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IP属地:贵州1楼2014-12-21 22:03回复
    XXXworth在英文命名中很常见,比如冰火里面的Davos就将自己的姓氏命名为Seaworth,因为他原本是个海上走私犯 还有Stokeworth家族,听名字就知道是群战五渣 当然不止是姓氏,在名字中也常见,比如Wentworth

    IP属地:贵州3楼2014-12-21 22:05
      【Florean Fortescue】
      Florean Fortescue, owner of an ice-cream parlour in Diagon Alley, is the subject of a ghost plot (a narrative that never made it into the final books). Harry meets him in Prisoner of Azkaban, where he finds out that Florean knows a lot about medieval wizards. Later, Harry discovers that an ex-headmaster of Hogwarts was called Dexter Fortescue.
      Florean Fortescue,对角巷冰淇淋店的店主,是一段幽灵情节(没有最终出现在书中的情节)的主角。在阿兹卡班的囚徒中,Harry遇见了他,并发现Florean了解许多关于中世纪巫师的知识。在那之后,Harry发现一位霍格沃茨前任校长就叫做Dexter Fortescue。

      IP属地:贵州4楼2014-12-21 22:06
        Charing Cross Road is famous for its bookshops, both modern and antiquarian. This is why I wanted it to be the place where those in the know go to enter a different world.

        IP属地:贵州7楼2014-12-21 22:07
          Cauldrons were once used by Muggles and wizards alike, being large metal cooking pots that could be suspended over fire. In time, magical and non-magical people alike moved on to stoves; saucepans became more convenient and cauldrons became the sole province of witches and wizards, who continued to brew potions in them. A naked flame is essential for the making of potions, which makes cauldrons the most practical pot of all.
          All cauldrons are enchanted to make them lighter to carry, as they are most commonly made of pewter or iron. Modern inventions include the self-stirring and collapsible varieties of cauldron, and pots of precious metal are also available for the specialist, or the show-off.

          IP属地:贵州8楼2014-12-21 22:08
            爱尔兰传说的四珍宝是一族名叫Tuatha Dé Danann的神族从四个岛屿上得到的四件宝物,分别是一块石头,一把剑,一支长枪和一口大锅(中文翻译是命运之石,不败之剑,贯魔神枪和达格达的大釜)【参考自维基百科

            IP属地:贵州10楼2014-12-21 22:10
              It is often asked whether a Muggle could create a magic potion, given a Potions book and the right ingredients. The answer, unfortunately, is no. There is always some element of wandwork necessary to make a potion (merely adding dead flies and asphodel to a pot hanging over a fire will give you nothing but nasty-tasting, not to mention poisonous, soup).
              Some potions duplicate the effects of spells and charms, but a few (for instance, the Polyjuice Potion, and Felix Felicis) have effects impossible to achieve any other way. Generally speaking, witches and wizards favour whichever method they find easiest, or most satisfying, to produce their chosen end.
              Potions are not for the impatient, but their effects are usually difficult to undo by any but another skilled potioneer. This branch of magic carries a certain mystique and therefore status. There is also the dark cachet of handling substances that are highly dangerous. The popular idea of a Potions expert within the wizarding community is of a brooding, slow-burning personality: Snape, in fact, conforms perfectly to the stereotype.

