,他的笑容是明晃晃的阳光,他的性格,鼓励我们前进而不困惑;他对待工作和生活的态度,给我们生活的勇气。从动漫中,我认识了神谷桑,但是,从神谷桑,我认识了美丽的世界。当我觉得无聊,悲伤,快乐,甚至筋疲力尽,我喜欢去听神谷桑唱的歌曲,如Always Kissing You,Everlasting等。从他所有的歌曲,我最喜欢的歌曲是明日へのバトン【明天的接力棒】,当我遇到的困难和障碍时,这首歌激励了我很多。所以,我希望神谷桑可以参加2020年东京精彩的开幕式。 TO神谷桑,你已经住在我们的心里,我们的生活中。真的谢谢。

            6楼2014-07-31 10:16

              7楼2014-07-31 10:18

                8楼2014-07-31 10:18

                  来自手机贴吧9楼2014-07-31 10:22

                    IP属地:北京来自Android客户端10楼2014-07-31 10:23

                      11楼2014-07-31 10:29

                        IP属地:上海来自iPad12楼2014-07-31 10:52

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                            来自手机贴吧14楼2014-07-31 12:10

                              IP属地:广东来自WindowsPhone客户端15楼2014-07-31 12:47