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1. Are they better than me? No way
“Don’t compare yourself to others,”you hear it almost every day but can’t follow this rule. Comparison can ruinyour self-esteem and prevent you from living the life you want. If someoneseems to be more successful it doesn`t mean that you don’t deserve to be happy.Even billionaires have bad days, and have many problems to fix. You`re uniqueso be proud of that instead of indulging in someone`s advantages. Your luck iswaiting for you; if you have to accomplish a hard task today, do it with apositive attitude and you won’t notice that it’s actually hard.
2. Get rid of negative words
Being an optimist means speakoptimistically too. Avoid saying anything like “I can`t”,“It`s not a good timefor that yet” or “I`m not good enough to do that.” When you say “I know I can”,“There`s nothing to prevent me from success in…” or “I have enough power tochange my life,” you automatically train your mind to succeed.

1楼2015-07-20 11:09回复
    3. Don’t be afraid of failure
    Changing your attitude towards thesituation is an important step to more optimistic and positive you. Don’t letthe situation rule your life. If you can`t find a job, don’t be angry or upsetbecause you risk finding any. Every failure is a blessing in disguise. When youaccept it optimistically, you overcome it faster, without damaging your health.
    4. Start your day with a positivemessage
    Write down some inspirationalquotes to remind you that you should never give up. Start your morning byreading at least 5 positive quotes to get inspired to take action.Inspirational quotes are wonderful nuggets of wisdom condensed into two lines,which can help you train yourself to be an optimist.
    5. Listen to positive music
    Psychologists recommend listeningto the positive music every morning. It gives you energy all day long and helpscope with stress more effectively. Music can really get deeply inside our souland our thoughts so if you are trying to handle a tough situation, music willcheer you up and help keep your mental well-being healthy.
    6. Love yourself
    Optimists tend to love themselvesand forgive themselves for everything they did in the past. Pessimists tend todwell on their past mistakes and hate any flaw they have. Now it’s up to you todecide whether you want to be an optimist or a pessimist. If you choose thefirst option, fall in love with your flaws and habits. You can’t be perfect, noone is actually perfect. No matter how hard you try, you can’t change yourheight, birthmarks, the size of your feet and the shape of your face and bodyso why not stop worrying about those things.
    7. Enjoy your everyday life
    Life is better when you enjoy it.The last but not least way to teach yourself to be an optimist is to learn how toenjoy your everyday life. Your daily life is not always fun and exciting.Oftentimes, you get stuck in a rut and give way to despair, which is why youdon’t know exactly if you are a pessimist or an optimist. True optimists knowhow to enjoy a boring life so your task is to do the same.
    Being an optimist isn`t asdifficult as it may seem yet it requires some time and effort. You can readtons of positive books and spend tons of money on courses that promise to boostyour positivity in a week/month, but you will never move away from pessimism ifyou don’t make positivity part of your everyday life. Are you ready to trainyourself to be an optimist today?

    2楼2015-07-20 11:09