POLICY PURSUANT TO ART. 13 of the Legislative Decree dated June 30th, 2003, no. 196
Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree dated June 30th, 2003, no. 196, "Code concerning the protection of personal data", we inform you that the personal data you are asked to give at the time of the request to purchase without registration will be processed by our company for the purposes strictly necessary and connected to the use of the service itself.
For these purposes, the provision of data reported in the form below is necessary, since, without these data, we aren*t able to act on your request. Your data will not be disclosed to other parties, or will in any way be released and will be known, as persons in charge, only by the personnel of the Sales Structure of the NI Market, Passenger Division of Trenitalia S.p.A., as well as, being responsible, those subjects designated by the aforementioned persons in charge.
You are entitled to exercise your rights under Art. 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/03 against the aforementioned subjects, including the right to: have the confirmation of the existence of your personal data and know the content and source, verify its accuracy or request their integration, update or rectification; ask the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block of processed data in violation of the law, and oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.