              IP属地:贵州11楼2014-12-21 22:11
                Chemistry was my least favourite subject at school, and I gave it up as soon as I could. Naturally, when I was trying to decide which subject Harry’s arch-enemy, Severus Snape, should teach, it had to be the wizarding equivalent. This makes it all the stranger that I found Snape’s introduction to his subject quite compelling (‘I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death...’), apparently part of me found Potions quite as interesting as Snape did; and indeed I always enjoyed creating potions in the books, and researching ingredients for them. Many of the components of the various draughts and libations that Harry creates for Snape exist (or were once believed to exist) and have (or were believed to have) the properties I gave them. Dittany, for instance, really does have healing properties (it is ananti-inflammatory, although I would not advise Splinching yourself to test it); a bezoar really is a mass taken from the intestines of an animal, and it really was once believed that drinking water in which a bezoar was placed could cure you of poisoning.
                化学是我上学时最讨厌的科目,能够自由选课之后我就不再继续学它。所以很自然地,当我考虑让Harry的宿敌Severus Snape执教哪一门课时,那必须是巫师世界与化学相对应的科目。然而奇怪的是,在我看来Snape对于他执教科目的入门介绍相当吸引人(“我能教会你们熬制名誉,酿造荣耀,甚至封装死亡……”),显然我在某种程度上和Snape一样觉得魔药十分有趣;而且我确实很享受在书中创作魔药和为之研究相应原料的过程。在Harry为Snape制作的多种药剂中,许多原料是真实存在的(或者曾被人认为存在),并且确实拥有(或者曾被认为拥有)我所赋予它们的特性。例如白藓确实具有治疗的功效(它是一种消炎药,当然我不建议你去切开自己的身体来试验效果);牛黄确实是从动物内脏中取出的物质,人们也真的曾经认为喝泡过牛黄的水可以解毒。

                IP属地:贵州12楼2014-12-21 22:11
                  Although vampires exist in the world of Harry Potter, as shown by the literature that Harry and his friends study in Defence Against the Dark Arts, they play no meaningful part in the story. The vampire myth is so rich, and has been exploited so many times in literature and on film, that I felt there was little I could add to the tradition. In any case, vampires are a tradition of Eastern Europe, and in general I tried to draw from British mythology and folklore when creating adversaries for Harry. Aside from passing mentions, therefore, the only vampire whom Harry meets int he books is Sanguini in Half-Blood Prince, who makes a faintly comic appearance at a party.
                  尽管吸血鬼存在于Harry Potter的世界中,从Harry和他的朋友们在黑魔法防御术课上学习的书籍中就看得出,但他们与故事的主要部分没有任何关联。吸血鬼传说实在太过丰富,而且在各种文学作品和电影中被探讨了太多次,我觉得已经没有多少我可以为这个传说添加的内容了。无论如何,吸血鬼是东欧传说,而总体上我在创作Harry的对手时会尽量参考英国神话和民间传说。因此,除了一笔带过的描述之外,Harry在书中遇见的唯一一只吸血鬼是混血王子中的Sanguini,他在一次聚会上有过略显喜感的出场。
                  Looking back through my earliest notebooks, however, I found that on my very earliest list of staff, there was a subjectless vampire teacher I had forgotten, called ‘Trocar’. A Trocar is sharply pointed shaft inserted into arteries or cavities to extract bodily fluids, so I think it a rather good name for a vampire. Evidently I did not think much of him as a character, though, because he disappears fairly early on in my notes.
                  For a long time there was a persistent fan rumour that Snape might be a vampire. While it is true that he has an unhealthy pallor, and is sometimes described as looking like a large bat in his long black cloak, he never actually turns into a bat, we meet him outside the castle by daylight, and no corpses with puncture marks in their necks ever turn up at Hogwarts. In short, Snape is not a re-vamped Trocar.

                  IP属地:贵州13楼2014-12-21 22:12
                    An Inferius (plural: Inferi) is a corpse that has been reanimated by a Dark wizard’s curse. It becomes a grisly puppet,and may be used as an expendable servant by the Dark wizard in question. The most obvious sign that one is facing an Inferius rather than a living human are the white and cloudy eyes.
                    The spells used to reanimate a human body are much more complex than those used, for instance, to make inanimate object fly. The Inferius may be cursed to respond lethally if disturbed, to kill indiscriminately, and to undertake perilous jobs for its master. Its limitations are, however, obvious; it has no will and no brain of its own, and will not be able to think its way out of unforeseen trouble. As a warrior or guardian with no regard for its own safety, however, it has many uses.
                    The Inferi whom Harry and Dumbledore encounter in the depths of the lake in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince were, when alive, mostly vagrant, homeless Muggles whom Voldemort had murdered for the purpose during his first rise to power, although some were the earthly remains of wizards or witches who ‘disappeared’ without explanation.
                    在Harry Potter与混血王子中,Harry和Dumbledore在湖中深处遭遇的阴尸生前多数为Voldemort在他第一次崛起时刻意杀死的无家可归的流浪麻瓜们,尽管也有一些是无故“失踪”的男女巫师的遗骸。
                    Preserved indefinitely by Dark magic, an Inferius can only be destroyed by fire, for no spell has been found to render dead flesh impervious to burning. Inferi are therefore enchanted to avoid flames by their master.

