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thegovernment should stop giving the money elderly to help them buy food,do you agree?write a letter to editor

IP属地:中国香港1楼2015-10-03 22:24回复
    Iam writing to comment on the letter from Pat Chan about thegovernment should stop giving the money elderly to help them buy food, as he feels that it is the responsibility of the family to lookafter them and that helping the economy is the most important rolefor the Government . I disagree with Pat Chan's statment .
    Firstly, there are a lot of elderly living alone in Hong Kong . They don'thave a son or a daughter and have gotten married . When they wereyoung , they worked here and pay the tax to the Hong Kong Government. They have always fulfilled their obligation . So , they also havetheir rights and enjy their welfare here . By not giving money to theelderly , the elderly will not get the live th life of comfort thatthey deserve . This will leave a bad impression on the working adultsof Hong Kong . As people like to be rewarded for their efforts ,seeing the elderly in a poor edition will affect their view of HongKong . Then it will make them not to work hard or won't regard HongKong as their future home . Hong Kong labour Productivity decreasesat last , vice versa .
    Secondly,some of the family are poor,working cannot support the whole family, especially the elderly . They don't have economy energy , mean that they can't protect their life , cause they have no money to buy food, or to see the doctor ,all of this type of things is necessery forthem .When they get sick , if they are not going to see the thedoctor,they will spreading their disease to others , it will affectthe environment . The percentage of sick people increases ,maybe havedisease in Hong Kong , like SARS in 2003 ,that is the bad result .
    Thirdly, we have to protect the elderly according to Confucian values ,which is the value associated with the chinese philospher confucian .This thinking makes us know that the elderly protect our life when wewere children , therefore , we need to protect them before .
    Lastly, I think the Hong Kong Government can't stop helping the elderly ,because they will make the Hong Kong economy good also. So that ,both of them are important .
    Yoursfaithfully ,

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2015-10-03 22:27
      agreed, but i don't want to do your homework for you.

      来自Android客户端3楼2015-10-03 22:27

        IP属地:中国香港4楼2015-10-03 22:28