We followed TaylorSwift for days, getting all the details on her pop coming-out party, 1989— and learned a little about living under the constant eye of thepaparazzi to boot. Here*s 22 facts from the co-author of "22" thatcouldn*t fit into this issue*scover story, from why Lena Dunham thinks she*s a little bitlike a 90-year-old to why it*s impossible to keep a steadyromantic relationship.
She has money inher blood.
Swift*s mom, Andrea, was working as a mutual-fund wholesaler inPhiladelphia when she met Swift*s dad, Scott, who was a client. "They metin a meeting, and he asked her out," Swift says. "He had this farm 40minutes outside of Philly, and he was throwing this big hoedown, and she came,and that*s where they fell in love." As a girl, Swift wanted to be astockbroker like her dad; she and her brother also took sailing and horsebackriding lessons — "just in case we were put in a time machine and had tolive in the 1800s."
She used to getdrunk and cry about Joni Mitchell.
"When I first started drinking — when I was like 21 — I used to cryabout Joni Mitchell all the time after a few glasses of wine," Swift says."All my friends would know, once I started crying about Joni Mitchell, itwas time for me to go to bed."
她经常喝醉后因Joni Mitchell而流泪
“我第一次喝酒——大概是21岁——我过去经常喝了几杯酒之后就因为Joni Mitchell而哭泣,”Taylor说,“我所有的朋友都知道我这样,一旦我开始因为Joni而哭,那就说明是时候我要去睡觉了。”
She actually does curse from time to time.
Although Swift has cultivated a pretty G-rated image, in private she*sjust like anyone else. At one point she*s playing some rough demos of a few newsongs on her iPhone when she pulls up one co-written with Ryan Tedder. Swift isplaying the piano and hits a wrong note when she blurts out, "Fuck!"Blushing, the real-life Swift immediately attempts to cover the speaker on herphone.
虽然Taylor是一副乖乖女形象,但私底下她和所有人一样的。有一次她在演奏她手机里面一些制作尚未成熟的歌曲时,她选了一首和Ryan Tedder合作的。Taylor在弹钢琴,不小心弹错个音符了,然后她骂了出口,“F**k!”。脸红了,真实的Taylor会立马按住手机的喇叭。
She co-wrote LenaDunham*s future wedding song.
As a bonus track on her new album, 1989, Swift co-wrote a songwith Jack Antonoff of fun., who happens to be her pal Lena Dunham*s boyfriend.Antonoff describes it as having "a very *Secret Garden* Springsteenvibe." According to Dunham: "Jack and I have a lot of existential andpolitical issues with marriage. But if we ever do get married, there*s nofucking way Taylor is not playing that song."
Taylor和Fun.乐队的成员Jack合写了一首歌,收录到专辑1989豪华版的加歌部分。Jack恰好也是Lena的男友。Jack形容这首歌有很强烈的和Bruce Sprinsteen那首“Secret Garden”相似感。Lena说:“Jack和我之间对于婚姻的存在和一些政策都有问题。但是一旦我们结婚了,Taylor绝对不会不演唱这首歌的。
She lives in thehouse Frodo Baggins built.
Earlier this year, Swift moved to Manhattan, where she bought a pair ofadjoining Tribeca apartments for a reported $20 million. The building datesback to 1882, when it was built as a warehouse for a sausage dealer — she likesthe way it feels like a farmhouse in the city, with lots of wood beams andexposed brick. The apartment was previously owned by Lord of the Rings directorPeter Jackson, but Swift says she didn*t have to change very much. ("Theyhave really great taste in paint colors.") She did, however, find a newuse for one walk-in closet: "Now it*s my greeting-card writing room!"
她住在Frodo Baggins盖的楼
今年年初,Taylor搬进了曼哈顿,她买了Tribeca公寓两套相邻的房,据说花了2千万。这建筑可追溯到1882年,当时建起它是给一个卖香肠的商人用作仓库的——她喜欢这建筑因为它有种城中农场的感觉,有很多木梁还有暴露出来的砖。这公寓之前是属于《指环王》导演Peter Jackson的,但是Taylor说她不用将公寓改动太多。(“他们在选油漆颜色方面很有品味。”)然而,她却为那个可进人的衣橱找到了新用途:“现在那衣橱变成了我的贺卡绘图室了。”