                    IP属地:贵州14楼2014-12-23 23:22
                      Inferi have much in common with zombies, which are mentioned as separate creatures within Harry’s world. I had several good reasons for not wishing to call the guardians of the locket Horcrux ‘zombies’. Firstly, zombies are not part of British folklore, but associated with the myths of Haiti and parts of Africa. While the students of Hogwarts would learn about them, they would not expect to meet them walking down the streets of Hogsmeade. Secondly, while zombies of the Vodou tradition can be nothing more than reanimated corpses, a separate but related tradition has it that the sorcerer uses their souls, or part of their souls, to sustain himself. This conflicted with my Horcrux story, and I did not wish to suggest that Voldemort had anymore use for his Inferi than as guards of his Horcrux. Lastly, zombies have been represented and reinterpreted on film so often in the last fifty years that they have a whole raft of associations that were of no use to me. I’m part of the ‘Thriller’ generation; to me, a zombie will always mean Michael Jacksonin a bright red bomber jacket.
                      阴尸与丧尸有许多共同之处,但在Harry的世界中他们是不同的生物。关于为何不将挂坠盒魂器的守卫叫做“丧尸”我有几个好理由。首先,丧尸并非英国民间传说,而是与海地和部分非洲神话有关。尽管霍格沃茨学生会学习关于它们的知识,他们并不指望会看见丧尸走在霍格莫德街上。其次,虽然在巫毒文化中丧尸可以只是被唤起的尸体,但在另一个相关的传说中施咒者会使用它们的灵魂或者一部分灵魂来延续自己的生命。这与我的魂器设定相冲突,我也不想让人觉得Voldemort对于阴尸除了保卫魂器之外还有别的用途。最后,最近半个世纪里丧尸在电影中出现并被重新诠释了太多次,它们具有一大堆我并不需要的相关设定。我是听着“颤栗”成长起来的一代;提到丧尸我永远会想到穿着鲜红短夹克的Michael Jackson。
                      The name Inferius was a play on ‘Inferus’, which is Latin for ‘below’, but with an obvious connotation of being ‘lesser’ than a living human. ‘Inferi’ means the underworld.

                      IP属地:贵州15楼2014-12-23 23:22
                        School life took an upturn in Draco’s fifth year. Although forbidden to discuss at Hogwarts what he had heard at home, Draco took pleasure in petty triumphs: he was a Perfect (and Harry was not) and Dolores Umbridge, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, seemed to loathe Harry quite as much as he did. He became a member of Dolores Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad, and made it his business to try and discover what Harryand a gang of disparate students were up to, as they formed and trained, in secret, as the forbidden organisation, Dumbledore’s Army. However, at the very moment of triumph, when Draco had cornered Harry and his comrades, and when itseemed that Harry must be expelled by Umbridge, Harry slipped through his fingers. Worse still, Harry managed to thwart Lucius Malfoy’s attempt to kill him, and Draco’s father was captured and sent to Azkaban.
                        Draco的校园生活在五年级时发生了好转。尽管被禁止在霍格沃茨讨论他在家中听到的消息,Draco还是在琐碎的胜利中得到快感:他成为了一名级长(而Harry没有),而且新黑魔法防御术教师Dolores Umbridge看上去和他一样厌恶Harry。他成为了Dolores Umbridge调查行动组的一员,主动负责追查Harry和一群不同学生的行动,那时他们正在以违规组织邓布利多军的身份秘密聚集和训练。然而,就在Draco终于将Harry和他的同伴逼入绝境,而Harry看似一定会被Umbridge开除出校的胜利时刻,Harry从他指缝中逃走了。更糟的是,Harry挫败了Lucius Malfoy的谋杀行动,而Draco的父亲被捕并被送进了阿兹卡班。
                        现在Draco的世界分崩离析了。在此之前他父亲站在过去从未企及过的权力和名望的顶端,他们都如此相信,而如今他父亲被捕离家,被关进遥远可怖的被噬魂怪把守的巫师监狱。Lucius从Draco出生开始就是他的偶像和英雄。现在他和母亲成为了食死徒中的下等人;Lucius在愤怒的Lord Voldemort眼中已经成为耻辱的失败者。

