金柑ソルべ&フルーツ羹·雪持ち松 We Japanese cooks often fret about the borderline between Japanese and other cuisines. 我们日本的厨师经常担心日本菜肴与其他菜肴之间的界线。 For example,we endlessly question whether a certain amount of butter will make a dish "Western," or if it is only a small amount,will the dish still be "Japanese?" The irony,I am sure,is that customers couldn*t care less. 例如,我们不断的质疑一定量的黄油会将菜肴“西式化”,或如果只是少量的加入菜肴将会仍然是“日式化”?可讽刺的是我确定,顾客们其实一点也不在乎。 If a piece of cake is good,they will eat it with relish and lick the fork when they are done. 如果一块蛋糕是出色的,他们将会吃得津津有味,并且舔干净他们的叉子。 I am not saying "anything goes." What I mean is that a cook must always bear in mind the essence of deliciousness. 我并不是说“怎様都可以”。我的意思是,一名厨师必须始终把美味的本质这一点牢记在心。 This is the real nature of Japanese cuisine,and innovation won*t work without the conscious pursuit of this essence. 这是日本烹饪的眞正本质,而创新离不开自觉的去追求这个本质。 The winter desserts I would like to introduce are kinkan(金柑) kumquat sorbet,fruit jelly,and a special Japanese-style sweet. 冬季的甜点我想要介绍的是kinkan(金柑)金桔冰沙,什锦水果冻,以及一个特殊的日本式甜点。 Since kumquats have a tangy aroma and their skin is soft and not too bitter,I often simmer them whole with sugar. 由於金桔具有浓郁的香气,自身的表皮柔软并且不太苦涩,我经常用糖浆来煨煮它们。 But the flavor of kumquat is too strong in a normal sorbet,so I add some yogurt to make it smoother. 但是,金桔的风味在一个普通的冰沙中太过强烈,所以我添加一些酸奶使它变得光滑。 As for the fruit jelly,I add only a touch of gelatin so as to barely harden it,which is the style I like. 至於什锦水果冻,我只添加了一点明胶使它微微有些凝固,这是我喜欢的风格。 Finally I serve a sweet to accompany macha(抹茶) green tea. 最后,我呈上一种甜点同时搭配macha(抹茶),绿茶。 These cakes go by the poetic name yuki-mochi matsu(雪持ち松) meaning "pine trees covered in snow." 这些蛋糕富有诗意的名字,yuki-mochi matsu(雪持ち松),意思是“被白雪所覆盖的松树。” They are made from a green,sweet-bean paste wrapped in a skin of grated yams and rice flour,then steamed. 它们是由一个绿色的甜豆沙,包裹在磨碎的山药与大米粉裏,然后蒸熟。 The green filling represents pine trees and the white outside layer represents snow. 绿色的内馅儿代表了松树,而白色的外层则代表了白雪。
かぼすソルべ&小仓羹&无花果羹·焙じ茶アイスクリーム&丹波路松风 I can*t count how many ice cream recipes I have collected. 我不知道我已经收集了多少冰淇淋的食谱。 We make sorbet and custard puddings as well,but once I decide to create a certain kind of ice cream,I don*t give up until its flavor,texture and every other aspeet is exactly as I imagined. 我们所制作的水菓冰沙和蛋奶布丁一様很好,不过,一旦我决定想要创造出一种新的冰淇淋时,我就不会放弃,直到其风味、质地和其他方面正如我想象中的那様。 I try to combine ice cream or sorbet with something that softens its cold impact on the mouth. 我尝试著结合冰淇淋或冰沙中的某些东西,软化其在口中的冰冷刺激。 For example,I serve sorbet made of kabosu(臭橘)——a refreshingly tart,lime-like citrus——with Ichijiku-kan(无花果羹)(fig jelly),and ogura-kan(小仓羹)(red bean jelly),I add cinnamon to the fig jelly and put some grated ginger and lemon juice in the red bean jelly. 例如,我呈上用kabosu(臭橘)制作成的冰沙——一个令人耳目一新的味道,石灰般的柑橘,与Ichijiku-kan(无花果羹)(无花菓羹冻),以及ogura-kan(小仓羹)(红豆羹冻),我添加一些肉桂粉在无花菓羹冻中,以及添加一些磨碎的生姜和青柠檬汁在红豆羹冻中。 These sweets are an interesting hybrid of Eastern and Western tastes. 这些甜点是东方与西方口味的一个有趣的混合。 Another hybrid dessert is boji-cha(焙じ茶)(roasted tea) ice cream with Tanba-ji Matsukaze(丹波路松风)(black soybean bean cake). 另一个混合的甜点是boji-cha(焙じ茶)(焙茶)冰淇淋与Tanba-ji Matsukaze(丹波路松风)(黑豆豆糕)。 Roasted tea ice cream has a provocative,toasty fragrance and a refreshing aftertaste. 焙茶冰淇淋具有一种煽动性的、温暖的香气和清爽的回味。 As for the cake,I intended to bake it using only Tanba(丹波) black soybeans,but added more ingredients that can be found between Kyoto(京都) and Tanba(丹波)——such as autumn fruits and nuts——and it evolved into this original gateau. 至於蛋糕,我打算烘烤它时只使用Tanba(丹波)黑豆,但增加了更多的食材,能够从中发现Kyoto(京都)和Tanba(丹波)——秋季的水菓和坚菓——它演变成了这种原始的蛋糕。
9)I let the roe cool in the stock,to absord mild flavor.我譲鱼卵浸泡在冷却的高汤中,吸收其温和的风味。.....换成我让鱼卵在高汤中冷却 10)After tenderizing fresh sea cucumber in boiling ban-cha(番茶) tea,嫩化后的新鲜海参用沸腾的ban-cha(番茶)煮制.....把新鲜海参用沸腾的番茶来嫩化