看到吧里气氛回转 呼~~的松了一口气~~~终于可以愉快的掉坑了!!!败家什么的 深似海什么的 又怎样 女人就是爱珠宝~~~今天嗨森整理图片的时候 在微博看到一句很赞同啊~~~作为今天的镇楼不知能否镇的住~~~
I'm not a beautiful woman. I'm nothing to look at, so the only thing I can do is dress better than anyone else. If everyone looks at me when I enter a room, my husband can feel proud of me. That's my chief responsibility.

------孙悟空大战~~猪~~八戒 猪八戒~大战那孙悟空
I'm not a beautiful woman. I'm nothing to look at, so the only thing I can do is dress better than anyone else. If everyone looks at me when I enter a room, my husband can feel proud of me. That's my chief responsibility.

------孙悟空大战~~猪~~八戒 猪八戒~大战那孙悟空