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Randi - Visator 中英字幕MV + 歌词翻译



Randi - Visator
[Fansub Group M.E.T.A.L]
Cum ar fi sa te trezetti cu zambetul pe buze?
Sa poti fi tu fara ca nimeni sa te-acuze?
Hai spune-mi tu cum ar fi...
Sa sari cand vrei peste o zi de munca?
Sa ai putin insa putinul sa-ti ajunga?
Hai spune-mi tu cum ar fi...
Sa creada toti intr-un singur Dumnezeu?
Sa nu avem nevoie nici macar de-un leu?
Hai spune-mi tu...
Ce bine ar fi sa nu lasam banii sa vorbeasca pentru noi!
Bogatia e in inimi nu in foi.
Tu spui ca sunt... Tu spui ca sunt...
Un visator! Dar lasa-ma ata, te rog nu ma schimba!
Un visator! E bine-n lumea mea!
Visator! Sunt doar un visator ti de ar fi sa mor!
Visator! Tot am sa invat sa zbor!
Cum ar fi sa nu-ti fie frica sa traietti cum ai visat?
Doar un rucsac, doi prieteni ti-ai plecat in lume...
Cum ar fi sa ai curaj sa spui ca-ti pare rau?
Sa lati tot apoi s-alergi spre visul tau?
Hai spune-mi tu cum ar fi...
Celor ce ne conduc chiar sa le pese?
De cei ce-atteapta soarele ti nu mai iese?
Hai spune-mi, ttii...
Un om a zis: Daca vrei sa vezi zile mai bune,
Tu fii schimbarea ce vrei s-o vezi in lume.”
Tu spui ca sunt... Tu spui ca sunt...
Un visator! Dar lasa-ma ata, te rog nu ma schimba!
Visator! E bine-n lumea mea!
Visator! Sunt doar un visator ti de ar fi sa mor!
Visator! Tot am sa invat sa zbor!
ti sar, sar, fara frica sar.
Azi vreau sa uit de mine!
Cu bratele deschise uit tot ce-a fost rau.
Ata e cel mai bine!
ti fara, fara, fara vis ar fi noptile mai grele.
Dar eu, eu, eu visez ca sunt cerul plin de stele!
Un visator! Dar lasa-ma ata, te rog nu ma schimba!
Visator! E bine-n lumea mea!
Un visator! Dar lasa-ma ata, te rog nu ma schimba!
Visator! E bine-n lumea mea!
Visator! Sunt doar un visator ti de ar fi sa mor!
Visator! Tot am sa invat sa zbor!
[Subtitle by Jin.M.Hsu]
Randi - Dreamer
[Fansub Group M.E.T.A.L]
How would it be to wake up smiling every day?
To be yourself and nobody to blame you?
Come on , you tell me ...
How would it be to skip a work day if you feel like?
To have little , but to be enough?
Come on , you tell me ...
How would it be , for all to believe in one God?
Not to even need one penny?
Come on , you tell me ...
How good would be , not to let money speak for us!
Richness is within hearts and not in bills .
You say that I'm ... you say that I'm ...
A dreamer! But let me be this way , please don't change me!
A dreamer! I'm good in my world!
Dreamer! I'm just a dreamer and if I would die!
Dreamer! I'll still learn to fly!
How would it be , not to be afraid to live like in your dreams?
Only a backpack , two friends and you are on your way in the world ...
How would it be to have the courage to say you're sorry?
To let everything behind , then to chase your dream?
Come on , you tell me ...
How would it be that our leaders to really care about
Those who waiting for the sun which doesn't shine any more?
Come on , tell me , do you know ?
One man once said , "if you want better days ,
You should change what you want to see in the world.
You say that I'm ... you say that I'm ...
A dreamer! But let me be this way , please don't change me!
Dreamer! I'm good in my world!
Dreamer! I'm just a dreamer and if I would die!
A dreamer! I'll still learn to fly!
And jumping, jumping, jumping fearlessly.
Today I want to lose myself!
With my arms opened , to forget about what was bad ,
That's the best!
And without , without dreams nights would be harder ,
But I , I , I dream that I'm starry sky!
A dreamer! But let me be this way , please don't change me!
Dreamer! I'm good in my world!
A dreamer! But let me be this way , please don't change me!
Dreamer! I'm good in my world!
Dreamer! I'm just a dreamer and if I would die!
A dreamer! I'll still learn to fly!
[Subtitle by Jin.M.Hsu]
【金·属 字幕组 2015.08】
如何才能做真实的自己 不必伪装 无人苛责?
你啊 快来告诉我答案
如何才能做到 即便所得不丰仍旧心满意足?
你啊 快来告诉我答案
如何才能让我们简单生活 不必贪慕一厘一毫?
你啊 快来告诉我答案
如果我们不再唯利是图 那该多好!
人之富饶 不在于积财千万 而在于内心丰饶
你说这我也可以 你说这我也可以
我是个幻想者!让我怀着这份幻想生活 这样很好!
幻想者!我就是要满怀幻想 否则我愿一死了之。
如何才能抛却一切 去勇敢地追求梦想?
你啊 快来告诉我答案
快啊 快来告诉我 你是否知道答案
你说这我也可以 你说这我也可以
我是个幻想者!让我怀着这份幻想生活 这样很好!
幻想者!我就是要满怀幻想 否则我愿一死了之。
张开怀抱拥抱世界 忘记一切不快
此刻 如此完美
若无幻梦相伴 夜暮将会多么晦暗
幸而在我梦中 有我化作浩瀚星空
我是个幻想者!让我怀着这份幻想生活 这样很好!
我是个幻想者!让我怀着这份幻想生活 这样很好!
幻想者!我就是要满怀幻想 否则我愿一死了之。
【字幕 制作 Jin.M.Hsu 】

1楼2015-08-15 14:45回复