                        IP属地:贵州18楼2014-12-23 23:24
                          Draco’s existence had been cloistered and protected until this point; he had been a privileged boy with little to trouble him, assured of his status in the world and with his head full of petty concerns. Now with his father gone and his mother distraught and afraid, he had to assume a man’s responsibilities.
                          Worse was to come. Voldemort, seeking to punish Lucius Malfoy still further for the botched capture of Harry, demanded that Draco perform a task so difficult that he would almost certainly fail – and pay with his life. Draco was to murder Albus Dumbledore – how, Voldemort did not trouble to say. Draco was to be left to his own initiative and Narcissa guessed, correctly, that her son was being set up to fail by a wizard who was devoid of pity and could not tolerate failure.
                          事情还在变得更糟。Voldemort打算更为严厉地惩罚Lucius Malfoy抓捕Harry的失败,他命令Draco完成一项极为困难,几乎注定会失败的任务——然后为此失去生命。Draco要去谋杀Albus Dumbledore——至于怎样谋杀Voldemort并没有费心解释。Draco必须自己想办法,而Narcissa正确地猜到,这位毫无同情也绝不容忍失败的巫师只是刻意让她儿子以失败告终。

                          IP属地:贵州19楼2014-12-23 23:25
                            When Lucius was freed from Azkaban shortly afterwards, the family was allowed to return to Malfoy Manor with their lives. However, they were now completely discredited. From dreams of the highest status under Voldemort’s new regime, the Malfoys found themselves the lowest in the ranks of the Death Eaters; weaklings and failures, to whom Voldemort was henceforth derisive and contemptuous.
                            Draco’s changed, yet still conflicted, personality revealed itself in his actions during the remainder of the warbetween Voldemort and those who were trying to stop him. Although Draco had still not rid himself of the hope of returning the family to their former high position, his inconveniently awakened conscience led him to try –half-heartedly, perhaps, but arguably as best he could in the circumstances – to save Harry from Voldemort when the former was captured and dragged to Malfoy Manor. During the final battle at Hogwarts however, Malfoy made yet another attempt to capture Harry and thereby save his parents’ prestige, and possibly their lives. Whether he could have brought himself to actually hand over Harry is a moot point; I suspect that, as with his attempted murder of Dumbledore, he would again have found the reality of bringing about another person’s death much more difficult in practice than in theory.
                            Draco survived Voldemort’s siege of Hogwarts because Harry and Ron saved his life. Following the battle, his father evaded prison by providing evidence against fellow Death Eaters, helping to ensure the capture of many of Lord Voldemort’s followers who had fled into hiding.
                            Draco在Voldemort围攻霍格沃茨的战斗中活了下来,因为Harry和Ron救了他的命。在那场战斗之后,他父亲揭露了针对其他食死徒的证据线索,并且协助追捕了许多藏匿起来的Lord Voldemort的追随者,以此逃脱了牢狱之灾.。

                            IP属地:贵州21楼2014-12-23 23:26

                              来自手机贴吧26楼2014-12-24 08:27