2,The firstepisode to the second half of Season 5 is dedicated to Kevin Cordasco,a teen Superfan of the show who died of cancer in March of 2013. Before hisdeath Kevin was able to meet BryanCranston, VinceGilligan and otherprominent members of the Breaking Bad family, and he was even offered thechance to read the final scripts of the series so he would know how the showends. Kevin declined, as he didn't think he could keep the secret.
在现实生活中有一个叫Kevin Cordasco毒师粉的青少年,在第五季开播的时候他真的患上了癌症,在他死之前,他见到了老白,vince,以及其他毒师的成员,而且如果他愿意的话,剧组能够提前给他看毒师大结局的剧本,但是kevin还是谢绝了,因为他怕他看完结局后不能保守秘密。

在现实生活中有一个叫Kevin Cordasco毒师粉的青少年,在第五季开播的时候他真的患上了癌症,在他死之前,他见到了老白,vince,以及其他毒师的成员,而且如果他愿意的话,剧组能够提前给他看毒师大结局的剧本,但是kevin还是谢绝了,因为他怕他看完结局后不能保守秘密。