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对原文的一处定冠词及单词拼写做出了改动 文中有语法错误但不影响大意
Yet solve the Arcangelo family murdered abduction case 22 years ago
Yet solve the Arcangelo family murdered abduction case 22 years ago-As for the perpetrator, second son(13) is considered to have escaped by a hostage: Photograph at the time of one of second son(13) considered to be a hostage, May 5
2015-07-17 08:19
考拉桉: 22 years are going to pass from the ghastly case that shook the world.
The case happened in the middle when the riot of Anti-Twilightz had intensified Domenico, the family head of the leading home Arcangelo of Westgate influential, Clarissa who was his wife, and eldest son, Michelle(15) were murdered cruelly. As for a perpetrator, is seen as the second son(13) fled to the hostage, whereabouts are not yet known. At the time, the perpetrator seems to be a boy who is a member of a mercenary corp that had been hired by Mr. Domenico, killed an employee that had been served at Arcangelo house, even a mercenary troops who had escorted Arcangelo Ma?don was also killed by.
举报2015-07-17 08:20
考拉桉: Eventhough the details because there are no witnesses remain unknown. It is in incredible condition, this crime is carried out alone taken place in the daytime of cloudy weather that downpour of rain, there is a strong possibility of a crime of Twlightz viewed from the situation. Although it is speculation from here, the perpetrator is not leaving the intrusion evidence, seems to be a human crime who was originally on site. The culprit first killed Domenico, weapon in sharp knife are attached several deep cuts, direct cause of death was bleeding to death carotid artery cut in the neck, then murdered the employee moving the mansion, one after another murdered the mercenary, discovered Clarissa wife and eldest son that seems to have been hiding in the end it seems to have been murdered. Eldest son seems to have been severely damagedthe head, strong grudge seen to that point.
举报2015-07-17 08:21

1楼2015-07-24 22:07回复
    考拉桉: 回复 @黑夜project :大意:22年前的Arcangelo家族谋杀挟持案仍未解决 13岁的次子被挟持为人质出逃 距这个震惊世界的惨案发生已有22年,该案件发生在反黄昏人种的暴乱激化时期。在Westgate有影响力的家族Arcangelo,家主Domenico,其妻Clarissa,15岁的长子Michelle被残忍杀害。据悉,13岁的次子被犯人挟持为人质逃脱,至今下落不明。犯人很可能是当时Domenico先生手下的一个雇佣兵男孩。此外,他还杀害了在Arcangelo家族服务的雇员,以及保护Arcangelo夫人的雇佣军部队。由于没有目击者,案件的细节仍未查明。
    举报2015-07-17 08:57
    考拉桉: 这起案件的发生令人匪夷所思,本案发生在一个暴雨倾盆的阴沉天气,由一人独立作案,根据现场情况来看极有可能是黄昏人种作案。尽管这只是本报的推断,犯人并没有留下闯入的痕迹,可能是内部成员作案。
    举报2015-07-17 09:08
    考拉桉: 与现在的社会背景相悖,这起案件被视为三原则颁布前反黄昏人种的象征,即使是现在也有可能发生。为平息因暴乱激化导致的猎杀黄昏人种兴起,政府召集了来自各地的雇佣兵。三原则颁布后,情况有所平息,但反黄昏人种的势力仍产生着影响。然而,关于本案的记录...(这块的语法有点混乱,所以请不要纠结时间和逻辑关系)
    举报2015-07-17 09:18
    考拉桉: 黄昏人种,是因服用了名叫“celebrity-like”的药物而使得身体机能最大化的士兵们的后代(原文是后代,也许翻译成产物会比较贴切),这项技术由西方同盟军在1908年的东西联合战争中研发而成。
    举报2015-07-17 09:33

    2楼2015-07-24 22:21

      3楼2015-07-24 22:30

        4楼2015-07-24 22:30