—So why do they call himthe Joker? —I heard he wears makeup. —Makeup? —Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint. 处理报警器的抢犯:那么你们为什么叫他“小丑”? 开金库门的抢犯:我听说他化着妆。 处理报警器的抢犯:化妆? 开金库门的抢犯:对,为了吓唬人,你知道,就像战妆。
—The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in? What do you believe in! —I believe what doesnt kill you simply makes you... stranger. 高谭市国家银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。看看你!你的信仰是什么?你相信什么? 小丑:我相信,那些没能杀死你的事物会使你变得更为怪异。
—Youve changed things... forever. Theres no going back. See,to them,youre just a freak... like me! 小丑(对蝙蝠侠):你已经改变了……永远,不可能再回到过去。看,对于他们来说,你不过是一个怪胎……就像我一样! —What do we got? —Nothing. No name,no other alias. Clothing is... custom. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. 市长(谈及小丑):我们对他了解多少? 吉姆·戈登:什么都不知道,没有名字,没有别名。衣服……是定制的,口袋里什么也没有,除了刀就是纱布。