水瓶的叛逆吧 关注:1,246贴子:40,601



@若双 帮翻译下

1楼2014-10-28 23:25回复
    “I don*t care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don*t have any of their own”
    ― Nikola Tesla

    2楼2014-10-28 23:25
      “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
      ― Nikola Tesla

      3楼2014-10-28 23:26
        “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”
        ― Nikola Tesla

        4楼2014-10-28 23:26
          “The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
          ― Nikola Tesla

          5楼2014-10-28 23:27
            “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
            ― Nikola Tesla

            6楼2014-10-28 23:27
              “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.”
              ― Nikola Tesla

              7楼2014-10-28 23:27
                “Of all things, I liked books best.”
                ― Nikola Tesla

                8楼2014-10-28 23:28
                  “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
                  ― Nikola Tesla

                  10楼2014-10-28 23:30
                    “What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife... Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment...”
                    ― Nikola Tesla

                    11楼2014-10-28 23:30
                      “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ”
                      ― Nikola Tesla

                      12楼2014-10-28 23:32
                        “Nature may reach the same result in many ways. Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present. A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe.”
                        ― Nikola Tesla

                        13楼2014-10-28 23:35
                          “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.”
                          ― Nikola Tesla

                          14楼2014-10-28 23:36
                            “What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics.”
                            ― Nikola Tesla

                            15楼2014-10-28 23:37
                              “Most certainly, some planets are not inhabited, but others are, and among these there must exist life under all conditions and phases of development.”
                              ― Nikola Tesla

                              16楼2014-10-28 23:39